The Epistemic Tangles of Urban Inhabitation - ONLINE PARTICIPATION

Applications now welcome to participate ONLINE in this 2 day workshop on 23-24 May 2024 organised jointly by the Urban Institute (University of ºù«Ӱҵ) and Beyond Inhabitation Lab (Polytechnic University of Turin. Agenda below.

Everyday urban in Hanoi, Michele Lancione (2019)
Everyday urban habitation_Lancione2019

You will need to register separately for both days via the links below. 

1030 Welcome and Introduction – Beth Perry (Urban Institute) and Michele Lancione (Beyond Inhabitation Lab)

Session 1 - Contested Urban Spaces (1100)

Speakers (15 minutes each)

  • Yichi Zhang - Life behind the Wire: the Chinese Shopkeepers in Downtown Kingston, Jamaica
  • Francisco Calafate-Faria and Sam Johnson-Schlee - Home and the World: Energy Retrofit and the Planetary Imaginary
  • Cloe St-Hilaire - Epistemic engulfment by proptech and finance in Canadian housing
  • Atriya Dey - Ways of Knowing the City: Informality, Urban Inhabitation and Epistemic Justice (online)

Discussant Response (10 minutes)

  • Chiara Iacovone

Dialogue (35 min)

============== 1245 Lunch ==============

Session 2 - Everyday Practices and Imaginative Speculations (1330)

Speakers (15 minutes each)

  • Aireen Grace Andal - Inhabiting otherwise and everything else in-between: Children’s creation of fictional cities from crayons to reimagining urban dwelling
  • Alana Osbourne - Quilting Time and Space: decolonial tours as wake-work
  • Elsa Noterman - Inhabiting speculation
  • Josefina Jaureguiberry-Mondion - Imperfect Affective Infrastructures: The Politics of Inconvenience in Radical Housing Projects

Discussant Response (10 minutes)

  • Elliot Rossiter

Dialogue (35 min)

============== 1515 Break  ==============

Session 3 - Rethinking Urban Knowledge Production in South Asia (1530)

Speakers (15 minutes each)

  • Saba Aslam - Situating urban inhabitation in Karachi through water infrastructures
  • Aseela Haque and Saanchi Saxena - Street Vending Geographies: Towards new epistemic vocabularies of urban inhabitation (online)
  • Vidushi Shukla - Paradoxical Spaces as Epistemic Frame: Reading Material Cultures of Balconies in Contemporary Delhi (online)
  • Adam Abdullah - Home Wasn’t Built in a Day: Entanglements and Contestations of Temporal Knowledge, Discourse and Practice in the Southern City (online)

Discussant Response (10 minutes)

  • Devra Waldman

Dialogue (35 min)

============== 1715 Close ==============

Session 4 - Inhabitation through the Margins (0900)

Speakers (15 minutes each)

  • Olivia Casagrande - Dark, buried and very India. Indigenous urban inhabitation and fluvial epistemic alternatives
  • Mine Yildirim - Unruly epistemologies, affective infrastructures, volatile cohabitation: Encounters between dogs and humans along the margins of Istanbul
  • Margherita Grazioli - Inhabitation beyond dwelling in the polycrisis: the habitability crisis as method
  • Noreen Fatima - From Wilderness to Home and Everything in-between: Settling with the settlement in Delhi’s (online)

Discussant Response (10 minutes)

  • Eleanor Wilkinson

Dialogue (35 min)

============== 1045 Break ==============

Session 5 - Thinking with Situated Knowledges (1115)

Speakers (15 minutes each)

  • Asa Roast - Speculative mapping of empty spaces: wastelands and dungeon epistemologies
  • Niranjana Ramesh - Knowing polluted waters: cosmopolitical inhabitation at the littoral
  • Caterina Sartori - Towards a collaborative epistemology of fragments
  • Jason Katz and Camillo Boano - Occupy Surplus-value-of-life: A destituent planning grammar for rethinking value in precarious territories (online)

Discussant Response (10 minutes)

  • Sharda Rozena

Dialogue (35 min) 

============== 1300 Lunch ==============

Session 6 - The Epistemic Work of Making Livelihoods (1345)

Speakers (15 minutes each)

  • Suraya Scheba and Andreas Scheba - Title TBC (online)
  • Tanuj Luthra - Medicine in the Margins: Informal Health Providers, Tajurba, and the Work of Care in Delhi
  • Vidya Pancholi and Graham Jeffery - Co-produced cartographies from below for knowing and attending the city: a case of informal waste recycling in Dharavi and beyond
  • Harry Pettit - The Politics of Cash Circulation and Epistemic Tangles of Work in Beirut

Discussant Response (10 minutes)

  • Snehashish Mitra

Dialogue (35 min)

============== 1530 Break and close for online participants ==============

1545 Special Issue Discussion

============== 1700 Close ==============



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