Economic Theory

Members of the group work with economic theory, both applied and pure. Our interests cover a wide range of fields including:
- Bounded rationality
- Contests
- Economic dynamics
- Economic growth
- Environmental economics
- General equilibrium
- Imperfect competition
- International trade
- Networks
- Public economics
What we have in common beyond our interest in economics is that we develop formal theory to shed light on our research areas.
The group organises seminars and workshops. Meetings focus on ideas for new research and working towards grant applications.
Research group leader
Academic staff
Subhasish Modak ChowdhuryAidas Masiliunas
Representative publications
Naraidoo R & Juan Paez-Farrell (2023) . Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
Kasper M & Matthew Rablen (2023) Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.
Li J, Gamannossi Degl'Innocenti D & Matthew Rablen (2023) . Scandinavian Journal of Economics.
Cuadros A, Antonio Navas & Paniagua J (2022) . World Economy.
Aidas Masiliunas (2023) . Games and Economic Behavior.
Del Ponte A, Aidas Masiliunas & Lim N (2023) . Nature Communications.
Bra帽as-Garza P, Subhasish M. Chowdhury, Esp铆n AM & Nieboer J (2023) . Journal of Economic Psychology.
Subhasish M. Chowdhury, Esteve鈥怗onz谩lez, P., & Mukherjee, A. (2023). . Southern Economic Journal.
Varvarigos D & Eleni Stathopoulou (2022) . Economic Inquiry.
Subhasish M. Chowdhury, Mukherjee A & Turocy TL (2022) . Review of Economic Design.
Ilori, A, Juan Paez-Farrell and Christoph Thoenissen (2022). . European Economic Review.
Adetutu M, Odusanya K, Eleni Stathopoulou & Weyman-Jones T (2022) . Oxford Economic Papers.
Herv茅 Cr猫s and Mich Tvede (2022) Economic Theory.
Antonio Navas and Nocco A. (2021) Review of International Economics.
Aidas Masiliunas, & Nax, H. H. (2020). . Games and Economic Behavior.
Lim, F. K. S., Carrasco, L. R., Jolian McHardy and Edwards, D. P. (2019). Environmental Research Letters.
Adriani, F., Matthew Rablen, & Sonderegger, S. (2018). Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.