Keeping up-to-date

Save time by making use of these available tools. Set up alerts so you’re notified whenever new material is published on your research topic. Has your supervisor recommended a particular journal? Read the current issues of journals using BrowZine, a free app for your mobile device.

StarPlus alerts

Avoid having to search regularly to see whether new articles or books have been published. Use the StarPlus alerting feature.

Learn how to set up alerts

Database alerting services

Most databases give you the option to receive alerts when new content matching your criteria is added to the resource. You can usually specify how often you receive updates and in what format.

Learn more about databases


BrowZine is a free app for your mobile device, and can also be used on your PC. View the table of contents; read, save and export articles; create your own bookshelves; link to EndNote and Mendeley.

Social networks

Social networks such as Twitter are a very effective way of finding out about new research outputs, conferences and other events.

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