Priority one: Collaborative & supportive culture
We will foster a collaborative culture where staff and students are all active participants in the success of the University.

We will:
- Ensure our research, innovation and teaching activities are inextricably linked and strongly aligned.
- Use the new department framework to ensure colleagues are aligned to the vision, values and priorities.
- Create shared common processes and responsibilities to ensure consistency and fairness in the delivery of support for the student experience and academic excellence across all departments and faculties, in line with agreed priorities.
- Provide opportunities for interdisciplinary and interdepartmental collaboration across the University for staff and students.
- Foster inter-professional respect and team-working between academic and professional services colleagues.
- Develop mechanisms for sharing good practice and intelligence across the organisation.
- Facilitate collaboration and co-creation between staff and students, involving them in the development of policy and strategy.
- Review our working culture and practices including processes for work allocation and opportunities for agile working. Ensure fairness and transparency amongst all staff as they carry out their core duties of research, innovation, teaching, leadership and professional support.
- Improve our Staff Review and Development Scheme (SRDS) to ensure the provision of valuable support and development opportunities for all.
- Establish career pathways for our professional and technical staff building on the Academic Career Pathway Framework established for academic colleagues.