Guidance on agenda items and papers

Find the correct procedures for submitting agenda items and papers for consideration by the University Executive Board (UEB).


Why should this item be on a UEB agenda?

Before requesting to add business to a UEB agenda please consider why UEB time is needed and whether it could be dealt with effectively in a different way, e.g. email, or delegated powers.

It should be clear how an item relates to UEB’s remit (see ).

Items could fall into one of the following categories:

  • Setting strategic direction/policy (including interpretation of external environment)
  • Providing a steer on implementation of strategy, and on University priorities
  • Planning and setting goals and targets
  • Performance monitoring and review
  • Financial forecasts, budgets and resource allocation
  • Sharing information and intelligence
  • Providing a collective UEB view, for internal or external purposes
  • Providing a steer or agreeing action on mission-critical or high-risk operational issues

How to place an item on a UEB agenda

Please contact David Swinn (Secretary to UEB) or Angela Priestley (UEB Administrator) to discuss your proposed agenda item and agree a meeting date. Email: or

When proposing an agenda item please provide the following information:

  • Title of the item
  • Name of the UEB sponsor of the item
  • Name of the person who will be submitting the paper for the item
  • Expected information classification of the paper for the item (for further information see the Information Classification and Handling Scheme and associated guidance)
  • Any deadlines to be considered (including onward reporting to specific Council or Senate meetings)

Papers for agreed items should be submitted via email to as soon as possible and no later than 12 noon on the Wednesday preceding the agreed UEB meeting date. 

Note: papers must not be submitted without first being reviewed and approved by the relevant UEB sponsor.

Annual Business Cycle

Over the summer, the annual schedule of business for UEB is developed in conjunction with leaders and managers across the University. The intention is to plan ahead as much as possible, and capture in advance the elements that will form the business for UEB for the year. Wherever possible, the planning of UEB business is undertaken as far in advance as possible in order to manage the volume of items for any given meeting, which can vary considerably.

The UEB business plan incorporates core business (e.g. planning and budgeting), regular items for UEB, and one-off items of strategic business or mission critical operational matters, in accordance with the terms of reference.

Colleagues requesting items of UEB business should provide as much information as possible about them. Please bear in mind that the suggested items are subject to agreement by the President & Vice-Chancellor and other UEB members.

It would be helpful to identify for each item:

  1. Approximate UEB dates (and whether these relate to University committee meetings or have other specific requirements, or could be flexible in their timing);
  2. An indication of whether the item for UEB will require decisions and/or steer; or if the item is for comment; or would be for information only.
  3. Whether your proposed item should be taken at a strategic meeting or formal business meeting. Please note that the intention is that strategic discussion meetings are used for longer, more general discussions on issues where UEB’s steer or early input is required, ahead of a formal decision being made at a later meeting.
  4. The Information Classification, UEB sponsor and any additional attendees,

You can access the following documents via the Google links:

  •  to be completed (you will be asked to make a copy of the form using the template function)

Guidance on writing papers for UEB

UEB receives a large volume of information on a wide range of subjects, and UEB members each have a significant portfolio to manage. It is important that papers are prepared with this in mind so that UEB receives only what is necessary to make a decision/provide a steer on the particular matter at hand.

Business will flow more smoothly and meetings will be most effective if papers are concise and clear, having been prepared using the  (Google doc) and with reference to the  (Google doc).

Closed Minutes and Freedom of Information

The formal minutes of UEB meetings are published on the web for staff to see but UEB papers are not generally made widely available. The presumption is that items and their minutes will be open, unless there are specific reasons for a closed item with reference to the Information Classification and Handling Scheme and associated guidance and as outlined in UEB’s Freedom of Information and Data Protection guidance.

When writing and submitting a paper, please identify in advance whether the paper, or parts of the paper, are confidential and should be regarded as closed business. 

If the item and/or minute should be closed, please indicate under which section of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 the exemption would apply, and for how long.

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