Main campus - Thessaloniki, Greece
The main campus of CITY College is located in Thessaloniki, the second largest city of Greece.

The main campus of CITY College is located in Thessaloniki, the second largest city of Greece.
The campus comprises two impressive buildings in the centre of the city, the Leontos Sofou Building and the Strategakis Building, in close proximity to each other.
The main campus houses the state-of-the-art facility, Information and Learning Commons (ILC), our research centre - the South East European Research Centre (SEERC), the ‘Rodoula Kehaghia Auditorium’, the well-equipped PC laboratories and offers numerous facilities and learning resources to support the needs of a modern learning environment.
In addition, the offices of the top administration, as well as the vast majority of the administration and academic staff of the Faculty are also accommodated in our main campus in Thessaloniki.
With a down town main campus in Thessaloniki, Greece, the University’s International Faculty gives its students the opportunity to study and live in a vivid, easy to walk Mediterranean seafront city. Friendly diverse and safe, Thessaloniki is considered one of the best cities to study in.