Community Development Projects
The Community Development Projects were set up by the Home Office in 1969 as Britain’s first ‘War on Poverty’ and action research project.

The first four areas, Hillfields (Coventry), Southwark (South London), Upper Afan (Glamorgan) and Liverpool, started in 1970.
The next four projects, Benwell (Newcastle), Newham (East London), Batley (West Yorkshire) and Cleator Moor (Cumbria) were established in 1971-72.
The final four projects Paisley (Scotland), Saltley (Birmingham), North Shields (North Tyneside) and Oldham (Lancashire) began the following year.
By the time the project was closed in 1978 the 12 area teams had come together to set up an Intelligence and Information Unit and were committed to publishing their data. Kathy Henderson designed the more journalistic presentation style of the publications which ensured a wider readership of the academic studies.
Below are PDFs of some of the reports.
Hard copies may be obtained from Judith Green:
85-87 Adelaide Terrace
CDP reports:
- Aims of Industry (PDF, 20.7MB)
- Back Street Factory (PDF, 24.4MB)
- Batley Final Report (PDF, 23.8MB)
- Cost of Industrial Change (PDF, 26.6MB)
- Coventry Report Part One (PDF, 20MB)
- Coventry Report Part Two (PDF, 27.8MB)
- Cutting Welfare State (PDF, 30.7MB)
- From Failure to Facelift (PDF, 17.9MB)
- Gilding the Ghetto (PDF, 14.7MB)
- Government Against Poverty (PDF, 19.3MB)
- Inter Project Report (PDF, 16.4MB)
- Letter Hillfields Photographer (PDF, 908KB)
- Limits of the Law (PDF, 15.4MB)
- Local Government Becomes Big Business (PDF, 3.8MB)
- Making of a Ruling Class (PDF, 29.7MB)
- Myth of Area Improvement (PDF, 14.1MB)
- North Shields: Living with Industrial Change (PDF, 26.4MB)