The Housing Challenge Cohort 2016-17

The 2016/17 cohort of Crook Public Service Fellows are working on the theme of 'The Housing Challenge'.

A British housing estate.

Cohort members

Faye Greaves

Faye Greaves, a chartered member of the  (CIH) joined CIH as a policy and practice officer in 2015, where her work focused on housing options, allocations and homelessness. Her blog posts have been regularly featured on the CIH website and have been published by high profile housing websites 24dash and Inside Housing.

In 2015, Faye conducted the analysis and reported the findings of a research project on behalf of Welsh Assembly Government, which considered joint working practices between housing associations and local authorities to tackle homelessness.

Faye has a track record of high achievement. She graduated with a first class professional housing studies degree in 2012, where she received an award for her dissertation about triggers for homelessness amongst 16 and 17 year olds. She was also a finalist at the 2014 Housing Heroes awards in the category for ‘career development star of the year’.

Faye worked in housing for eleven years, prior to joining the fellowship scheme and has a broad range of experience across front line service delivery, management and service development. Before joining CIH, she worked at Solihull Community Housing and The Bridge housing services charity in Loughborough.

Tackling Homelessness Together: policy brief (PDF, 1.07 MB)

Joseph Kilroy

Joseph Kilroy worked in the policy and research team at the , whilst undertaking this fellowship, where his work focused on housing policy, devolution, and the spatial impact of the technology sector. He began his planning career working in community development in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.  In the UK he has worked in the third sector on social housing and vulnerable families, and in the higher education sector on the Research Excellence Framework.

Philip Glanville

Cllr Philip Glanville is a passionate campaigner against social inequality and has spent the past decade of his career both working directly with and for national politicians and as an elected councillor and Cabinet Member in Hackney.

This has resulted in an extensive portfolio of experience and skills including the running of parliamentary offices, campaigning and communications expertise and most recently providing political leadership as Hackney seeks to meet our housing challenges and fight locally and nationally for decent, genuinely affordable and sustainable housing.

In addition to his policy focus on housing, he has experience in international development, local government, foreign affairs, welfare, health, immigration, planning, education and skills, transport and defence policies.

Cllr Glanville was a Cabinet Member for Housing for two years leading one of the largest council house building programmes in the country, before being elected as Executive Mayor of Hackney in the by-election on 15 September 2016. His expanded role includes responsibility for the overall corporate strategy, financial management and delivery of services by the council. In this role he also leads on crime, community safety, equalities and communications.

Sam Thomas

Sam is policy manager for the  coalition, formed of the national charities Clinks, Homeless Link and Mind.

He works with a team across the coalition to improve policy for people experiencing multiple needs, such as mental ill health, homelessness, drug and alcohol misuse and contact with the criminal justice system.

Before joining , where he is based, Sam worked for DrugScope, the RSA and the University of Leeds. He was very interested in how everyone – and particularly front line practitioners and people with lived experience of multiple needs – can contribute to making better policy.

Going Further Back: policy brief (PDF, 266kb)

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