Emeritus and honorary staff
If you aren’t sure who to contact then get in touch using our general contact details.
Staff A-Z
Name | Role | Department | Email address | Telephone | Surname |
A |
Anderson, Professor Clive | Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Statistics | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | c.w.anderson@sheffield.ac.uk | A | |
Applebaum, Professor David | Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Statistics | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | d.applebaum@sheffield.ac.uk | A | |
B |
Blackburn, Professor Mike | Emeritus Professor of Chemistry | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | g.m.blackburn@sheffield.ac.uk | B | |
Booth, Dr Chris | Honorary Reader of Physics and Astronomy | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | c.booth@sheffield.ac.uk | B | |
C |
Cartwright, Dr Susan | Honorary Senior Lecturer | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | s.cartwright@sheffield.ac.uk | C | |
Chakrabarti, Professor Buddhapriya | Honorary Professor | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | b.chakrabarti@sheffield.ac.uk | C | |
D |
Deakin, Dr Tom | Honorary Research Fellow of Physics and Astronomy | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | tom.deakin@sheffield.ac.uk | D | |
Dunmur, Professor David | Emeritus Professor of Chemistry | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | d.dunmur@sheffield.ac.uk | D | |
E |
Ebdon, Professor John | Emeritus Professor of Chemistry | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | j.ebdon@sheffield.ac.uk | E | |
F |
Fowler, FRS, Emeritus Professor Patrick W. | Emeritus Professor of Theoretical Chemistry | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | p.w.fowler@sheffield.ac.uk | F | |
G |
Gehring, Professor Gillian | Emeritus Professor of Theoretical Physics | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | g.gehring@sheffield.ac.uk | G | |
Greenlees, Professor John | Honorary academic staff member | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | j.greenlees@sheffield.ac.uk | G | |
H |
Huang, Dr Zixin | Honorary Researcher of Physics and Astronomy | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | zixin.huang@sheffield.ac.uk | H | |
J |
Jackson, Emeritus Professor Richard F.W. | Emeritus Professor of Synthetic Organic Chemistry | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | r.f.w.jackson@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 9464 | J |
Jayaprakash, Dr Rahul | Honorary Research Fellow of Physics and Astronomy | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | r.jayaprakash@sheffield.ac.uk | J | |
Jones, Professor Richard | Honorary Professor of Physics | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | r.a.l.jones@sheffield.ac.uk | J | |
K |
Keane, Dr Evan | Advanced Visiting Fellow of Astrophysics | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | e.keane@skatelescope.org | K | |
L |
Lodewijks, Dr Bas | Honorary Lecturer of Mathematics and Statistics | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | bas.lodewijks@sheffield.ac.uk | L | |
M |
Mann, Professor Brian | Emeritus Professor of Chemistry | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | M | ||
May, Mr Keith | Honorary Senior Research Fellow | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | Keith.May@sheffield.ac.uk | M | |
McLeod, Professor Cameron | Emeritus Professor of Chemistry | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | c.w.mcleod@sheffield.ac.uk | M | |
O |
O'Hagan, Professor Anthony | Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Statistics | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | a.ohagan@sheffield.ac.uk | O | |
P |
Paling, Professor Sean | Honorary Professor of Physics and Astronomy | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | s.m.paling@sheffield.ac.uk | P | |
Pickup, Emeritus Professor Barry T. | Emeritus Professor of Theoretical Chemistry | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | b.t.pickup@sheffield.ac.uk | P | |
Pollock, Professor Andy | Honorary Professor of Astrophysics | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | a.m.pollock@sheffield.ac.uk | P | |
R |
Revin, Dr Dmitry | Honorary Researcher of Physics | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | ph4dr@sheffield.ac.uk | R | |
S |
Sadler, Dr Stephen | Honorary Research Fellow of Physics and Astronomy | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | stephen.sadler@sheffield.ac.uk | S | |
Sharp, Professor Rodney | Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Statistics | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | r.y.sharp@sheffield.ac.uk | S | |
Simister, Professor Matthew | Honorary Professor of Chemistry | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | S | ||
Spooner, Professor Neil | Emeritus Professor of Physics and Astronomy | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | n.spooner@sheffield.ac.uk | S | |
Staniland, Sarah | Honorary Senior Lecturer | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | S.S.Staniland@sheffield.ac.uk | S | |
Stirling, FRS, Emeritus Professor Charles J.M. | Emeritus Professor of Chemistry | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | c.stirling@sheffield.ac.uk | S | |
T |
Thompson, Professor Lee | Emeritus Professor of Experimental Particle Physics | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | l.thompson@sheffield.ac.uk | T | |
Tulloch, Dr Simon | Visiting Researcher of Astrophysics | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | smt@qucam.com | T | |
V |
Vickey Boeriu , Dr Oana | Honorary Researcher of Physics and Astronomy | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | o.vickey-boeriu@sheffield.ac.uk | V | |
W |
Williams, Dr John | Honorary Reader of Physics | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | j.williams@sheffield.ac.uk | W | |
Winter, Emeritus Professor Mark J. | Emeritus Professor of Chemistry | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | mark.winter@sheffield.ac.uk | W | |
Wyatt, Professor Lucy | Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Statistics | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | l.wyatt@sheffield.ac.uk | W | |
Z |
Zinober, Professor Alan | Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Statistics | School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | a.zinober@sheffield.ac.uk | Z |