Professor Alan Walker (he/him)
Department of Sociological Studies
Professor of Social Policy and Social Gerontology
Previously Director of the New Dynamics of Ageing Programme
Co-Director of the Healthy Lifespan Institute

+44 114 222 6466
Full contact details
Department of Sociological Studies
The Wave
2 Whitham Road
S10 2AH
- Profile
Alan Walker joined the Department in 1977 and was a Lecturer, Senior Lecturer and Reader in Social Policy. He was appointed Professor of Social Policy in 1985 and was Head of Department from 1988 to 1996.
He directed the 拢22 million New Dynamics of Ageing Research Programme funded by five UK Research Councils (2005-15), the 拢6.5 million Mobilising the Potential of Active Ageing in Europe (2013-17) and the 拢3.5 million ESRC Growing Older Programme (1999-2004).
Previously he directed the UK National Collaboration on Ageing Research, the European Research Area in Ageing and several large European projects, including FUTURAGE which set out a road map for the future of ageing research.
He supervises postgraduate students and has more than 60 successful completions. He was previously Research Director for the Social Sciences Faculty.
He has held many official advisory positions and is currently a member of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Longevity's Strategic Advisory Board.
- Research interests
Alan's research interests span a wide range in social analysis, social policy and social planning. He is a specialist in social gerontology and, with two colleagues in the Netherlands, is responsible for developing the concept of social quality and he Chairs the European Foundation on Social Quality, which is based in Amsterdam. He co-founded and co-directs 葫芦影业 University鈥檚 Healthy Lifespan Institute.
Currently he is the UK partner on the four-nation comparative project Extending Working Lives and Inequality and Co-Investigator on the ESRC project Ethnicity and Unequal Ageing. He has published more than 30 books, over 200 reports and more than 300 papers in scholarly journals and edited volumes. His work has been published in more than 20 languages.
He is a founding Academician of the Academy for Learned Societies in the Social Sciences, a Fellow of the British Academy and, in 2007, was given lifetime achievement awards by both the British Society of Gerontology and the Social Policy Association.
He has been active in the UK voluntary sector for many years and co-founded the Disability Alliance in 1974. He is currently Patron of the National Pensioner's Convention and Greater London Forum for Older People.
Research topics
Quality of later life
- Director of the ESRC Growing Older Research Programme on Extending Quality Life (1999-2004).
- The twin objectives of the programme were to establish a broad-based multidisciplinary and co-ordinated research programme designed to generate new knowledge on the extension of quality life; and to contribute to the development of policies and practices in the field and, thereby, help to extend quality life.
- The research topics covered by the programme were defining and measuring quality of life, inequalities in quality of life, the role of technology and the built environment, healthy and productive ageing, family and support networks and participation and activity in later life.
Developing multi-disciplinary research on ageing
- Director of the New Dynamics of Ageing Research Programme (2005-2015)
- This multi-disciplinary research programme was sponsored by the ESRC, EPSRC, BBSRC, MRC and AHRC. For further information see
Developing European collaboration in ageing research
- Director of the European Forum on Population Ageing Research (2002-2004)
- Director of FUTURAGE: The European Road Map for Ageing Research (2009-2011).
- For further information see
- Director of the European Research Area in Ageing (2004 - 2012)
- For further information see
- Director of the UK National Collaboration on Ageing Research (2000-2004)
- The objectives of the NCAR were to stimulate new multi-disciplinary research groups in the field of ageing; to develop a new cross-Research Council approach to research on ageing with an explicit interdisciplinary theme; to encourage stronger links between research and policy and practice in the ageing field; and to develop the European dimension of ageing research in the UK.
Comparative research on social policy
- This mainly focuses on the welfare regimes of the Member States of the European Union and the social policy competencies of the European Commission. Convenor of the European Social Policy Research Network formed under the European Sociological Association and co-founder of ESPAnet.
Development and testing the concept of 'social quality'
- This is designed to provide an independent rationale for social policy in Europe. The concept comprises social inclusion/exclusion, social cohesion/anomie, socio-economic security/insecurity, and social empowerment/subordination.
- A European Foundation exists to co-ordinate this work, with members in all EU countries and with links to the European Commission. Chair of this European Foundation on Social Quality which is based in Amsterdam.
- For further information see
Social gerontology
- This research covers a broad field and includes theoretical work on the social construction of old age and the relationship between ageing and welfare/social policy.
- empirical research on the social relationships of old age
- attitudes towards ageing and socio-economic security in old age
- policy evaluations in the areas of pensions and long-term care and comparative research on the impact of societal ageing in both Europe and East Asia and the politics of old age.
Age and employment
- This research covers the impact of ageing workforces, age discrimination in the labour market, labour market policies on older workers, employers' responses to workforce ageing and good practice in the employment of older workers.
- He was responsible for the first European research of actions to overcome age barriers in employment, covering seven EU countries and has co-led the development of a European Code of Good Practice on age and employment.
Chinese and East Asian welfare
- This is a long-standing interest in the welfare systems of East Asia and China - including many PhD students from Hong Kong, China, Japan, and Taiwan - and the Confucian, family oriented, ideology.
- This research includes comparative work on models of welfare east and west.
Older people with learning difficulties/ intellectual disabilities and their carers
- Having conducted (with Carol Walker) the first major study in the UK on older people with learning difficulties, this represents ongoing research programme covering the distribution of health and social services, user involvement, human rights, the principle of normalisation and the problems encountered by older carers.
Social exclusion/ inclusion
- This is a long-standing interest in poverty and inequality, which has recently been amalgamated into the research on social quality (see above).
- Research concentrates on the dimensions of social exclusion, measuring exclusion and its impact, the meaning of poverty and the lives of those experiencing it.
- This research includes European and local community dimensions.
- This research is largely subsumed under that on social quality and social gerontology but also includes a general interest in ideas of empowerment and the mechanisms by which citizens can be involved actively in decision making and research.
Intergenerational relations
- As well as general interests in social policy and ageing there are specific interests in relations between the generations both at a macro level (the social contract) and, at a micro level, within families.
- Publications
Edited books
Journal articles
Conference proceedings papers
- Research group
At the present time, Alan Walker's teaching concentrates on postgraduate research students. He is one of the UK's most experienced postgraduate research supervisors in the fields of sociology, social policy and social gerontology, with more than 60 successful PhD completion's (a 100% completion record).
He would welcome applications from potential postgraduates interested in any of the topics contained in his research section.
Doctoral Students Supervised:
- Celia Briar, Women in State Employment Policy 1905-1986 (1986).
- Tim Blackman, Social Indicators (1987).
- Sammy Chiu, Family Care of Chinese Older People in Britain and Hong Kong (1988).
- Simon Goodwin, Community Care: The Reforms of Mental Health Services (1988).
- Steve Nesbitt, Social And Economic Determinants of British Pensions Policy (1991).
- C K Wong, Ideology, Welfare Mix and the Production of Welfare (1991).
- Monica Dowling, Social Work and Poverty, Attitudes and Actions (1993).
- Tony Maltby, Women,Pensions and Social Dependency in Britain and Hungary 1945-1990 (1993).
- Sandra Shaw, Women and Lone Parenthood (1994).
- Wai-Kam (Sam) Yu, The Response of the Hong Kong Government to the Decommodifying Effects of Public Housing Services 1950 to 1990 (1994).
- Victor Wong, The Politics of Medical Fees in Hong Kong (1995).
- Chack Kwan Chan, Colonial Rule, Chinese Welfare Ideologies and the Reproduction of Social Policy -The Case of Social Security in Hong Kong (1996).
- Fwu Yuan Weng, Post-war Education Policy in Taiwan (1996).
- Chris Crowther, The 'Underclass' Debate: The Police Policy Process and the Social Construction of Order (1997).
- Makoto Kono, The Welfare Mix in the Care of Older People in Japan (1997).
- Ngai Ngan Pun, Youth Policy in China (1997).
- Ian Brown, Community Participation and General Practice (1998).
- Vashti Gosling, Services for People with Learning Difficulties (1999).
- Ruby Chau, The Welfare Mix in Socialist China: A Case Study of Occupational Therapy Stations in Guangzhou (2000).
- Alvin Kwok, Making Sense of Social Networks: Voices of Older Persons Living in Public Housing in Hong Kong (2000).
- Karen Ling, Breaking the Silence: The Experiences of Disabled Women in a Chinese Culture (2000).
- Tetsuo Ogawa, Decentralisation and Diversity in the Delivery of Social Care Services for Older People in Japan (2000).
- Vincent Wijeysingha, Political Economy of State Social Policies in Singapore (2001).
- Ping Kwong Kam, Powerlessness Among Older People in Hong Kong (2002).
- Heung Sang Lam, Family Care for Older People in China (2002).
- Sen Gong, The State and Pension Policy Instability in the People's Republic of China (2003).
- Mark Li, Social Movements in Hong Kong from 1991 to 1997: Implications for Civil Society (2003).
- Mike Williams, Public Participation, Influence and Democracy: A Study of the 葫芦影业 Better Government for Older People Pilot (2003).
- Victoria Gosling, Women's Experiences of Social Exclusion and Regeneration on a 葫芦影业 Estate (2004).
- Michiko Yamada, The Establishment of LTC Insurance and the Social Care Service System for Older People in Japan (2004).
- Mohammed Al-Shabani, Active Ageing and Retiree Participation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (2005).
- Ying Hong, Business Ethics in Transitional China - the Case of Jiangsu Province (2006).
- Liam Foster, Gender, the Life Course and Pension Provision in the United Kingdom (2006).
- Jeeyeon Kim, Confucian Values, Patriarchy and Women鈥檚 Computer Mediated Communication (2006).
- Jill Edwards, The Life Experience of Adults with Cystic Fibrosis (2007).
- Alison Hill, Care in the Context of Later Life Marriages (2007).
- Erica Uusitalo, Empirical Exploration of the Theory and Methods of Social Quality (2008).
- Chang Lyal Fung, A Political Economy of Korean Pension Reform (2009).
- Florence Fong, Intergenerational Relations and the Care of Older People in Hong Kong (2009).
- Sarah Swann, A Study of Pupil Disaffection (2009).
- Tony Song, A Political Economy of Civil Service Pension Reform in Korea (2010).Lei Jie, China鈥檚 Welfare Regime 1949-2011 (2011).
- Franklen Choi, A Political Economy of Adult Vocational Education in Hong Kong (2012).
- Byeong Hee Kwon, Active Ageing in South Korea (2013).
- Steve Corbett, The Social Quality of Participatory Democracy (2014).
- Albert Varela Montane, A Conceptual and Empirical Exploration of Social Exclusion (2014).
- Sarah Alden, At the Coalface: the Role of the Street Level Bureaucrat in Provision of Statutory Services to Older People Affected by Homelessness (2015).
- Natalija Jarosenko, In-Work Poverty In Lithuania: Causes And Consequences (2016).
- Matthew Wargent, Democratic Participation and Agonism: Citizen Perspectives on Participatory Spaces Created Under the Localism Act 2011 (2017).
- Ming-lun Chung, A Study of School Anti-Bullying Policy on Taiwan (2017).
- Katey Twyford, People with Dementia Living in Extra Care Housing (2018).
- George Pavlidis, Social and Behavioural Factors Associated with Cognitive and Functional Performance in Cognitively Health Adults (2018).
- Tat Chor Au-Yeung, A Political Economy of In-work Benefits in Hong Kong (2018).
- David Clayton, Loneliness and New Technologies in Later Life (2019).
- Maryam Mortazavi Noogi, Informal Support for Older People in Iran (2019).
- Min-a Jung, The Impact of the Minimum Wage on Older Workers in South Korea (2019).
- Yang Luo, Social Insurance for Rural-Urban Migrant Workers in China (2020).
- Nor Ardyanti Ahmad, The Political Economy of Public Participation in Rural Development in Malaysia (2021).
- Louis Whitehead, The Role of Co-production in Combating Loneliness and Social Isolation in Later Life (2021).
- Gbenga Shadare, Conditional Cash Transfers in Nigeria (2021).
- Ka Man Lo, Lone Mother Families in Hong Kong (2021).
- Sasipim Arampibulkit, Social Policy for Older Women in Thailand (2023).
M. Phils:
- Susan Higham, Attitudes Towards the Receipt of Statutory Services: Older People and Professionals (1994).
- Monika Husemann, 'Nobody Really Understands', Family Carers of People with Dementia (1999).
- Neus Torres Tubau, Socio-demographic Change and the Care of Older People in Spain (2011).
- Kyung Hun Kim, Poverty in Old Age in Korea (2014).
Current PhD topics include:
- Older Nursing Home Residents in China
- Mental health and Young People
- Older Workers in Canada
- Active Ageing in China
- The Doctor-patient Relationship in China
Gathering of Alan's East Asian Doctoral Students, past and present in Hong Kong,16 November 2006. L to R, Back Row: Kam Ping Kwong, Tetsuo Ogawa, Edward Leung, Ngai Ngan Pun, Sam Yu, Alvin Kwok, Lam Heung Sang, William Wong, Simon Wu, Franklen Choi. Front Row: Victor Wong, C K Wong, Sammy Chiu, Carol Walker, Alan Walker, Karen Ngai, Ruby Chau.
- Grants
- 1999-2004
- Sponsor: ESRC
- 2002-15 European Forum on Population Ageing Research
- Sponsor: European Commission
- 2004-12 European Research Area in Ageing (ERA-AGE)
- Sponsor: European Commission
- 2004-15
- 2009-11
- Sponsor: European Commission
- 2011-16 Social Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing (SIforAGE)
- Sponsor: European Commission
- 2012-15
- Sponsor: European Commission
- 2013-17
- Sponsor: European Commission
- 2013
- Sponsor: European Science Foundation
- 2016-19 Inequalities in Extending Working Lives of an Ageing Workforce
- Sponsor: ESRC
- 2019-25 Extending Working Lives and Inequality
- Sponsor: Swedish Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare.
- 2022-24 Storying Life Courses for Intersectional Inclusion: Ethnicity and Well-being Across Time and Place.
- Sponsor: ESRC
- 1999-2004
- Professional activities and memberships
- Visiting Professorships in Canada (1988), China (Hong Kong) (1992, 1996, 2005, 2006, 2009), Israel (1988) and Japan (1994, 1995).
- Founding Academician of the Academy of Learned Societies for the Social Sciences, 1999.
- Co-recipient of Queen's Prize for Higher and Further Education (for research on ageing) 2002.
- Vincent Woo Distinguished Scholar, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 2005.
- Honorary Doctor of Social Sciences, Baptist University of Hong Kong, 2006.
- Lifetime Achievement Award, Social Policy Association, 2007.
- First Outstanding Achievement Award, British Society of Gerontology, 2007.
- First IAGG European Region Medal for Advances in Gerontology and Geriatrics in the Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2011.
- Fellow of the British Academy, 2011.
- First ESRC Impact Champion, 2013.
- Appointed CBE for Services to Social Science, 2014.
- Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America (2016 鈥).
- Distinguished Visiting Professor in the School of Arts and Social Sciences, The Open University of Hong Kong, 2019-23.
鈥業n The News鈥
- iNews, 24 June 2020.
- NHS England blog, 12 June 2019.
LSE, British Politics and Policy, 4 June 2018.- Published episode of LSE IQ on ageing. You can listen to it in the following places (as well as itunes):
- ~
NHS England blog, 6 November 2017. - 鈥溾
The Guardian On-Line, Thursday 5 May 2016.
The Daily Mail, 26 May 2014.
The Financial Times, 09 April 2014.- Active ageing research sets the global agenda
葫芦影业 University Website, 04 April 2014.
Published on The Conversation, 28 March 2014- Interview Lifetime achievers: Alan Walker
Policy World, Newsletter of the Social Policy Association, Winter 2007
Amelia Hill, culture and society correspondent, The Observer, Sunday 29 October, 2006- Putting ageing at the top of the political agenda
Malcolm Dean, The Edge, November 2005: Issue 20
Receiving the Queen's Anniversary prize 2002
From the farewell dinner at the Happy Seafood Restaurant, Lei Yue Mun, Kowloon, with members of the Department of Social Work at Hong Kong Baptist University during my period as a visiting professor, March 2009.
- Partnerships, engagement and impact
Alan has been engaged in impact work arising from his research for more than three decades. International impact includes co-authorship of the WHO鈥檚 strategy on active ageing and the UN鈥檚 Madrid International Action Plan on Ageing, and contributions to numerous European Commission policy documents. UK impact includes Northern Ireland鈥檚 strategy on ageing, the UK Government 2005 ageing strategy, co-author of the 2016 Foresight report on the Future of an Ageing Population, and changes to UK policies on older workers in the 1980s. More recently he has been advisor to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Longevity. At local level he Chaired the 葫芦影业 Fairness Commission 2012-13 and is currently chair of the South Yorkshire Mayor鈥檚 Health Equity Advisory Panel.