Education Futures in Action: Schools and the City

What role can schools play in urban communities? On 17th June Professor Beth Perry will participate in the Education Futures conference (Home | Education Futures in Action) organised by the UCL Institute of Education.

Better Arbourthorne

The contribution involves a talk to share the experiences and lessons from a Big Lottery funded project centred at Arbourthorne Community Primary School in ºù«Ӱҵ. "An Even Better Arbourthorne" has engaged parents and community members as volunteers to address poverty and environmental challenges in the area. The talk will highlight how the school has played a critical role as community infrastructure before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Arbourthorne Community Primary School prides itself as a family school, oriented to serving the wider community as well as achieving educational outcomes. The talk will include contributions from: Vanessa Langley, Headteacher (Arbourthorne Community Primary School); Rachel Newman, AEBA Coodinator (Growtheatre); parents and volunteers (the Arbourthorne Community); and Beth Perry, Learning Programme Lead (University of ºù«Ӱҵ).

You can book a place here  

Find out more about An Even Better Arbourthorne here An Even Better Arbourthorne | Urban Institute | ºù«Ӱҵ

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