Dr Haluk Sengun
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Senior Lecturer of Pure Mathematics
Member of One University Committee
Full contact details
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Hicks Building
Hounsfield Road
S3 7RH
- Profile
I got my BSc from Istanbul Bilgi University and my PhD from the University of Wisconsin
at Madison. I held post-doctoral positions at Barcelona, Bonn, Essen and Warwick.
- Research interests
I am interested in the cohomology and K-theory of arithmetic groups, automorphic forms, abelian varieties, Galois representations and the mostly conjectural connections between them as envisioned by the Langlands Programme. I especially study the above objects in the setting where the relevant arithmetic groups live in the Lie group PSL(2,C) (such as "Bianchi groups"). I enjoy developing computer programs and carrying out numerical experiments to explore and gain insight.
- Publications
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Journal articles
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Edited books
Journal articles
- . Selecta Mathematica, 30(4).
- . Journal of Noncommutative Geometry, 14(1), 125-189.
- . International Journal of Number Theory, 16(04), 787-802.
- . Annals of K-Theory, 3(4), 631-656.
- Mod p Base Change transfer for GL(2). Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society, 33(3), 297-334.
- . Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 93(2), 359-375.
- On the asymptotic Fermat's Last Theorem over number fields. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici.
- . Duke Mathematical Journal, 165(9), 1629-1693.
- . Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 28(1), 237-260.
- . Journal of Algebra, 445, 458-502.
- . Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 92(2), 353-370.
- . Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 111(2), 484-518.
- , 279-315.
- On level one cuspidal Bianchi modular forms.. LMS J. Comput. Math., 16, 187-199.
- . LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics, 16, 187-199.
- On The Torsion Homology of Non-Arithmetic Hyperbolic Tetrahedral Groups. Int. Jour. Number Theory., 08(2), 311-320.
- . Experimental Mathematics, 20(4), 487-505.
- . Journal of Number Theory, 129(8), 2010-2019.
- The nonexistence of certain representations of the absolute galois group of quadratic fields. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 137(1), 27-35.
- . Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 137(01), 27-35.
- Torsion in the homology of principal congruence subgroups of Bianchi groups. Annales de l'Institut Fourier.
- Arithmetic aspects of Bianchi groups, Computations with Modular Forms Proceedings of a Summer School and Conference, Heidelberg, August/September 2011 (pp. 279-315). Springer
- Group C*-algebras, C*-correspondences and K-theory In Sengun M & Plymen R (Ed.), K-Theory and Representation Theory Cambridge University Press
Conference proceedings papers
- . Operator Theory, Operator Algebras and Their Interactions with Geometry and Topology, Vol. 278 (pp 403-424). Shanghai, China, 23 July 2018 - 27 July 2018.
- Theta correspondence via group C*-algebras.
- Hecke modules for arithmetic groups via bivariant K-theory, arXiv.
- Mod p Base Change transfer for GL(2), arXiv.
- Hecke operators in KK-theory and the K-homology of Bianchi groups, arXiv.
- On the asymptotic Fermat's Last Theorem over number fields, arXiv.
- Uniformization of modular elliptic curves via p-adic periods, arXiv.
- Darmon points on elliptic curves over number fields of arbitrary signature, arXiv.
- Theta Lifts of Bianchi Modular Forms and Applications to Paramodularity, arXiv.
- An Introduction to A-polynomials and their Mahler Measures, arXiv.
- Torsion homology growth and cycle complexity of arithmetic manifolds, arXiv.
- Dimension Formulae for Spaces of Lifted Bianchi Modular Forms, arXiv.
- The Nonexistence of Certain Representations of the Absolute Galois Group of Quadratic Fields, arXiv.
- Arithmetic Aspects of Bianchi Groups, arXiv.
- On the Dimension of Cohomology of Bianchi Groups, arXiv.
- Some Applications of Number Theory to 3-Manifold Theory, arXiv.
- On Level One Cuspidal Bianchi Modular Forms, arXiv.
- On The Torsion Homology of Non-Arithmetic Hyperbolic Tetrahedral Groups, arXiv.
- On the Integral Cohomology of Bianchi groups, arXiv.
- Weight Reduction for Mod l Bianchi Modular Forms, arXiv.
- Research group
- Grants
Current Grant
A torsion Jacquet-Langlands Transfer via K-theory EPSRC
- Teaching activities
MAS220 Algebra MAS430 Analytic Number Theory