Adam Rowe
School of Economics
PhD Student

Full contact details
School of Economics
Elmfield Building
Northumberland Road
S10 2TU
- Profile
Currently undertaking a PhD in the field of behavioural economics focusing on the relationship between loss aversion and subjective well-being. My first chapter consists of a secondary data analysis performed on a large panel survey administered to an Australian sample to empirically test the existence (and degree) of loss aversion to income losses and gains relative to different reference points - such as permanent income. The second chapter focuses on a discrete choice experiment approach using an online survey developed in Qualtrics to observe individual preferences for changes in their income, health, and personal freedoms.
- Research interests
PhD Thesis: The Impact of Differences in Loss aversion on Subjective Well-Being.
- Research group
- Grants
ESRC White Rose DTP 1+3 Pathway Scholarship
NIHR studentship for MSc in Economics and Health Economics