Architecture: Communicating Architecture and Design

Students sit in a seminar room, facing an interactive whiteboard

Event details

Monday 14 October 2024
4 to 5.15pm


Learn about the importance of communicating architecture to different audiences, and how to solicit/provide feedback in a supportive and inclusive environment.

Communicating Architecture and Design

You'll explore how our students present their architecture work to peers and academic staff and learn the importance of being able to communicate ideas in architecture to different audiences.

We'll talk about how the review process at the School of Architecture is designed to be student-led, inclusive and supportive. We’ll then ask our students to perform a design review.

This will be a real design review of a project they’ve worked on. Attendees will have time to ask questions of our students and staff.

This session is suitable for students in years 12 and 13.


Please note that this is an approximate schedule and is therefore subject to change.

  • 4pm: Welcome and introductions
  • 4.10pm: Communication and Design Reviews at the School of Architecture
  • 4.25pm: Design Review(s) - this may be a single design review, or multiple design reviews depending on the project
  • 4.45pm: Round-up and questions and answers session

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