I'd definitely recommend everyone apply for internships - they're a great way of getting some work experience.

A student standing in front of the Diamond Building
Freddy Heppell
Undergraduate Student
MComp Computer Science
As soon as Freddy visited ºù«Ӱҵ at an open day he knew it was the right place to come to live and study.

Why did you choose to study at ºù«Ӱҵ?
The great facilities in the Diamond definitely helped, but of all the universities I visited the campus had the best feel to it. All the people in the department that I spoke to were really friendly and helped me feel like ºù«Ӱҵ was the right place for me.

Why did you choose to study your chosen degree?
I really like how the course is structured, covering both theory and practical skills. I also enjoyed how broad first and second year are, which gave me a great overview of all kinds of areas I might not have chosen to study myself, but really enjoyed.

What do you like best about ºù«Ӱҵ and the University?
ºù«Ӱҵ is just a fantastic place to live! It's big enough that there's always something to do, but small enough that everywhere is walkable. It has so many great parks and green spaces, and the Peaks are just a short trip away. 

Do you have any plans for after you graduate?
After I graduate I'll be working as a software engineer at Capital One, who I did a summer internship before. I'd definitely recommend everyone apply for internships (if you're not doing a year in industry like me) - they're a great way of getting some work experience and seeing if software engineering is the right career path for you.

University isn't just about academic studies. What extracurricular activities do you enjoy or are involved in?
There are so many fantastic things I've been lucky enough to be part of while at uni, both related and unrelated to my degree.

Firstly, there's hackºù«Ӱҵ: We're the university's hackathon society (a hackathon is a 24-hour coding competitions where teams develop ideas and produce a prototype), who represent ºù«Ӱҵ in a Europe-wide league, and organise our own yearly hackathon here. Attending a hackathon is a fantastic way to meet new people and get new skills, so I'd thoroughly recommend everyone tries it.

My other experience has been a bit less conventional, with the Technical Services Committee. We're a Students' Union Working Committee which powers every SU event, from club nights and gigs, to award ceremonies and corporate events. I joined in my first year, and now I'm co-chair, helping the SU deliver their post-COVID recovery plan. 

Any tips for new students?
Don't be afraid to try out your skills on your own projects! It's a great way to expand your learning and get your name out there. Recently, I made a website with my friends which went viral and we were suddenly had to learn how to apply what we've learnt and create a site that works with billions of requests a month!  You can read more about that on the department blog page

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