The Epistemic Tangles of Urban Inhabitation - ONLINE PARTICIPATION

Event details
You will need to register separately for both days via the links provided.
1030 Welcome and Introduction – Beth Perry (Urban Institute) and Michele Lancione (Beyond Inhabitation Lab)
Session 1 - Contested Urban Spaces (1100)
Speakers (15 minutes each)
- Yichi Zhang - Life behind the Wire: the Chinese Shopkeepers in Downtown Kingston, Jamaica
- Francisco Calafate-Faria and Sam Johnson-Schlee - Home and the World: Energy Retrofit and the Planetary Imaginary
- Cloe St-Hilaire - Epistemic engulfment by proptech and finance in Canadian housing
- Atriya Dey - Ways of Knowing the City: Informality, Urban Inhabitation and Epistemic Justice (online)
Discussant Response (10 minutes)
- Chiara Iacovone
Dialogue (35 min)
============== 1245 Lunch ==============
Session 2 - Everyday Practices and Imaginative Speculations (1330)
Speakers (15 minutes each)
- Aireen Grace Andal - Inhabiting otherwise and everything else in-between: Children’s creation of fictional cities from crayons to reimagining urban dwelling
- Alana Osbourne - Title TBC
- Elsa Noterman - Inhabiting speculation
- Josefina Jaureguiberry-Mondion - Imperfect Affective Infrastructures: The Politics of Inconvenience in Radical Housing Projects
Discussant Response (10 minutes)
- Elliot Rossiter
Dialogue (35 min)
============== 1515 Break ==============
Session 3 - Rethinking Urban Knowledge Production in South Asia (1530)
Speakers (15 minutes each)
- Saba Aslam - Situating urban inhabitation in Karachi through water infrastructures
- Aseela Haque and Saanchi Saxena - Street Vending Geographies: Towards new epistemic vocabularies of urban inhabitation (online)
- Vidushi Shukla - Paradoxical Spaces as Epistemic Frame: Reading Material Cultures of Balconies in Contemporary Delhi (online)
- Adam Abdullah - Home Wasn’t Built in a Day: Entanglements and Contestations of Temporal Knowledge, Discourse and Practice in the Southern City (online)
Discussant Response (10 minutes)
- Devra Waldman
Dialogue (35 min)
============== 1715 Close ==============
Session 4 - Inhabitation through the Margins (0900)
Speakers (15 minutes each)
- Olivia Casagrande - Dark, buried and very India. Indigenous urban inhabitation and fluvial epistemic alternatives
- Mine Yildirim - Unruly epistemologies, affective infrastructures, volatile cohabitation: Encounters between dogs and humans along the margins of Istanbul
- Margherita Grazioli - Inhabitation beyond dwelling in the polycrisis: the habitability crisis as method
- Noreen Fatima - From Wilderness to Home and Everything in-between: Settling with the settlement in Delhi’s (online)
Discussant Response (10 minutes)
- Eleanor Wilkinson
Dialogue (35 min)
============== 1045 Break ==============
Session 5 - Thinking with Situated Knowledges (1115)
Speakers (15 minutes each)
- Asa Roast - Speculative mapping of empty spaces: wastelands and dungeon epistemologies
- Niranjana Ramesh - Knowing polluted waters: cosmopolitical inhabitation at the littoral
- Caterina Sartori - Towards a collaborative epistemology of fragments
- Jason Katz and Camillo Boano - Occupy Surplus-value-of-life: A destituent planning grammar for rethinking value in precarious territories (online)
Discussant Response (10 minutes)
- Sharda Rozena
Dialogue (35 min)
============== 1300 Lunch ==============
Session 6 - The Epistemic Work of Making Livelihoods (1345)
Speakers (15 minutes each)
- Suraya Scheba and Andreas Scheba - Title TBC (online)
- Tanuj Luthra - Medicine in the Margins: Informal Health Providers, Tajurba, and the Work of Care in Delhi
- Vidya Pancholi and Graham Jeffery - Co-produced cartographies from below for knowing and attending the city: a case of informal waste recycling in Dharavi and beyond
- Harry Pettit - The Politics of Cash Circulation and Epistemic Tangles of Work in Beirut
Discussant Response (10 minutes)
- Snehashish Mitra
Dialogue (35 min)
============== 1530 Break and close for online participants ==============
1545 Special Issue Discussion
============== 1700 Close ==============