Professor Robert von Fay-Siebenburgen

School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

+44 114 222 3832
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Full contact details

Professor Robert von Fay-Siebenburgen
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Hicks Building
Hounsfield Road
S3 7RH

My main research interests lie in the general field of space plasma physics. The heating processes that generate and sustain the observed high temperature of the solar and stellar atmospheres have so far defied a quantitative understanding despite the multitude of efforts spanning over half a century.

The aim of my research is to address these questions through theoretical (both numerical and exact analytical methods) and observational studies (joint ground-based and satellite missions). Particular attention is paid to the solar influence on the magnetosphere and space weather.

Understanding the subtleties of plasma confinement at high temperatures is also strongly linked to modern fusion physics. My interdisciplinary research (including e.g. magnetohydrodynamics [MHD], computational fluid dynamics [CFD], kinetic theory) has direct applications in the new and rapidly emerging discipline of helioseismology and space weather. I became Head of the Solar Physics & Upper-Atmosphere Research Group (SPARG) in the Department of Applied Mathematics in 2004.

My current projects (find out more in Research interests) in SPARG include:

  • Solar Physics
  • Space Weather/Space Plasma Physics
  • Computational Magnetohydrodynamics (CMHD)
  • Helioseismology
  • Stability of MHD shear flows

Education and qualification after school

  • 1997 CSc(Physics) (Candidatus of Science) with Summa cum laude, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary. The Candidatus of Science degree is one higher than the PhD
  • 1996 PhD (Applied Maths. with Summa cum laude, K.U.Leuven, Belgium
  • 1991 M.A. in History, E?tv?s U., Budapest, Hungary
  • 1988 M.Sc. both in Physics and Astronomy, E?tv?s U., Budapest, Hungary

Membership of Learned Societies/Professional Bodies

  • AAS: American Astronomical Society (USA)
  • IAU: International Astronomical Union
  • MTA: Assembly Member of Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  • MTA-OTT: Society of Antiquity History, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • RAS: Royal Astronomical Society (UK)
  • UKSP: Secretary to UK Solar Physics till 12/2001
  • UKSP: Chair to UK Solar Physics from 2002

Current appointment

  • 09/2003 Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, 葫芦影业
  • 11/2001 Reader, Department of Applied Mathematics, 葫芦影业
  • 09/1998-10/2001 Lecturer, Department of Applied Mathematics, 葫芦影业

Previous appointment

  • 03/1997-08/1998 Research Fellow School of Mathematics, U. of St. Andrews, Scotland
  • 03/1996-02/1997 Research Fellow Armagh Observatory, N. Ireland
  • 09/1991-02/1996 Research Assistant Dept. of Mathematics, K.U.Leuven, Belgium
  • 09/1988-08/1995 Lecturer Dept. of Astronomy, E?tv?s U., Budapest, Hungary
  • 09/1986-08/1988 Temporary Lecturer Dept. of Astronomy, E?tv?s U., Budapest, Hungary

Non-professional interests

  • Prepared a 'Collection of Hungarian-Sanskrit Terminus Technicus in Astronomy' for historical studies (1988).
  • History of the ancient Far-East and Greece: 'Save of Mohenjo-daro' ( 1st prize with Highest Distinction at bi-annual Conf. for Hungarian Research Students (History), 1987, Pécs, Hungary)
  • 'The Beginning of Greek Astronomy' (2nd prize at bi-annual CHRS, 1987, Eger, Hungary)
  • Prepared a 'Handbook for Teachers in Astronomy', 1987, (approx. 200 pages)
Research interests

Solar Physics

Studies of linear and nonlinear resonant MHD wave heating under solar atmospheric conditions.
My major new results are:

  • derivation of the generalised governing equation for resonant slow MHD waves in isotropic and anisotropic steady plasmas;
  • obtaining jump conditions to connect solutions across a resonant layer. These universal connection formulae play a crucial role, similar to the Rankine-Hugoniot relations of nonlinear gas dynamics;
  • proof of the validity of the universal character of the jump conditions in dissipative MHD and in dilute plasmas;
  • making successful applications of resonant MHD wave theory (e.g. sunspots, magnetic canopy, fibrils, coronal loops and magnetosphere);
  • developing the tools of global coronal seismology.

Studies of nano-scale reconnection MHD heating under solar atmospheric conditions.
My key new results are:

  • deriving the observational signatures of micro-scale reconnection;
  • proposing a unified model for explosive events and blinkers;
  • studying the processes of random energy deposition in magnetic flux tubes.

Space Weather/Space Plasma Physics

Studies of resonant flow instabilities in MHD involve the generalisation of stability theory when resonance occurs in a steady plasma. This theory has been extended to dilute plasmas, which more realistically describes the magnetosphere, heliosphere or space weather.
New achievements are:

  • establishing for the first time, the conditions when resonance can cause MHD flow instability far below the Kelvin-Helmholtz threshold;
  • derivation of the linear and nonlinear governing equation for dilute plasmas;
  • establishing propagation windows for linear modes.

Computational Magnetohydrodynamics (CMHD)

Modelling of explosive events (EEs), blinkers, nano-flares and solar tornadoes. EEs, blinkers and nano-flares are the smallest scale phenomena observable with the latest very high-resolution satellite techniques and are believed to be the basic building blocks of atmospheric heating.

My joint ground-based (Tenerife) and satellite (SOHO, Yohkoh, TRACE) observation campaign was one out of the very few European projects supported by ESA/NASA SOHO Science Planning (11/1998).
New results are:

  • resolving the controversial 'chromospheric down-flow problem';
  • observing indirect consequences of MHD wave propagation;
  • using reconnection driven resonant MHD wave heating to derive a first unified theory combining magnetic reconnection and MHD wave heating;
  • developing a versatile software package to convert computational results into directly observable quantities taking account of non-equilibrium ionisation;
  • observing tornadoes on the Sun (this was lucky given that there is about chance in a million of success!). Gave numerous TV, radio and journal interviews on solar tornadoes.


Helioseismology provides one of the most precise measurements in astronomy and yields information about the internal structure of the Sun. Since there is a significant discrepancy between theoretical predictions and satellite measurements I am re-visiting the models of solar internal f/p/g-modes to include the combined effects of an atmospheric magnetic field, temperature and steady state changes during a solar cycle.
Novel and very exciting achievements are:

  • deriving the dispersion relation and propagation windows for magnetoacoustic-gravity surface waves in steady plasmas;
  • establishing the effect of differential rotation and meridional flow on the solar p/f-modes;
  • predicting the cyclic changes of the p/f-modes during a full solar cycle;
  • reconciliation of the results of the revisited theoretical model with observations justified my original proposal.

Stability of MHD shear flows

Stability of open shear flows is of fundamental importance in geophysics and astrophysics. Examples of such flows include plasma flows in the vicinity of the magnetopauses of the Earth and planets, the boundaries between fast and slow streams of the solar wind, the flow in the vicinity of the heliopause, flows in the interaction regions of colliding stellar winds in binary stellar systems, and astrophysical jets.

To study the stability of a shear flow with respect to perturbations finite in space we have to solve an initial-value problem. Then two scenarios are possible. In the first scenario the initial finite perturbation exponentially grows at any spatial position. Such a type of instability is called absolute. In the second scenario the initial perturbation also grows exponentially, but it is swept away by the flow from any finite region so fast that it decays at any fixed spatial position. Such a type of instability is called convective.

The classification of absolute and convective instability is important for the understanding of the physical processes in geophysical and astrophysical plasmas, and for the interpretation of new satellite (SOHO, TRACE, RHESSI) observational data. In spite of it fundamental importance there is little attention paid to this problem in MHD.

My novel and very exciting achievements are:

  • derived the threshold of dissipative instability of MHD tangential discontinuities which is below than the Kelvin-Helmholtz treshold;
  • the critical velocity of the dissipative instability depends on the ratio of the dissipative coeffcients at the two sides of the discontinuity and be anywhere between the negative energy wave threshold and the KHI threshold;
  • solving a classical problem of the absolute and convective instability of a tangential discontinuity in a compressible fluid;
  • establishing the effect of compressibility and dissipation on the threshold of absolute and convective instabilitity in open shear flows.

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Journal articles

  • Chen J, Gyenge NG, Jiang Y, Erdélyi R, Liu J & Wang Y (2025) . The Astrophysical Journal, 980(2), 261-261. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Xie Q, Liu J, Nelson CJ, Erdélyi R & Wang Y (2025) . The Astrophysical Journal, 979(1), 27-27. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Dikpati M, Belucz B, Erdélyi R, Gilman PA, McIntosh SW & Raphaldini B (2024) . The Astrophysical Journal, 977(1), 99-99. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Korsós MB, Elek A, Zuccarello F & Erdélyi R (2024) . The Astrophysical Journal, 975(2), 248-248. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sanjay Y, Prasad SK, Erdélyi R, Korsós MB, Banerjee D & Rawat PS (2024) . The Astrophysical Journal, 975(2), 236-236. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kumar M, Murawski K, Ku?ma B, Kilpua EKJ, Poedts S & Erdélyi R (2024) . The Astrophysical Journal, 975(1), 3-3. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Biswal S, Korsós MB, Georgoulis MK, Nindos A, Patsourakos S & Erdélyi R (2024) . The Astrophysical Journal, 974(2), 259-259. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Huang X, Zhao Z, Zhong Y, Xu L, Korsós MB & Erdélyi R (2024) . Science China Earth Sciences, 1-38. RIS download Bibtex download
  • 黄 鑫, 赵 忠, 钟 昱, 徐 龙, Marianna BK & R. E (2024) . SCIENTIA SINICA Terrae. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kesri K, Dey S, Chatterjee P & Erdelyi R (2024) . The Astrophysical Journal, 973(1), 49-49. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Liu 刘 J佳, Ji 季 C春, Wang 王 Y宜, Soós S, Jiang 姜 Y也, Erdélyi R, Korsós MB & Wang 汪 Y毓 (2024) . The Astrophysical Journal, 972(2), 187-187. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Soós S, Liu 刘 J, Korsós MB & Erdélyi R (2024) . The Astrophysical Journal, 965(1), 43-43. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mugatwala R, Chierichini S, Francisco G, Napoletano G, Foldes R, Giovannelli L, De Gasperis G, Camporeale E, Erdélyi R & Del Moro D (2024) . Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 14, 6-6. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Elek A, Korsós MB, Dikpati M, Gyenge NG, Belucz B & Erdélyi R (2024) . The Astrophysical Journal, 964(2), 112-112. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Chierichini S, Liu 刘 J, Korsós MB, Del Moro D & Erdélyi R (2024) . The Astrophysical Journal, 963(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Korsós MB, Jarolim R, Erdélyi R, Veronig AM, Morgan H & Zuccarello F (2024) . The Astrophysical Journal, 962(2), 171-171. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Chowdhury P, Kilcik A, Saha A, Rozelot J-P, Obridko V & Erdélyi R (2024) . Solar Physics, 299(2), 19. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Bourgeois S, Barata T, Erdélyi R, Gafeira R & Oliveira O (2024) . Solar Physics, 299(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Campbell RJ, Keys PH, Mathioudakis M, W?ger F, Schad T, Tritschler A, de Wijn AG, Smitha HN, Beck C, Christian DJ , Jess DB et al (2023) . The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 955(2), L36-L36. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Caspi A, Seaton D, Casini R, Downs C, Gibson S, Gilbert H, Glesener L, Guidoni S, Hughes JM, McKenzie D , Plowman J et al (2023) . Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 55(3). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Scalisi J, Ruderman MS & Erdélyi R (2023) . The Astrophysical Journal, 951(1), 60-60. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zheng R, Liu Y, Liu W, Wang B, Hou Z, Feng S, Kong X, Huang Z, Song H, Tian H , Chen P et al (2023) . The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 949. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Liu J, Song A, Jess DB, Zhang J, Mathioudakis M, Soós S, Keenan FP, Wang Y & Erdélyi R (2023) . The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 266(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Griffiths M, Gyenge N, Zheng R, Korsós M & Erdélyi R (2023) . Physics, 5(2), 461-482. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Belucz B, Dikpati M, McIntosh SW, Leamon RJ & Erdélyi R (2023) . The Astrophysical Journal, 945(1), 32-32. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Korsós MB, Dikpati M, Erdélyi R, Liu J & Zuccarello F (2023) . The Astrophysical Journal, 944(2), 180-180. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Pevtsov AA, Nandy D, Usoskin I, Pevtsov AA, Corti C, Lefèvre L, Owens M, Li G, Krivova N, Saha C , Perri B et al (2023) . Advances in Space Research. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Krasnoselskikh V, Tsurutani BT, Dudok de Wit T, Walker S, Balikhin M, Balat-Pichelin M, Velli M, Bale SD, Maksimovic M, Agapitov O , Baumjohann W et al (2022) . Experimental Astronomy, 54, 277-315. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Liu S, Xu L, Zhao Z, Erdélyi R, Korsós MB & Huang X (2022) . The Astrophysical Journal, 941(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Quintero Noda C, Schlichenmaier R, Bellot Rubio LR, L?fdahl MG, Khomenko E, Jur?ák J, Leenaarts J, Kuckein C, González Manrique SJ, Gunár S , Nelson CJ et al (2022) . Astronomy & Astrophysics, 666. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zsámberger NK, Sánchez Montoya CM & Erdélyi R (2022) . The Astrophysical Journal, 937(1), 23-23. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zsámberger NK, Tong Y, Asztalos B & Erdélyi R (2022) . The Astrophysical Journal, 935(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zsámberger NK & Erdélyi R (2022) . The Astrophysical Journal, 934(2), 155-155. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Korsós MB, Erdélyi R, Huang X & Morgan H (2022) . The Astrophysical Journal, 933(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Chen GY, Chen LY, Guo Y, Ding MD, Chen PF & Erdélyi R (2022) . Astronomy & Astrophysics. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Dover FM, Sharma R & Erdélyi R (2022) . The Astrophysical Journal, 929(1), 88-88. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zheng R, Wang B, Zhang L, Chen Y & Erdélyi R (2022) . The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 929(1), L4-L4. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Chen J, Erdélyi R, Liu J, Deng Y, Dover FM, Zhang Q, Zhang M, Li L & Su J (2022) . Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 8. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Scalisi J, Ruderman MS & Erdélyi R (2021) . The Astrophysical Journal, 922(2), 118-118. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Srivastava AK, Erdélyi R, Poedts S, Chen PF & Yan Y (2021) . Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 8. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Joshi C, Sobha B & Erdélyi R (2021) . Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Stangalini M, Erdélyi R, Boocock C, Tsiklauri D, Nelson CJ, Del Moro D, Berrilli F & Korsós MB (2021) . Nature Astronomy. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mackenzie Dover F, Sharma R & Erdélyi R (2021) . The Astrophysical Journal, 913(1), 19. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Verscharen D, Wicks RT, Branduardi-Raymont G, Erdélyi R, Frontera F, G?tz C, Guidorzi C, Lebouteiller V, Matthews SA, Nicastro F , Rae IJ et al (2021) . Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 8. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Scalisi J, Oxley W, Ruderman MS & Erdélyi R (2021) . The Astrophysical Journal, 911(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Liu J, Wang Y, Huang X, Korsós MB, Jiang Y, Wang Y & Erdélyi R (2021) . Nature Astronomy, 5(2), 108-110. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Shukhobodskaia D, Shukhobodskiy AA, Nelson CJ, Ruderman MS & Erdélyi R (2021) . Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 7. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Monga A, Sharma R, Liu J, Cid C, Uddin W, Chandra R & Erdélyi R (2021) . Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 500(1), 684-695. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R (2021) . AIMS Geosciences, 7(1), 127-128. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R, Szabó Z & Sallay ? (2021) . Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 59, 72-83. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mackenzie Dover F, Sharma R, Korsós MB & Erdélyi R (2020) . The Astrophysical Journal, 905(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Oxley W, Zsámberger NK & Erdélyi R (2020) . The Astrophysical Journal, 898(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Korsós MB, Romano P, Morgan H, Ye Y, Erdélyi R & Zuccarello F (2020) . Astrophysical Journal Letters, 897(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Korsós MB, Georgoulis MK, Gyenge N, Bisoi SK, Yu S, Poedts S, Nelson CJ, Liu J, Yan Y & Erdélyi R (2020) . Astrophysical Journal, 896(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sharma A, Tripathi D, Erdélyi R, Gupta GR & Ahmed GA (2020) . Astronomy & Astrophysics, 638. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zsámberger NK & Erdélyi R (2020) . The Astrophysical Journal, 894(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Chen J, Pevtsov AA, Su J, Erdélyi R, Deng Y, Yang S & Song Y (2020) . Solar Physics, 295(4). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Vickers E, Ballai I & Erdélyi R (2020) . Astronomy and Astrophysics. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Liu J, Carlsson M, Nelson CJ & Erdélyi R (2019) . Astronomy & Astrophysics, 632. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Liu J, Nelson CJ, Snow B, Wang Y & Erdélyi R (2019) . Nature Communications, 10(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Samanta T, Tian H, Yurchyshyn V, Peter H, Cao W, Sterling A, Erdélyi R, Ahn K, Feng S, Utz D , Banerjee D et al (2019) . Science, 366(6467), 890-894. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gent FA, Snow B, Fedun V & Erdélyi R (2019) . Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489(1), 28-35. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Nelson CJ, Freij N, Bennett S, Erdélyi R & Mathioudakis M (2019) . The Astrophysical Journal, 883(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wang Y, Liu J, Jiang Y & Erdélyi R (2019) . The Astrophysical Journal, 881(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Allcock M, Shukhobodskaia D, Zsámberger NK & Erdélyi R (2019) . Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 6. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Nelson CJ, Shukhobodskiy AA, Erdélyi R & Mathioudakis M (2019) . Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 6. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Liu J, Wang Y & Erdélyi R (2019) . Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 6. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Liu J, Nelson CJ & Erdélyi R (2019) . Astrophysical Journal, 872(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Korsos MB, Yang S & Erdelyi R (2019) . Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 9. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Barbulescu M, Ruderman MS, Doorsselaere TV & Erdélyi R (2019) . The Astrophysical Journal, 870(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Xu S, Wang L, Erdélyi R & He J (2019) . Applied Mathematics Letters, 87, 64-72. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ruderman MS, Vickers E, Ballai I & Erdelyi R (2018) . Physics of Plasmas, 25(12). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Shukhobodskaia D & Erdélyi R (2018) . Astrophysical Journal, 868(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Shukhobodskiy AA, Ruderman MS & Erdélyi R (2018) . Astronomy and Astrophysics, 619. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hague A & Erdélyi R (2018) . The Astrophysical Journal, 866(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Vickers E, Ballai I & Erdélyi R (2018) . Solar Physics, 293. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Leonard AJ, Mumford SJ, Fedun V & Erdelyi R (2018) . Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 480(2), 2839-2845. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gyenge N & Erdélyi R (2018) . Astrophysical Journal, 859(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Barbulescu M & Erdélyi R (2018) . Solar Physics, 293(6). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Li X, Zhang J, Yang S, Hou Y & Erdélyi R (2018) . Scientific Reports, 8(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Snow BJ, Fedun V, Gent FA, Verth G & von Fay-Siebenburgen R (2018) . The Astrophysical Journal, 857, 125-125. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kiss TS & Erdélyi R (2018) . Astrophysical Journal, 857(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Korsós MB, Chatterjee P & Erdélyi R (2018) . Astrophysical Journal, 857(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Keys PH, Morton RJ, Jess DB, Verth G, Grant SDT, Mathioudakis M, Mackay DH, Doyle JG, Christian DJ, Keenan FP & Erdélyi R (2018) . Astrophysical Journal, 857(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Su W, Guo Y, Erdélyi R, Ning ZJ, Ding MD, Cheng X & Tan BL (2018) . Scientific Reports, 8(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Liu J, Ye Y, Shen C, Wang Y & Erdélyi R (2018) . Astrophysical Journal, 855(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Allcock M & Erdélyi R (2018) . Astrophysical Journal, 855(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Liu J, Wang Y, Erdelyi R, Liu R, McIntosh SW, Gou T, Chen J, Liu K, Liu L & Pan Z (2018) . ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 853(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gyenge N, Griffiths MK & Erdélyi R (2018) . Advances in Space Research. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mather JF, Ballai I & Erdélyi R (2018) . Astronomy & Astrophysics, 610, A56-A56. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Pintér B & Erdélyi R (2017) . Advances in Space Research. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Griffiths MK, Fedun V, Erdélyi R & Zheng R (2017) . Advances in Space Research. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ye Y, Korsós MB & Erdélyi R (2017) . Advances in Space Research. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Prasad SK, Jess DB, Doorsselaere TV, Verth G, Morton RJ, Fedun V, Erdélyi R & Christian DJ (2017) . The Astrophysical Journal, 847(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hall RL, Scaife AA, Hanna E, Jones JM & Erdelyi R (2017) . Weather and Forecasting. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Nelson CJ, Freij N, Reid A, Oliver R, Mathioudakis M & Erdélyi R (2017) . The Astrophysical Journal, 845(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Korsós MB, Poedts S, Gyenge N, Georgoulis MK, Yu S, Bisoi SK, Yan Y, Ruderman MS & Erdélyi R (2017) . Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 13(S335), 294-297. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Yang S, Zhang J, Erdélyi R, Hou Y, Li X & Yan L (2017) . Astrophysical Journal Letters, 843(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Jess DB, Doorsselaere TV, Verth G, Fedun V, Prasad SK, Erdélyi R, Keys PH, Grant SDT, Uitenbroek H & Christian DJ (2017) . The Astrophysical Journal, 842(1), 59-59. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ruderman MS, Shukhobodskiy AA & Erdelyi R (2017) . Astronomy & Astrophysics, 602. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kiss TS, Gyenge N & Erdélyi R (2017) . Advances in Space Research. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hall R, Jones JM, Hanna E, Scaife AA & Erdélyi R (2017) . Climate Dynamics, 48(11), 3869-3887. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Korsós MB, Ruderman MS & Erdélyi R (2017) . Advances in Space Research. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sharma R, Verth G & Erdélyi R (2017) . The Astrophysical Journal, 840(2), 96-96. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Stangalini M, Giannattasio F, Erdélyi R, Jafarzadeh S, Consolini G, Criscuoli S, Ermolli I, Guglielmino SL & Zuccarello F (2017) . The Astrophysical Journal, 840(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gyenge N, Singh T, Kiss TS, Srivastava AK & Erdélyi R (2017) . The Astrophysical Journal, 838(1), 18-18. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R & Mather JF (2017) . Solar Physics, 292(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Allcock M & Erdélyi R (2017) . Solar Physics, 292(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kiss TS, Gyenge N & Erdélyi R (2017) . Astrophysical Journal, 835(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kiss TS, Gyenge N & Erdélyi R (2017) . The Astrophysical Journal, 835(1), 47-47. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Elek A, Gyenge N, Korsós MB & Erdélyi R (2017) . Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 13(S335), 17-19. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Liu J, Wang Y, Erdélyi R, Liu R, McIntosh SW, Gou T, Chen J, Liu K, Liu L & Pan Z (2016) . The Astrophysical Journal, 833(2), 150-150. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Yang S, Zhang J & Erdélyi R (2016) . The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 833(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Nelson CJ, Doyle JG & Erdélyi R (2016) . Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 463(2), 2190-2201. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hague A & Erdélyi R (2016) . Astrophysical Journal, 828(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Nagy M, Petrovay K & Erdélyi R (2016) . Climate Dynamics, 48, 1883-1883. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Korsós MB & Erdélyi R (2016) . The Astrophysical Journal, 823(2), 153-153. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Barbulescu M & Erdélyi R (2016) . Solar Physics, 291(5), 1369-1384. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mather JF & Erdélyi R (2016) . The Astrophysical Journal, 822(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Williamson A & Erdélyi R (2016) . Solar Physics, 291(1), 175-185. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Moreels MG, Freij N, Erdélyi R, Van Doorsselaere T & Verth G (2015) . Astronomy & Astrophysics, 579, A73-A73. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hall R, Erdélyi R, Hanna E, Jones JM & Scaife AA (2015) . International Journal of Climatology, 35(8), 1697-1720. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Grant SDT, Jess DB, Moreels MG, Morton RJ, Christian DJ, Giagkiozis I, Verth G, Fedun V, Keys PH, Doorsselaere TV & Erdelyi R (2015) . The Astrophysical Journal. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mumford SJ & Erdelyi R (2015) . Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 449(2), 1679-1685. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Griffiths MK, Fedun V & Erdélyi R (2015) . Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 36(1), 197-223. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gyenge N, Bennett S & Erdélyi R (2015) . Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 36(1), 103-109. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Korsós MB, Ludmány A, Erdélyi R & Baranyi T (2015) . Astrophysical Journal Letters, 802(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kuridze D, Henriques V, Mathioudakis M, Erdélyi R, Zaqarashvili TV, Shelyag S, Keys PH & Keenan FP (2015) . The Astrophysical Journal, 802(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • (2015) . Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 36(1), 1-3. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zheng R, Jiang Y, Yang J & Erdelyi R (2014) . Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 444(2), 1119-1124. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Colantuono G, Wang Y, Hanna E & Erdélyi R (2014) . Solar Energy, 107, 210-219. RIS download Bibtex download
  • He J, Wang L, Li L, Porsezian K & Erdélyi R (2014) . Physical Review E, 89(6). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Al-Ghafri KS, Ruderman MS, Williamson A & Erdélyi R (2014) . Astrophysical Journal, 786(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Williamson A & Erdélyi R (2014) . Solar Physics, 289(4), 1193-1202. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R, Wang Y, Guo W, Hanna E & Colantuono G (2014) . Solar Energy, 101, 63-73. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Williamson A & Erdélyi R (2014) . Solar Physics, 289(11), 4105-4115. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Al-Ghafri KS & Erdélyi R (2013) Effect of Variable Background on an Oscillating Hot Coronal Loop. Solar Physics. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Williamson A & Erdélyi R (2013) . Solar Physics, 1-11. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Cally P, Erdélyi R & Norton A (2013) . Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 440(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Colantuono G, Erdélyi R & Ruderman MS (2013) . Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Colantuono G, Buckley A & Erdelyi R (2013) . Journal of Lightwave Technology, 31(7), 1033-1044. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Morton RJ, Verth G, Jess DB, Kuridze D, Ruderman MS, Mathioudakis M & Erdélyi R (2012) . Nat Commun, 3, 1315. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wedemeyer-B?hm S, Scullion E, Steiner O, van der Voort LR, de la Cruz Rodriguez J, Fedun V & Erdélyi R (2012) . Nature, 486(7404), 505-508. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Luna-Cardozo M, Verth G & Erdélyi R (2012) . Astrophysical Journal, 748(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R, Hannibal Madsen M, Sáfrán G, Hajnal Z, Endre Lukács I, Fül?p G, Csonka S, Nyg?rd J & Volk J (2012) In-situ mechanical characterization of wurtzite InAs nanowires. Solid State Communications. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Dani?ko D, Murawski K & Erdélyi R (2012) . Acta Physica Polonica B, 43(6), 1365-1381. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Goossens M, Erdelyi R & Ruderman MS (2011) . SPACE SCI REV, 158(2-4), 289-338. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Pinter B & Erdelyi R (2011) . SPACE SCI REV, 158(2-4), 471-504. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R & Goossens M (2011) . SPACE SCI REV, 158(2-4), 167-168. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Morton RJ, Ruderman MS & Erdélyi R (2011) . Astronomy and Astrophysics, 534. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Fedun V, Verth G, Jess DB & Erdélyi R (2011) . Astrophysical Journal Letters, 740(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Scullion E, Erdélyi R, Fedun V & Doyle JG (2011) . Astrophysical Journal, 743(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Pintér B & Erdélyi R (2011) Effects of Magnetic Fields in the Solar Atmosphere on Global Oscillations. Space Science Reviews, 1-34. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R, Al-Ghafri KS & Morton RJ (2011) Damping of Longitudinal Magneto-Acoustic Oscillations in Slowly Varying Coronal Plasma. Solar Physics, 1-17. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R & Goossens M (2011) Magnetohydrodynamic Waves and Seismology of the Solar Atmosphere. Space Science Reviews, 1-2. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Fedun V, Shelyag S, Verth G, Mathioudakis M & Erdelyi R (2011) . ANN GEOPHYS-GERMANY, 29(6), 1029-1035. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Diaz-Sandoval R, Erdelyi R & Maheswaran R (2011) . ANN GEOPHYS-GERMANY, 29(6), 1113-1120. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Shelyag S, Fedun V, Keenan FP, Erdelyi R & Mathioudakis M (2011) . ANN GEOPHYS-GERMANY, 29(5), 883-887. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Taroyan Y, Erdélyi R & Bradshaw SJ (2011) . Solar Physics, 269(2), 295-307. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Taroyan Y, Erdélyi R & Bradshaw SJ (2011) Observational Signatures of Impulsively Heated Coronal Loops: Power-Law Distribution of?Energies. Solar Physics, 1-13. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Fedun V, Shelyag S & Erdélyi R (2011) Numerical modeling of footpoint-driven magneto-acoustic wave propagation in a localized solar flux tube. Astrophysical Journal, 727(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kumar P, Srivastava AK, Somov BV, Manoharan PK, Erdélyi R & Uddin W (2010) EVIDENCE OF SOLAR FLARE TRIGGERING DUE TO LOOP–LOOP INTERACTION CAUSED BY FOOTPOINT SHEAR MOTION. The Astrophysical Journal. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kumar P, Srivastava AK, Somov BV, Manoharan PK, Erdelyi R & Uddin W (2010) . ASTROPHYS J, 723(2), 1651-1664. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Verth G, Erdelyi R & Goossens M (2010) . ASTROPHYS J, 714(2), 1637-1648. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R & Fedun V (2010) . SOL PHYS, 263(1-2), 63-85. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Morton RJ, Hood AW & Erdelyi R (2010) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 512. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Goossens M, Erdélyi R & Ruderman MS (2010) Resonant MHD Waves in the Solar Atmosphere. Space Science Reviews, 1-50. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Morton RJ & Erdélyi R (2010) . Astronomy and Astrophysics, 519(3). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Morton RJ & Erdelyi R (2009) . ASTROPHYS J, 707(1), 750-760. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zaqarashvili TV & Erdelyi R (2009) . SPACE SCI REV, 149(1-4), 355-388. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Andries J, Van Doorsselaere T, Roberts B, Verth G, Verwichte E & Erdelyi R (2009) . SPACE SCI REV, 149(1-4), 3-29. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Taroyan Y & Erdelyi R (2009) . SPACE SCI REV, 149(1-4), 229-254. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Nakariakov VM & Erdelyi R (2009) . SPACE SCI REV, 149(1-4), 1-2. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Scullion E, Popescu MD, Banerjee D, Doyle JG & Erdelyi R (2009) . ASTROPHYS J, 704(2), 1385-1395. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Fedun V, Erdelyi R & Shelyag S (2009) . SOL PHYS, 258(2), 219-241. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Morton RJ & Erdelyi R (2009) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 502(1), 315-323. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Shelyag S, Zharkov S, Fedun V, Erdelyi R & Thompson MJ (2009) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 501(2), 735-743. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Jess DB, Mathioudakis M, Erdélyi R, Crockett PJ, Keenan FP & Christian DJ (2009) . Science, 323(5921), 1582-1585. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ruderman MS & Erdélyi R (2009) . Space Science Reviews, 149(1-4), 199-228. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R & Morton RJ (2009) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 494(1), 295-309. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R, Luna-Cardozo M & Mendoza-Briceno CA (2008) . SOL PHYS, 252(2), 305-319. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Verth G, Erdelyi R & Jess DB (2008) REFINED MAGNETOSEISMOLOGICAL TECHNIQUE FOR THE SOLAR CORONA. ASTROPHYS J LETT, 687(1), L45-L48. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ruderman MS, Verth G & Erdélyi R (2008) . Astrophysical Journal, 686(1), 694-700. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R & Taroyan Y (2008) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 489(3), L49-L52. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Fedun V, Ruderman MS & Erdelyi R (2008) . PHYS LETT A, 372(39), 6107-6110. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mole N, Kerekes A & Erdelyi R (2008) . SOLAR PHYSICS, 251(1-2), 453-468. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kerekes A, Erdelyi R & Mole N (2008) . SOLAR PHYSICS, 251(1-2), 469-489. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kerekes A, Erdelyi R & Mole N (2008) A novel approach to the solar interior-atmosphere eigenvalue problem. ASTROPHYS J, 683(1), 527-535. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Verth G & Erdelyi R (2008) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 486(3), 1015-1022. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Shelyag S, Fedun V & Erdelyi R (2008) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 486(2), 655-662. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Jess DB, Mathioudakis M, Erdelyi R, Verth G, McAteer RTJ & Keenan FP (2008) Discovery of spatial periodicities in a coronal loop using automated edge-tracking algorithms. ASTROPHYS J, 680(2), 1523-1531. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R & Hargreaves J (2008) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 483(1), 285-295. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Bradshaw SJ & Erdelyi R (2008) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 483(1), 301-309. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Carter BK & Erdelyi R (2008) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 481(1), 239-246. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R & Fedun V (2007) . Science, 318(5856), 1572-1574. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Carter BK & Erdelyi R (2007) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 475(1), 323-331. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Verth G, Van Doorsselaere T, Erdelyi R & Goossens M (2007) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 475(1), 341-348. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ballester JL, Erdelyi R, Hood AW, Leibacher JW & Nakariakov VM (2007) . SOL PHYS, 246(1), 1-2. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R & Ballai I (2007) Heating of the solar and stellar coronae: a review. ASTRON NACHR, 328(8), 726-733. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Shelyag S, Erdelyi R & Thompson MJ (2007) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 469(3), 1101-1107. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R, Malins C, Toth G & De Pontieu B (2007) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 467(3), 1299-1311. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Pinter B, Erdelyi R & Goossens M (2007) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 466(1), 377-388. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R & Verth G (2007) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 462(2), 743-751. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Petrovay K, Erdelyi R & Thompson MJ (2007) . SOL PHYS, 240(2), 197-209. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Taroyan Y & Erdélyi R (2007) . Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 3(S247), 86-89. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Dorotovi? I, Erdélyi R & Karlovsk? V (2007) . Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 3(S247), 351-354. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Jess DB, Mathioudakis M, Erdélyi R, Verth G, McAteer RTJ & Keenan FP (2007) . Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 3(S247), 288-295. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Luna-Cardozo M, Erdélyi R & Mendoza-Brice?o CA (2007) . Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 3(S247), 316-319. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Taroyan Y, Erdelyi R, Doyle JG & Bradshaw SJ (2007) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 462(1), 331-340. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Taroyan Y, Erdélyi R, Wang TJ & Bradshaw SJ (2007) . Astrophysical Journal, 659(2 II). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Shelyag S, Erdelyi R & Thompson MJ (2006) Forward modeling of acoustic wave propagation in the quiet solar subphotosphere. ASTROPHYS J, 651(1), 576-583. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R & Fedun V (2006) . SOL PHYS, 238(1), 41-59. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mendoza-Briceno CA & Erdelyi R (2006) Intermittent coronal loop oscillations by random energy releases. ASTROPHYS J, 648(1), 722-731. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R & Carter BK (2006) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 455(1), 361-I3. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ballai I, Erdelyi R & Hargreaves J (2006) . PHYS PLASMAS, 13(4). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R & Fedun V (2006) . PHYS PLASMAS, 13(3). RIS download Bibtex download
  • De Pontieu B & Erdélyi R (2006) . Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci, 364(1839), 383-394. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R (2006) . Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci, 364(1839), 289-296. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R (2006) . Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci, 364(1839), 351-381. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Jefferies SM, Thompson MJ, Erdelyi R, Goossens M, Roberts B, Cally PS & Aschwanden MJ (2006) Magnetohelioseismology - Dicussion. PHILOS T ROY SOC A, 364(1839), 310-311. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Thompson MJ (2006) . Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci, 364(1839), 297-310. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R (2006) . Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 364(1839), 289-296. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Pintér B & Erdélyi R (2006) Helioseismic modes in a magnetic atmospheric solar model. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, 624 SP. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Taroyan Y & Erdélyi R (2006) . Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2(233), 191-192. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Verth G & Erdélyi R (2006) Solar coronal magneto-seismology with Solar Orbiter. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP(SP-641). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R (2006) Magnetic seismology of the lower solar atmosphere. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, 624 SP. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Taroyan Y, Erdélyi R & Malins C (2006) Propagation of p-modes into the solar atmosphere. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, 624 SP. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R & Fedun V (2006) . Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2(233), 134-135. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Shelyag S, Erdélyi R & Thompson MJ (2006) Helioseismology of sub-photospheric flows. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, 624 SP. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Simpson D, Ruderman MS & Erdélyi R (2006) . Astronomy and Astrophysics, 452(2), 641-646. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Petrovay K, Erdélyi R & Thompson MJ (2006) Sound wave travel times in plage areas: The effect of abnormal granulation. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP(617). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ballai I, Erdelyi R & Pinter B (2005) On the nature of coronal EIT waves. ASTROPHYS J, 633(2), L145-L148. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Taroyan Y, Erdelyi R, Doyle JG & Bradshaw SJ (2005) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 438(2), 713-U44. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mendoza-Briceno CA, Sigalotti LDG & Erdelyi R (2005) Catastrophic cooling of impulsively heated coronal loops. ASTROPHYS J, 624(2), 1080-1092. RIS download Bibtex download
  • De Pontieu B, Erdelyi R & De Moortel I (2005) How to channel photospheric oscillations into the corona. ASTROPHYS J, 624(1), L61-L64. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R, Kerekes A & Mole N (2005) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 431(3), 1083-1088. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Grimshaw R, Pelinovsky E, Talipova T, Ruderman M & Erdelyi R (2005) Short-lived large-amplitude pulses in the nonlinear long-wave model described by the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation. STUD APPL MATH, 114(2), 189-210. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Khodachenko ML, Arber TD, Ballester JL, Biernat HK, Goossens M, Hanslmeier A, Hood A, Lammer H, Nakariakov VM, Oliver R , Poedts E et al (2005) Solar / heliospheric dynamics and magnetism. Solar vision 2015-2025. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP(588), 379-380. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Chaplin B & Erdélyi R (2005) . Astronomy and Geophysics, 46(3), 3.15-3.17. RIS download Bibtex download
  • De Wijn AG, De Pontieu B & Erdélyi R (2005) A comparison between spicules in H α and CIV. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP(600), 579-583. RIS download Bibtex download
  • De Wijn AG, De Pontieu B & Erdélyi R (2005) A comparison between spicules in H α and C IV. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP(596), 423-427. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R & James SP (2004) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 427(3), 1055-1064. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R (2004) Heating in the solar atmosphere. ASTRON GEOPHYS, 45(4), 34-37. RIS download Bibtex download
  • De Pontieu B, Erdélyi R & James SP (2004) . Nature, 430(6999), 536-539. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Fletcher L & Erdelyi R (2004) Core to corona: UKSP 2004. ASTRON GEOPHYS, 45(3), 33-35. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mendoza-Briceno CA, Erdelyi R & Sigalotti LD (2004) The effects of stratification on oscillating coronal loops. ASTROPHYS J, 605(1), 493-502. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Miteva R, Zhelyazkov I & Erdelyi R (2004) . NEW J PHYS, 6. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Carter BK & Erdélyi R (2004) Wave propagation in twisted magnetic annulus. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP(575), 378-382. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R & Mendoza-Brice?o CA (2004) Damping of loop oscillations in the stratified corona. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP(547), 441-446. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R, Mendoza-Brice?o CA & Sigalotti LDG (2004) Coronal loop heating and catastrophic cooling. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP(575), 300-305. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Taroyan Y, Erdélyi R & Doyle JG (2004) Impulse excitation and damping of slow standing mode oscillations in hot coronal loops. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP(575), 443-447. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mendoza-Brice?o CA & Erdélyi R (2004) Episodic coronal loop heating. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP(547), 261-266. RIS download Bibtex download
  • James SP & Erdélyi R (2004) MHD wave propagation in open flux tubes in the low solar atmosphere. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP(547), 131-136. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Taroyan Y, Erdélyi R & Doyle JG (2004) Time-distance helioseismology and the magnetic atmo?phere of the sun. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP(547), 33-38. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Terra-Homem M & Erdelyi R (2004) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 413(1), 7-15. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R & Fedun V (2004) Solitary wave propagation from the photosphere into the solar corona. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP(547), 63-67. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ruderman MS & Erdélyi R (2004) Oscillations of coronal loops with elliptic cross-sections. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP(547), 507-512. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ballai I & Erdélyi R (2004) Damping of coronal EIT waves as a tool for plasma diagnostics. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP(547), 433-440. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ruderman MS, Brevdo L & Erdélyi R (2004) . Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 460(2043), 847-874. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Miteva R, Zhelyazkov I & Erdelyi R (2003) . PHYS PLASMAS, 10(11), 4463-4471. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Terra-Homem M, Erdelyi R & Ballai I (2003) Linear and non-linear MHD wave propagation in steady-state magnetic cylinders. SOL PHYS, 217(2), 199-223. RIS download Bibtex download
  • De Pontieu B, Erdelyi R & de Wijn AG (2003) Intensity oscillations in the upper transition region above active region plage. ASTROPHYS J, 595(1), L63-L66. RIS download Bibtex download
  • James SP, Erdelyi R & De Pontieu B (2003) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 406(2), 715-724. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Taroyan Y & Erdelyi R (2003) . J GEOPHYS RES-SPACE, 108(A7). RIS download Bibtex download
  • De Pontieu B, Tarbell T & Erdelyi R (2003) Correlations on arcsecond scales between chromospheric and transition region emission in active regions. ASTROPHYS J, 590(1), 502-518. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Terra-Homem M & Erdelyi R (2003) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 403(2), 425-432. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R & Taroyan Y (2003) . J GEOPHYS RES-SPACE, 108(A1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R & Harra L (2003) Summary of the RAS Discussion Meeting on Heating of the Solar Atmosphere: Waves vs. Reconnection?. Observatory, 123(1177), 338-341. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R, Fletcher L & Doyle GJ (2003) . Astronomy and Geophysics, 44(3), 3.13-3.15. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Taroyan Y & Erdelyi R (2003) . PHYS PLASMAS, 10(1), 266-276. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mendoza-Briceno CA, Erdelyi R & Sigalotti LD (2002) Coronal loop heating by random energy releases. ASTROPHYS J, 579(1), L49-L52. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Marik D & Erdelyi R (2002) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 393(3), L73-L76. RIS download Bibtex download
  • James SP & Erdelyi R (2002) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 393(1), L11-L14. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ballai I, Erdelyi R & Roberts B (2002) Ducted compressional waves in the magnetosphere in the double-polytropic approximation. ANN GEOPHYS-GERMANY, 20(10), 1553-1558. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Taroyan Y & Erdelyi R (2002) . PHYS PLASMAS, 9(7), 3121-3129. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ballai I, Erdelyi R, Voitenko Y & Goossens M (2002) . PHYS PLASMAS, 9(6), 2593-2603. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R & Ballai I (2002) Dynamics of nonlinear resonant slow MHD waves in twisted flux tubes. NONLINEAR PROC GEOPH, 9(2), 79-86. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ballai I & Erdelyi R (2002) . J PLASMA PHYS, 67, 79-97. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Arnold N, Bailey G & Erdélyi R (2002) . Astronomy and Geophysics, 43(3), 3.27-3.32. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Roussev I, Doyle JG, Galsgaard K & Erdelyi R (2001) Modelling of solar explosive events in 2D environments - III. Observable consequences. ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 380(2), 719-726. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Diaz AJ, Oliver R, Erdelyi R & Ballester JL (2001) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 379(3), 1083-1097. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Pinter B, New R & Erdelyi R (2001) . ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 378(1), L1-L4. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Roussev I, Galsgaard K, Erdelyi R & Doyle JG (2001) Modelling of explosive events in the solar transition region in a 2D environment - II. Various MHD experiments. ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 375(1), 228-242. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Pinter B, Erdelyi R & New R (2001) Damping of helioseismic modes in steady state. ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 372(1), L17-L20. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Roussev I, Galsgaard K, Erdelyi R & Doyle JG (2001) Modelling of explosive events in the solar transition region in a 2D environment I. General reconnection jet dynamics. ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 370(1), 298-310. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R, Ballai I & Goossens M (2001) Nonlinear resonant absorption of fast magnetoacoustic waves due to coupling into slow continue in the solar atmosphere. ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 368(2), 662-675. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ballai I, Erdelyi R & Goossens M (2000) Nonlinear theory of non-axisymmetric resonant slow waves in straight magnetic flux tubes. J PLASMA PHYS, 64, 579-599. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ballai I, Erdelyi R & Goossens M (2000) Linear and nonlinear resonant interaction of sound waves in dissipative layers. J PLASMA PHYS, 64, 235-247. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ruderman MS, Oliver R, Erdélyi R, Ballester JL & Goossens M (2000) Slow surface wave damping in plasmas with anisotropic viscosity and thermal conductivity. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 354(1), 261-276. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Teriaca L, Doyle JG, Erdelyi R & Sarro LM (1999) New insight into transition region dynamics via SUMER observations and numerical modelling. ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 352(2), L99-L102. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sarro LM, Erdelyi R, Doyle JG & Perez ME (1999) Modelling explosive events in the solar atmosphere. ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 351(2), 721-732. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R & Ballai I (1999) Resonant absorption of nonlinear slow MHD waves in isotropic steady plasmas - II. Application: Resonant acoustic waves. SOL PHYS, 186(1-2), 67-97. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Perez ME, Doyle JG, Erdelyi R & Sarro LM (1999) Explosive events in the solar atmosphere. ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 342(1), 279-284. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R, Doyle JG, Perez ME & Wilhelm K (1998) Center-to-limb line width measurements of solar chromospheric, transition region and coronal lines. ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 337(1), 287-293. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R (1998) Resonant absorption of Alfven waves in steady coronal loops. SOL PHYS, 180(1-2), 213-229. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ballai I, Erdelyi R & Ruderman MS (1998) Interaction of sound waves with slow dissipative layers in anisotropic plasmas in the approximation of weak nonlinearity. PHYS PLASMAS, 5(6), 2264-2273. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ballai I & Erdelyi R (1998) Resonant absorption of nonlinear slow MHD waves in isotropic steady plasmas - I. Theory. SOL PHYS, 180(1-2), 65-79. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Tirry WJ, Cadez VM, Erdelyi R & Goossens M (1998) Resonant flow instability of MHD surface waves. ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 332(2), 786-794. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ballai I, Ruderman MS & Erdelyi R (1998) Nonlinear theory of slow dissipative layers in anisotropic plasmas. PHYS PLASMAS, 5(1), 252-260. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Cadez VM, Csik A, Erdelyi R & Goossens M (1997) Absorption of magnetosonic waves in presence of resonant slow waves in the solar atmosphere. ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 326(3), 1241-1251. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Doyle JG, OShea E, Erdelyi R, Dere KP, Socker DG & Keenan FP (1997) Nonthermal velocities in the solar transition zone and corona. SOL PHYS, 173(2), 243-258. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R (1997) Analytical solutions for cusp resonance in dissipative MHD. SOL PHYS, 171(1), 49-59. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R, Perez EP & Doyle JG (1997) MHD waves observed (?) by SOHO <==> MHD wave heating. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP(404), 357-361. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R & Goossens M (1996) Effects of flow on resonant absorption of MHD waves in viscous MHD. ASTRON ASTROPHYS, 313(2), 664-673. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ruderman MS, Verwichte E, Erdélyi R & Goossens M (1996) . Journal of Plasma Physics, 56(PART 3), 285-306. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R, Goossens M & Ruderman MS (1995) . Solar Physics, 161(1), 123-138. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Bourgeois S, Chierichini S, Soós S, Erdélyi R, Liu J, Korsós M, Gafeira R & Barata T () . Astronomy & Astrophysics. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wagner A, Price DJ, Bourgeois S, Daei F, Pomoell J, Poedts S, Kumari A, Barata T, Erdelyi R & Kilpua EKJ () . Astronomy & Astrophysics. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R & Zsámberger NK () . Symmetry, 16(9), 1228-1228. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wisniewska A, Korsós MB, Kontogiannis I, Soós S & Erdélyi R () . Astronomy & Astrophysics. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wagner A, Bourgeois S, Kilpua EKJ, Sarkar R, Price DJ, Kumari A, Pomoell J, Poedts S, Barata T, Erdelyi R , Oliveira O et al () . Astronomy & Astrophysics. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Reid HAS, Musset S, Ryan DF, Andretta V, Auchère F, Baker D, Benvenuto F, Browning P, Buchlin ?, Calcines Rosario A , Christe SD et al () . Aerospace, 10(12), 1034-1034. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Chierichini S, Francisco G, Mugatwala R, Foldes R, Camporeale E, De Gasperis G, Giovannelli L, Napoletano G, Del Moro D & Erdelyi R () . Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Orozco Suárez D, del Toro Iniesta JC, Bailén Martínez FJ, Balaguer Jiménez M, ?lvarez García D, Serrano D, Pe?in LF, Vázquez-Ramos A, Bellot Rubio LR, Atienzar J , Pérez Grande I et al () . Aerospace, 10(12), 987-987. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Chen GY, Guo Y, Ding MD & Erdélyi R () . Astronomy & Astrophysics. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Seaton D, Caspi A, Casini R, Downs C, Gibson S, Gilbert H, Glesener L, Guidoni S, Hughes JM, McKenzie D , Plowman J et al () . Vol. 55, Issue 3 (Heliophysics 2024 Decadal Whitepapers). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Caspi A, Casini R, Downs C, Gibson S, Gilbert H, Glesener L, Guidoni S, Hughes JM, McKenzie D, Plowman J , Seaton D et al () . Vol. 55, Issue 3 (Heliophysics 2024 Decadal Whitepapers), 55(3). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Liu J, Jess D, Erdelyi R & Mathioudakis M () . Astronomy & Astrophysics. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R, Damé L, Fludra A, Mathioudakis M, Amari T, Belucz B, Berrilli F, Bogachev S, Bolsée D, Bothmer V , Brun S et al () . Experimental Astronomy. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Dey S, Chatterjee P, O. V. S. N. M, Korsós MB, Liu J, Nelson CJ & Erdélyi R () . Nature Physics. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wang L, He J & Erdélyi R () . Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. RIS download Bibtex download
  • erdelyi R, Brigitta Korsos M, Huang X, Yang Y, Pizzey D, A Wrathmall S, Hughes I, Dyer M, S Dhillon V, Belucz B , Brajsa R et al () . Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Shukhobodskaia D, Shukhobodskiy AA & Erdélyi R () . Astronomy & Astrophysics. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Matthews SA, Reid HAS, Baker D, Bloomfield DS, Browning PK, Calcines A, Del Zanna G, Erdelyi R, Fletcher L, Hannah IG , Jeffrey N et al () . Experimental Astronomy. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Liu Y, Xiang Y, Erdélyi R, Liu Z, Li D, Ning Z, Bi Y, Wu N & Lin J () . The Astrophysical Journal, 856(1), 17-17. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zsámberger NK, Allcock M & Erdélyi R () . The Astrophysical Journal, 853(2), 136-136. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sharma R, Verth G & Erdélyi R () . The Astrophysical Journal, 853(1), 61-61. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Freij N, Dorotovi? I, Morton RJ, Ruderman MS, Karlovsk? V & Erdélyi R () . The Astrophysical Journal, 817(1), 44-44. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zheng R, Korsós MB & Erdélyi R () . The Astrophysical Journal, 809(1), 45-45. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Bennett SM & Erdélyi R () . The Astrophysical Journal, 808(2), 135-135. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Grant SDT, Jess DB, Moreels MG, Morton RJ, Christian DJ, Giagkiozis I, Verth G, Fedun V, Keys PH, Doorsselaere TV & Erdélyi R () . The Astrophysical Journal, 806(1), 132-132. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Guo Y, Erdélyi R, Srivastava AK, Hao Q, Cheng X, Chen PF, Ding MD & Dwivedi BN () . The Astrophysical Journal, 799(2), 151-151. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mumford SJ, Fedun V & Erdélyi R () . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Nelson CJ, Scullion EM, Doyle JG, Freij N & Erdélyi R () . The Astrophysical Journal, 798(1), 19-19. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Freij N, Scullion EM, Nelson CJ, Mumford S, Wedemeyer S & Erdélyi R () . The Astrophysical Journal, 791(1), 61-61. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gent FA, Fedun V & Erd'elyi R () . ApJ, 789, 42-56. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hillier A, Morton RJ & Erdélyi R () . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Nelson CJ, Shelyag S, Mathioudakis M, Doyle JG, Madjarska MS, Uitenbroek H & Erdélyi R () . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Morton RJ, Verth G, Hillier A & Erdélyi R () . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kuridze D, Verth G, Mathioudakis M, Erdélyi R, Jess DB, Morton RJ, Christian DJ & Keenan FP () . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R, Hague A & Nelson CJ () . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gent FA, Fedun V, Mumford SJ & Erdelyi R () . MNRAS, 435, 689-697. RIS download Bibtex download
  • He JS, Xu SW, Ruderman MS & Erdelyi R () . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Morton RJ, Verth G, Fedun V, Shelyag S & Erdélyi R () . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Srivastava AK, Erdélyi R, Tripathi D, Fedun V, Joshi NC & Kayshap P () . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Nelson CJ, Doyle JG, Erdelyi R, Huang Z, Madjarska M, Mathioudakis M, Mumford S & Reardon K () . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Dorotovic I, Erdelyi R, Freij N, Karlovsky V & Marquez I () . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mathioudakis M, Jess D & Erdelyi R () . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Vigeesh G, Fedun V, Hasan SS & Erdélyi R () . The Astrophysical Journal, 2012, Volume 755, Issue 1, 18. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Morton RJ, Srivastava AK & Erdélyi R () . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Luna-Cardozo M, Verth G & Erdélyi R () . RIS download Bibtex download
  • McLaughlin JA, Verth G, Fedun V & Erdélyi R () . (2012) ApJ, 749, 30. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Srivastava AK, Erdelyi R, Murawski K & Kumar P () . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kuridze D, Morton RJ, Erdélyi R, Dorrian GD, Mathioudakis M, Jess DB & Keenan FP () . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Shelyag S, Fedun V, Erdélyi R, Keenan FP & Mathioudakis M () Vortices in the solar photosphere. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Morton RJ, Verth G, McLaughlin JA & Erdélyi R () . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kumar P, Srivastava AK, Filippov B, Erdelyi R & Uddin W () . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R, Al-Ghafri KS & Morton RJ () . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Morton RJ, Erdélyi R, Jess DB & Mathioudakis M () . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Petrovay K, Kerekes A & Erdélyi R () . Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 104, 619-630. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zharkov S, Shelyag S, Fedun V, Erdélyi R & Thompson MJ () Photospheric high-frequency acoustic power excess in sunspot umbra: signature of magneto-acoustic modes. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Oxley W, Zsámberger NK & Erdélyi R () . The Astrophysical Journal, 890(2), 109-109. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Schlichenmaier R, Rubio LRB, Collados M, Erdelyi R, Feller A, Fletcher L, Jurcak J, Khomenko E, Leenaarts J, Matthews S , Belluzzi L et al () Science Requirement Document (SRD) for the European Solar Telescope (EST) (2nd edition, December 2019). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Stangalini M, Jafarzadeh S, Ermolli I, Erdélyi R, Jess DB, Keys PH, Giorgi F, Murabito M, Berrilli F & Moro DD () Propagating Spectropolarimetric Disturbances in a Large Sunspot. Astrophysical Journal. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Liu J, Erdélyi R, Wang Y & Liu R () . The Astrophysical Journal, 852(1), 10-10. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Priya TG, Wenda C, Jiangtao S, Jie C, Xinjie M, Yuanyong D & Robert E () . The Astrophysical Journal, 852(1), 15-15. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Giagkiozis I, Fedun V, Erdélyi R & Verth G () . The Astrophysical Journal, 810(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Rast MP, González NB, Rubio LB, Cao W, Cauzzi G, DeLuca E, Pontieu BD, Fletcher L, Gibson SE, Judge PG , Katsukawa Y et al () Critical Science Plan for the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Korsos MB, Erdelyi R, Liu J & Morgan H () Testing and Validating Two Morphological Flare Predictors by Logistic Regression Machine Learning. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Oxley W, Scalisi J, Ruderman MS & Erdélyi R () . The Astrophysical Journal, 905(2), 168-168. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zsámberger NK & Erdélyi R () . The Astrophysical Journal, 906(2), 122-122. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Magyar N, Utz D, Erdélyi R & Nakariakov VM () Could switchbacks originate in the lower solar atmosphere? I. Formation mechanisms of switchbacks. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Magyar N, Utz D, Erdélyi R & Nakariakov VM () Could switchbacks originate in the lower solar atmosphere? II. Propagation of switchbacks in the solar corona. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zuccarello F, Ermolli I, Korsos MB, Giorgi F, Guglielmino SL, Erdelyi R & Romano P () Comparative case study of two methods to assess the eruptive potential of selected active regions. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Soós S, Korsós MB, Morgan H & Erdélyi R () On the differences in the periodic behaviour of magnetic helicity flux in flaring active regions with and without X-class events. RIS download Bibtex download


  • Scullion E, Erdélyi R & Doyle JG (2010) , Magnetic Coupling between the Interior and Atmosphere of the Sun (pp. 426-428). Springer Berlin Heidelberg RIS download Bibtex download
  • Taroyan Y & Erdélyi R (2010) , Magnetic Coupling between the Interior and Atmosphere of the Sun (pp. 287-288). Springer Berlin Heidelberg RIS download Bibtex download
  • Von Fáy-Siebenbürgen RE (1996) , Magnetodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere (pp. 47-48). Springer Netherlands RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R & Marik M (1991) , Mechanisms of Chromospheric and Coronal Heating (pp. 420-422). Springer Berlin Heidelberg RIS download Bibtex download
  • Taroyan Y & Erdélyi R () , Helioseismology, Asteroseismology, and MHD Connections (pp. 521-529). Springer New York RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kerekes A, Erdélyi R & Mole N () , Helioseismology, Asteroseismology, and MHD Connections (pp. 467-487). Springer New York RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mole N, Kerekes A & Erdélyi R () , Helioseismology, Asteroseismology, and MHD Connections (pp. 451-466). Springer New York RIS download Bibtex download

Conference proceedings papers

  • Gyenge N & Erdélyi R (2017) . Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Vol. 13(S335) (pp 201-204). Exeter, UK, 17 July 2017 - 21 July 2017. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Matthews SA, Collados M, Mathioudakis M & Erdelyi R (2016) . Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI. Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 26 June 2016 - 30 June 2016. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ivanov P, Taylor RJE, Li G, Childs DTD, Khamas S, Sarma J, Erdelyi R & Hogg RA (2016) . Novel In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers XV RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R & Nelson CJ (2016) On The Role of MHD Waves in Heating Localised Magnetic Structures. GROUND-BASED SOLAR OBSERVATIONS IN THE SPACE INSTRUMENTATION ERA, Vol. 504 (pp 153-178) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ivanov P, Taylor RJE, Li G, Childs DTD, Khamas S, Sarma J, Hogg RA & Erdelyi R (2015) . 2015 6th International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication (CODEC), 16 December 2015 - 18 December 2015. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Seifikar M, O'Reilly EP, Christian BP, Lebedev V, Volk J, Erdelyi R, Lukacs IE, Dauksevicius R & Gaidys R (2015) . 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 27 July 2015 - 30 July 2015. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Khánh NQ, Lukacs I, Kurunczi S, Sáfrán G, Szabó Z, Volk J, Kubina K & Erdelyi R (2012) . Proceedings of IEEE Sensors RIS download Bibtex download
  • Shelyag S, Zharkov S, Fedun V, Erdelyi R & Thompson MJ (2009) Numerical Simulation of Acoustic Wave Propagation in the Solar Sub-Photosphere with Localized Magnetic Field Concentration. SOLAR-STELLAR DYNAMOS AS REVEALED BY HELIO AND ASTEROSEISMOLOGY: GONG 2008/SOHO 21, Vol. 416 (pp 167-170) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Taroyan Y & Erdelyi R (2008) . SOLAR PHYSICS, Vol. 251(1-2) (pp 523-531) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Banerjee D, Erdelyi R, Oliver R & O'Shea E (2007) . SOLAR PHYSICS, Vol. 246(1) (pp 3-29) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Malins C & Erdelyi R (2007) . SOLAR PHYSICS, Vol. 246(1) (pp 41-52) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R & Fedun V (2007) . SOLAR PHYSICS, Vol. 246(1) (pp 101-118) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R, Pinter B & Malins C (2007) . ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN, Vol. 328(3-4) (pp 305-308) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R (2007) Magnetohydrodynamic waves. Kodai School on Solar Physics, Vol. 919 (pp 122-137) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mole N, Erdelyi R & Kerekes A (2007) Turbulence and surface gravity waves on the Sun. Nonlinear Science and Complexity, Vol. 1 (pp 13-23) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R, Fedun V, Malins C & Pinter B (2007) Trapped eigenoscillations in the lower solar atmosphere: Is there a resonant coupling?. Physics of Chromospheric Plasmas, Vol. 368 (pp 187-192) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R, Kerekes A & Mole N (2004) Random flow effects on surface waves. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP(547) (pp 75-79) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R, Kerekes A, Mole N & Ruderman MS (2004) Influence of random magnetic field on photospheric surface waves. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP(547) (pp 69-74) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R & Taroyan Y (2003) MHD resonant flow instability in the magnetotail. SOLAR WIND TEN, PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 679 (pp 355-358) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mendoza-Briceno CA, Sigalotti LD & Erdelyi R (2003) . CONNECTIONS AND RECONNECTIONS IN SOLAR AND STELLAR CORONAE, Vol. 32(6) (pp 995-1000) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Marik D & Erdelyi R (2002) What blinkers really are?. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOHO 11 SYMPOSIUM ON FROM SOLAR MIN TO MAX: HALF A SOLAR CYCLE WITH SOHO, Vol. 508 (pp 315-318) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R (2002) Resonant MHD wave instabilities in the solar atmosphere. SOLMAG 2002: PROCEEDINGS OF THE MAGNETIC COUPLING OF THE SOLAR ATMOSPHERE EUROCONFERENCE AND IAU COLLOQUIUM 188, Vol. 505 (pp 145-148) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mendoza-Briceno CA, Erdelyi R & Sigalotti LDG (2002) Heating of coronal loops by random micro-scale energy releases. SOLMAG 2002: PROCEEDINGS OF THE MAGNETIC COUPLING OF THE SOLAR ATMOSPHERE EUROCONFERENCE AND IAU COLLOQUIUM 188, Vol. 505 (pp 257-260) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R (2002) Effects of the atmosphere and of sub-surface flows on solar oscillation modes (Invited review). SOLAR VARIABILITY: FROM CORE TO OUTER FRONTIERS, VOLS 1 & 2, Vol. 506 (pp 869-878) RIS download Bibtex download
  • James SP & Erdelyi R (2002) Spicule formation by ion-neutral damping. SOLAR VARIABILITY: FROM CORE TO OUTER FRONTIERS, VOLS 1 & 2, Vol. 506 (pp 649-652) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mendoza-Briceno CA, Erdelyi R & Sigalotti LDG (2002) Episodic footpoint heating of coronal loops: Does it work?. SOLAR VARIABILITY: FROM CORE TO OUTER FRONTIERS, VOLS 1 & 2, Vol. 506 (pp 697-700) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Pinter B, Erdelyi R, New R & Goossens M (2001) Influence of equilibrium flows and the atmospheric magnetic field on solar oscillation modes. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOHO 10/GONG 2000 WORKSHOP ON HELIO- AND ASTEROSEISMOLOGY AT THE DAWN OF THE MILLENNIUM, Vol. 464 (pp 227-230) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Varga E & Erdelyi R (2001) Effects of steady flow on magnetoacoustic-gravity surface waves. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOHO 10/GONG 2000 WORKSHOP ON HELIO- AND ASTEROSEISMOLOGY AT THE DAWN OF THE MILLENNIUM, Vol. 464 (pp 255-258) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R & Taroyan Y (2001) Effect of a steady flow and an atmospheric magnetic field on the solar p- and f-modes. RECENT INSIGHTS INTO THE PHYSICS OF THE SUN AND HELIOSPHERE: HIGHLIGHTS FROM SOHO AND OTHER SPACE MISSIONS(203) (pp 208-210) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R & Taroyan Y (2001) Helioseismic frequency shifts due to steady states. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOHO 10/GONG 2000 WORKSHOP ON HELIO- AND ASTEROSEISMOLOGY AT THE DAWN OF THE MILLENNIUM, Vol. 464 (pp 203-206) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ruderman MS & Erdelyi R (2000) Interaction of sound waves with inhomogeneous magnetized plasma in strongly nonlinear resonant slow wave layer. WAVES IN DUSTY, SOLAR, AND SPACE PLASMAS, Vol. 537 (pp 279-286) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ballai I, Erdelyi R & Goossens M (2000) Linear and nonlinear waves in dilute plasmas. WAVES IN DUSTY, SOLAR, AND SPACE PLASMAS, Vol. 537 (pp 152-159) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ballai I, Erdelyi R & Goossens M (2000) Absorption of fast magnetosonic waves in the solar atmosphere in the limit of weak nonlinearity. WAVES IN DUSTY, SOLAR, AND SPACE PLASMAS, Vol. 537 (pp 144-151) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Roussev I, Erdelyi R, Doyle JG & Galsgaard K (1999) Modelling of explosive events in the solar transition region: Importance of radiative losses and thermal conduction. 9TH EUROPEAN MEETING ON SOLAR PHYSICS: MAGNETIC FIELDS AND SOLAR PROCESSES, VOLS 1 AND 2, Vol. 448 (pp 641-646) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R & Sarro LM (1999) Observation and modelling of small-scale energetic transients in the solar atmosphere. 8TH SOHO WORKSHOP: PLASMA DYNAMICS AND DIAGNOSTICS IN THE SOLAR TRANSITION REGION AND CORONA, PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 446 (pp 299-304) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R, Varga E & Zetenyi M (1999) Magnetoacoustic-gravity surface waves in steady plasmas. 9TH EUROPEAN MEETING ON SOLAR PHYSICS: MAGNETIC FIELDS AND SOLAR PROCESSES, VOLS 1 AND 2, Vol. 448 (pp 269-274) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Teriaca L, Banerjee D, Doyle JG & Erdelyi R (1999) Sumer observations of line shifts in the quiet Sun and in an active region. 8TH SOHO WORKSHOP: PLASMA DYNAMICS AND DIAGNOSTICS IN THE SOLAR TRANSITION REGION AND CORONA, PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 446 (pp 645-650) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R & Taroyan Y (1999) The influence of a steady state on p- and f-modes. 9TH EUROPEAN MEETING ON SOLAR PHYSICS: MAGNETIC FIELDS AND SOLAR PROCESSES, VOLS 1 AND 2, Vol. 448 (pp 81-86) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Teriaca L, Doyle JG, Erdelyi R, Sarro LM & Banerjee D (1999) New insight in transition region dynamics as derived from SUMER observations and numerical modelling. 9TH EUROPEAN MEETING ON SOLAR PHYSICS: MAGNETIC FIELDS AND SOLAR PROCESSES, VOLS 1 AND 2, Vol. 448 (pp 379-384) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R, De Pontieu B & Sarro LM (1999) Multiwavelength observations (SOHO, TRACE, La Palma) and modelling of explosive events. 9TH EUROPEAN MEETING ON SOLAR PHYSICS: MAGNETIC FIELDS AND SOLAR PROCESSES, VOLS 1 AND 2, Vol. 448 (pp 1345-1349) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R, Ballai I & Ruderman MS (1999) Strongly nonlinear resonant MHD waves in the steady solar magnetic canopy. 9TH EUROPEAN MEETING ON SOLAR PHYSICS: MAGNETIC FIELDS AND SOLAR PROCESSES, VOLS 1 AND 2, Vol. 448 (pp 263-267) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ballai I & Erdelyi R (1999) Nonlinear resonant MHD waves in the atmosphere of the sun. 8TH SOHO WORKSHOP: PLASMA DYNAMICS AND DIAGNOSTICS IN THE SOLAR TRANSITION REGION AND CORONA, PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 446 (pp 155-160) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R, Sarro LM & Doyle JG (1998) Explosive events modelled in the view of SOHO observations. PROCEEDINGS OF AN INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON SOLAR JETS AND CORONAL PLUMES, Vol. 421 (pp 207-212) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Csik A, Erdelyi R & Cadez VM (1997) Effect of flow on resonant absorption of slow MHD waves in coronal arcades. SOLAR PHYSICS, Vol. 172(1-2) (pp 61-68) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R, Perez EP & Doyle JG (1997) Mild waves observed(?) by SOHO double left right arrow MHD wave heating. CORONA AND SOLAR WIND NEAR MINIMUM ACTIVITY - FIFTH SOHO WORKSHOP, Vol. 404 (pp 357-361) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R (1997) Flow-effect on resonant absorption of p-modes in sunspots. FIRST ADVANCES IN SOLAR PHYSICS EUROCONFERENCE : ADVANCES IN THE PHYSICS OF SUNSPOTS, Vol. 118 (pp 34-38) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R, Doyle JG & Perez EP (1997) Explosive events observed by SOHO. CORONA AND SOLAR WIND NEAR MINIMUM ACTIVITY - FIFTH SOHO WORKSHOP, Vol. 404 (pp 353-356) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sarro LM, de Sterck H, Erdelyi R, Montesinos B & Doyle JG (1997) Modelling of explosive events in the solar atmosphere. CORONA AND SOLAR WIND NEAR MINIMUM ACTIVITY - FIFTH SOHO WORKSHOP, Vol. 404 (pp 657-661) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R (1997) Resonant absorption in the solar corona. CORONA AND SOLAR WIND NEAR MINIMUM ACTIVITY - FIFTH SOHO WORKSHOP, Vol. 404 (pp 347-352) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Pinter B, Erdelyi R & Goossens M (1996) The linear spectrum of twisted magnetic flux tubes in viscous MHD. ASTROPHYSICAL LETTERS & COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 34(1-6) (pp 169-174) RIS download Bibtex download


  • Wagner A, Bourgeois S, Kilpua E, Sarkar R, Price D, Kumari A, Pomoell J, Poedts S, Barata T, Erdélyi R , Oliveira O et al (2024) . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wisniewska A, Korsos MB, Kontogiannis I, Soós S & Erdélyi R (2024) . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kumar M, Murawski K, Ku?ma B, Kadowaki L, Kilpua E, Poedts S & Erdelyi R (2024) . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Bourgeois S, Wagner A, Barata T, Erdélyi R & Oliveira O (2023) . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mugatwala R, Francisco G, Chierichini S, Napoletano G, Foldes R, Del Moro D, Erdelyi R, Giovannelli L, de Gasperis G & Camporeale E (2023) . RIS download Bibtex download


  • Xie Q, Liu J, Nelson CJ, Erdélyi R & Wang Y (2024) Photospheric Swirls in a Quiet-Sun Region. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wagner A, Price DJ, Bourgeois S, Daei F, Pomoell J, Poedts S, Kumari A, Barata T, Erdélyi R & Kilpua EKJ (2024) The effect of data-driving and relaxation model on magnetic flux rope evolution and stability. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sanjay Y, Prasad SK, Erdelyi R, Korsos MB, Banerjee D & Rawat PS (2024) On the formation height of low-corona and chromospheric channels of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Biswal S, Korsós MB, Georgoulis MK, Nindos A, Patsourakos S & Erdélyi R (2024) Case studies on pre-eruptive X-class flares using R-value in the lower solar atmosphere, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Liu J, Ji C, Wang Y, Soós S, Jiang Y, Erdélyi R, Korsós MB & Wang Y (2024) , arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Dey S, Chatterjee P & Erdelyi R (2024) , arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kesri K, Dey S, Chatterjee P & Erdelyi R (2024) , arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wagner A, Bourgeois S, Kilpua EKJ, Sarkar R, Price DJ, Kumari A, Pomoell J, Poedts S, Barata T, Erdélyi R , Oliveira O et al (2023) The Automatic Identification and Tracking of Coronal Flux Ropes -- Part II: New Mathematical Morphology-based Flux Rope Extraction Method and Deflection Analysis, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mugatwala R, Chierichini S, Francisco G, Napoletano G, Foldes R, Giovannelli L, De Gasperis G, Camporeale E, Erdélyi R & Del Moro D (2023) , arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Orozco Suárez D, Del Toro Iniesta JC, Bailén Martínez FJ, Balaguer M, ?lvarez García D, Serrano D, Pe?in LF, Vázquez-Ramos A, Bellot Rubio LR, Atienzar J , Pérez Grande I et al (2023) , MDPI AG. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Campbell RJ, Keys PH, Mathioudakis M, Woeger F, Schad TA, Tritschler A, de Wijn AG, Smitha HN, Beck CA, Christian DJ , Jess DB et al (2023) , arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Chowdhury P, Kilcik A, Saha A, Rozelot J-P, Obridko V & Erdelyi R (2023) , Research Square Platform LLC. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zheng R, Liu Y, Liu W, Wang B, Hou Z, Feng S, Kong X, Huang Z, Song H, Tian H , Chen P et al (2023) , arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Liu J, Jess D, Erdélyi R & Mathioudakis M (2023) , arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Liu J, Song A, Jess DB, Zhang J, Mathioudakis M, Soós S, Keenan FP, Wang Y & Erdélyi R (2023) , arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Dey S, Chatterjee P, Murthy OVSN, Korsos MB, Liu J, Nelson CJ & Erdelyi R (2022) Polymeric jets throw light on the origin and nature of the forest of solar spicules. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zheng R, Wang B, Zhang L, Chen Y & Erdelyi R (2022) Twin extreme ultraviolet waves in the solar corona, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Soós S, Korsós MB, Morgan H & Erdélyi R (2021) On the differences in the periodic behaviour of magnetic helicity flux in flaring active regions with and without X-class events, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zuccarello F, Ermolli I, Korsos MB, Giorgi F, Guglielmino SL, Erdelyi R & Romano P (2021) Comparative case study of two methods to assess the eruptive potential of selected active regions, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Magyar N, Utz D, Erdélyi R & Nakariakov VM (2021) Could switchbacks originate in the lower solar atmosphere? II. Propagation of switchbacks in the solar corona, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Verscharen D, Wicks RT, Branduardi-Raymont G, Erdélyi R, Frontera F, G?tz C, Guidorzi C, Lebouteiller V, Matthews SA, Nicastro F , Rae IJ et al (2021) The Plasma Universe: A Coherent Science Theme for Voyage 2050, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Magyar N, Utz D, Erdélyi R & Nakariakov VM (2021) Could switchbacks originate in the lower solar atmosphere? I. Formation mechanisms of switchbacks, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Korsos MB, Erdelyi R, Liu J & Morgan H (2020) Testing and Validating Two Morphological Flare Predictors by Logistic Regression Machine Learning, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Monga A, Sharma R, Liu J, Cid C, Uddin W, Chandra R & Erdelyi R (2020) On the partial eruption of a bifurcated solar filament structure, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Rast MP, González NB, Rubio LB, Cao W, Cauzzi G, DeLuca E, De Pontieu B, Fletcher L, Gibson SE, Judge PG , Katsukawa Y et al (2020) Critical Science Plan for the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST), arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Korsos MB, Romano P, Morgan H, Ye Y, Erdelyi R & Zuccarello F (2020) Differences in periodic magnetic helicity injection behaviour between flaring and non-flaring Active Regions: Case Study, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Oxley W, Zsámberger NK & Erdélyi R (2020) Standing MHD Waves in a Magnetic Slab Embedded in an Asymmetric Magnetic Plasma Environment: Surface Waves, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Samanta T, Tian H, Yurchyshyn V, Peter H, Cao W, Sterling A, Erdélyi R, Ahn K, Feng S, Utz D , Banerjee D et al (2020) Generation of Solar Spicules and Subsequent Atmospheric Heating, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Korsos MB, Georgoulis MK, Gyenge N, Bisoi SK, Yu S, Poedts S, Nelson CJ, Liu J, Yan Y & Erdelyi R (2020) Solar Flare Prediction Using Magnetic Field Diagnostics Above the Photosphere, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Sharma A, Tripathi D, Erdelyi R, Gupta GR & Ahmed GA (2020) Wave amplitude modulation in fan loops as observed by AIA/SDO, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zsámberger NK & Erdélyi R (2020) Magneto-acoustic waves in a magnetic slab embedded in an asymmetric magnetic environment II: Thin and wide slabs, hot and cold plasmas, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Vickers E, Ballai I & Erdélyi R (2019) Magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor Instability at a Contact Discontinuity With Oblique Magnetic Field, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Liu J, Carlsson M, Nelson CJ & Erdélyi R (2019) Co-spatial velocity and magnetic swirls in the simulated solar photosphere, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Nelson CJ, Freij N, Bennett S, Erdélyi R & Mathioudakis M (2019) Spatially resolved signatures of bi-directional flows observed in inverted-Y shaped jets, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Nelson CJ, Shukhobodskiy AA, Erdélyi R & Mathioudakis M (2019) The Effect Of Cooling On Driven Kink Oscillations Of Coronal Loops, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Liu J, Wang Y & Erdélyi R (2019) How Many Twists Do Solar Coronal Jets Release?, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gent FA, Snow B, Fedun V & Erdelyi R (2019) Modelling 3D magnetic networks in a realistic solar atmosphere, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Barbulescu M, Ruderman MS, Van Doorsselaere T & Erdelyi R (2019) An Analytical Model of the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability of Transverse Coronal Loop Oscillations, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Korsos MB, Yang S & Erdelyi R (2019) Investigation of pre-flare dynamics using the weighted horizontal magnetic gradient method: From small to major flare classes, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Stangalini M, Jafarzadeh S, Ermolli I, Erdélyi R, Jess DB, Keys PH, Giorgi F, Murabito M, Berrilli F & Del Moro D (2018) Propagating Spectropolarimetric Disturbances in a Large Sunspot, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Vickers E, Ballai I & Erdélyi R (2018) Propagation of Leaky MHD Waves at Discontinuities with Tilted Magnetic Field, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Leonard AJ, Mumford SJ, Fedun V & Erdelyi R (2018) Varying Driver Velocity Fields in Photospheric MHD Wave Simulations, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Li X, Zhang J, Yang S, Hou Y & Erdelyi R (2018) Observing Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in solar blowout jet, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Korsos MB, Chatterjee P & Erdelyi R (2018) Applying the weighted horizontal magnetic gradient method to a simulated flaring Active Region, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Liu J, Nelson CJ & Erdélyi R (2018) Automated Swirl Detection Algorithm (ASDA) and Its Application to Simulation and Observational Data, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kiss TS & Erdelyi R (2018) On Quasi-biennial oscillations in chromospheric macrospicules and their potential relation to global solar magnetic field, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Su W, Guo Y, Erdélyi R, Ning ZJ, Ding MD, Cheng X & Tan BL (2018) Period Increase and Amplitude Distribution of Kink Oscillation of Coronal Loop, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Snow B, Fedun V, Gent FA, Verth G & Erdélyi R (2018) Magnetic shocks and substructures excited by torsional Alfvén wave interactions in merging expanding flux tubes, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Keys PH, Morton RJ, Jess DB, Verth G, Grant SDT, Mathioudakis M, Mackay DH, Doyle JG, Christian DJ, Keenan FP & Erdelyi R (2018) Photospheric observations of surface and body modes in solar magnetic pores, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Liu J, Ye Y, Shen C, Wang Y & Erdélyi R (2018) A New Tool for CME Arrival Time Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms: CAT-PUMA, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Elek A, Gyenge N, Korsós MB & Erdélyi R (2018) Spatial Inhomogeneity In Solar Faculae, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Korsos MB, Poedts S, Gyenge N, Georgoulis MK, Yu S, Bisoi SK, Yan Y, Ruderman MS & Erdelyi R (2018) On the evolution of pre-flare patterns of a 3-dimensional model of AR 11429, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Korsos MB, Ruderman MS & Erdelyi R (2017) An application of the weighted horizontal magnetic gradient to solar compact and eruptive events, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mather JF, Ballai I & Erdelyi R (2017) Dissipative instabilities in a partially ionised prominence plasma slab: II. The effect of compressibility, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Priya TG, Cao W, Su J, Chen J, Mao X, Deng Y & Erdélyi R (2017) Observations of Running Penumbral Waves emerging in a Sunspot, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Liu J, Erdélyi R, Wang Y & Liu R (2017) Untwisting Jets Related to Magnetic Flux Cancellation, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gyenge N & Erdélyi R (2017) Predicting the Loci of Solar Eruptions, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gyenge N, Griffiths MK & Erdélyi R (2017) MHD Code Using Multi Graphical Processing Units: SMAUG+, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Prasad SK, Jess DB, Van Doorsselaere T, Verth G, Morton RJ, Fedun V, Erdelyi R & Christian DJ (2017) The Frequency-dependent Damping of Slow Magnetoacoustic Waves in a Sunspot Umbral Atmosphere, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Nelson CJ, Freij N, Reid A, Oliver R, Mathioudakis M & Erdélyi R (2017) IRIS Burst Spectra Co-Spatial To A Quiet-Sun Ellerman-Like Brightening, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Yang S, Zhang J, Erdélyi R, Hou Y, Li X & Yan L (2017) Sunspot Light Walls Suppressed by Nearby Brightenings, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kiss TS, Gyenge N & Erdelyi R (2017) Quasi-biennial oscillations in the cross-correlation of properties of macrospicules, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Jess DB, Van Doorsselaere T, Verth G, Fedun V, Prasad SK, Erdélyi R, Keys PH, Grant SDT, Uitenbroek H & Christian DJ (2017) An Inside Look at Sunspot Oscillations with Higher Azimuthal Wavenumbers, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Stangalini M, Giannattasio F, Erdélyi R, Jafarzadeh S, Consolini G, Criscuoli S, Ermolli I, Guglielmino SL & Zuccarello F (2017) Polarised kink waves in magnetic elements: evidence for chromospheric helical waves, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gyenge N, Singh T, Kiss TS, Srivastava AK & Erdélyi R (2017) Active Longitude and Coronal Mass Ejection Occurrences, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kiss TS, Gyenge N & Erdelyi R (2016) Systematic variations of macrospicule properties observed by SDO/AIA over half a decade, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Yang S, Zhang J & Erdélyi R (2016) Enhancement of a sunspot light wall with external disturbances, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Liu J, Wang Y, Erdelyi R, Liu R, McIntosh SW, Gou T, Chen J, Liu K, Liu L & Pan Z (2016) On the Magnetic and Energy Characteristics of Recurrent Homologous Jets from An Emerging Flux, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Nelson CJ, Doyle JG & Erdelyi R (2016) On The Relationship Between Magnetic Cancellation and UV Burst Formation, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gyenge N, Bennett S & Erdélyi R (2015) Non-homogeneous Behaviour of the Spatial Distribution of Macrospicules, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Grant SDT, Jess DB, Moreels MG, Morton RJ, Christian DJ, Giagkiozis I, Verth G, Fedun V, Keys PH, Van Doorsselaere T & Erdelyi R (2015) Wave Damping Observed in Upwardly Propagating Sausage-mode Oscillations contained within a Magnetic Pore, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Korsos M, Ludmany A, Erdelyi R & Baranyi T (2015) On flare predictability based on sunspot group evolution, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kuridze D, Henriques V, Mathioudakis M, Erdélyi R, Zaqarashvili TV, Shelyag S, Keys PH & Keenan FP (2015) The Dynamics of Rapid Redshifted and Blueshifted Excursions in the Solar Halpha line, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mumford SJ & Erdélyi R (2015) Photospheric Logarithmic Velocity Spirals as MHD Wave Generation Mechanisms, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Guo Y, Erdélyi R, Srivastava AK, Hao Q, Cheng X, Chen PF, Ding MD & Dwivedi BN (2014) MHD Seismology of a Coronal Loop System by the First Two Modes of Standing Kink Waves, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Nelson CJ, Scullion EM, Doyle JG, Freij N & Erdélyi R (2014) Small-Scale Structuring Of Ellerman Bombs at Solar Limb, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Freij N, Scullion EM, Nelson CJ, Mumford S, Wedemeyer S & Erdélyi R (2014) The detection of upwardly propagating waves channelling energy from the chromosphere to the low corona, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • He J, Wang L, Li L, Porsezian K & Erdélyi R (2014) Few-cycle optical rogue waves:complex modified Korteweg-de Vries equation, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gent FA, Fedun V & Erd'elyi R (2014) Magnetohydrostatic equilibrium. II. Three-dimensional multiple open magnetic flux tubes in the stratified solar atmosphere, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Nelson CJ, Shelyag S, Mathioudakis M, Doyle JG, Madjarska MS, Uitenbroek H & Erdélyi R (2013) Ellerman Bombs - Evidence for Magnetic Reconnection in the Lower Solar Atmosphere, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hillier A, Morton RJ & Erdélyi R (2013) A statistical study of transverse oscillations in a quiescent prominence, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Morton RJ, Verth G, Hillier A & Erdélyi R (2013) The generation and damping of propagating MHD kink waves in the solar atmosphere, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kuridze D, Verth G, Mathioudakis M, Erdélyi R, Jess DB, Morton RJ, Christian DJ & Keenan FP (2013) Characteristics of transverse waves in chromospheric mottles, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Morton RJ, Verth G, Jess DB, Kuridze D, Ruderman MS, Mathioudakis M & Erdelyi R (2013) Observations of ubiquitous compressive waves in the Sun's chromosphere, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdélyi R, Hague A & Nelson CJ (2013) Effects of Stratification and Flows on P1/P2 Ratios and Anti-Node Shifts within Closed Loop Structures, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mumford SJ, Fedun V & Erdélyi R (2013) Generation of Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in Low Solar Atmospheric Flux Tubes by Photospheric Motions, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gent FA, Fedun V, Mumford SJ & Erdelyi R (2013) Magnetohydrostatic equilibrium. I: Three-dimensional open magnetic flux tube in the stratified solar atmosphere, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • He JS, Xu SW, Ruderman MS & Erdelyi R (2013) State transition induced by self-steepening and self phase-modulation, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Morton RJ, Verth G, Fedun V, Shelyag S & Erdélyi R (2013) Evidence for the photospheric excitation of incompressible chromospheric waves, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Srivastava AK, Erdélyi R, Tripathi D, Fedun V, Joshi NC & Kayshap P (2013) Observational Evidence of Sausage-Pinch Instability in Solar Corona by SDO/AIA, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Nelson CJ, Doyle JG, Erdelyi R, Huang Z, Madjarska M, Mathioudakis M, Mumford S & Reardon K (2013) Statistical Analysis of Small Ellerman Bomb Events, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Dorotovic I, Erdelyi R, Freij N, Karlovsky V & Marquez I (2012) On standing sausage waves in photospheric magnetic waveguides, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Mathioudakis M, Jess D & Erdelyi R (2012) Alfven Waves in the Solar Atmosphere, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Morton RJ, Srivastava AK & Erdélyi R (2012) Observations of quasi-periodic phenomena associated with a large blowout solar jet, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Luna-Cardozo M, Verth G & Erdélyi R (2012) Magneto-seismology of solar atmospheric loops by means of longitudinal oscillations, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Luna-Cardozo M, Verth G & Erdélyi R (2012) Longitudinal oscillations in density stratified and expanding solar waveguides, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Al-Ghafri KS & Erdélyi R (2012) The Effect of Variable Background on Oscillating Hot Coronal Loop due to Thermal Conduction, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • McLaughlin JA, Verth G, Fedun V & Erdélyi R (2012) Generation of quasi-periodic waves and flows in the solar atmosphere by oscillatory reconnection, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Srivastava AK, Erdelyi R, Murawski K & Kumar P (2012) Multiwavelength Observations of Supersonic Plasma Blob Triggered by Reconnection Generated Velocity Pulse in AR10808, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kuridze D, Morton RJ, Erdélyi R, Dorrian GD, Mathioudakis M, Jess DB & Keenan FP (2012) Transverse oscillations in chromospheric mottles, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Shelyag S, Fedun V, Erdélyi R, Keenan FP & Mathioudakis M (2012) Vortices in the solar photosphere, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Vigeesh G, Fedun V, Hasan SS & Erdélyi R (2011) 3D Simulations of Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in the Magnetized Solar Atmosphere, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kumar P, Srivastava AK, Somov BV, Manoharan PK, Erdélyi R & Uddin W (2011) On the Triggering of M-Class Solar Flare due to Loop-loop Interaction in AR NOAA 10875, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Morton RJ, Verth G, McLaughlin JA & Erdélyi R (2011) Determination of sub-resolution structure of jet by solar magnetoseismology, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kumar P, Srivastava AK, Filippov B, Erdelyi R & Uddin W (2011) Multi-Wavelength Observations of a Flux Rope Failed in the Eruption and Associated M-Class Flare from NOAA AR 11045, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Erdelyi R, Al-Ghafri KS & Morton RJ (2010) Damping of longitudinal magneto-acoustic oscillations in slowly varying coronal plasma, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Morton RJ, Erdélyi R, Jess DB & Mathioudakis M (2010) Observations of sausage modes in magnetic pores, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kumar P, Srivastava AK, Somov BV, Manoharan PK, Erdelyi R & Uddin W (2010) Evidence of Solar Flare Triggering due to Loop-Loop Interaction Caused by Footpoint Shear-Motion, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Petrovay K, Kerekes A & Erdélyi R (2010) An analytic interface dynamo over a shear layer of finite depth, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zharkov S, Shelyag S, Fedun V, Erdélyi R & Thompson MJ (2009) Photospheric high-frequency acoustic power excess in sunspot umbra: signature of magneto-acoustic modes, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zaqarashvili TV & Erdelyi R (2009) Oscillations and waves in solar spicules, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Jess DB, Mathioudakis M, Erdelyi R, Crockett PJ, Keenan FP & Christian DJ (2009) Alfven Waves in the Lower Solar Atmosphere, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Shelyag S, Zharkov S, Fedun V, Erdelyi R & Thompson MJ (2009) Acoustic wave propagation in the solar sub-photosphere with localised magnetic field concentration: effect of magnetic tension, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Jess DB, Mathioudakis M, Erdelyi R, Verth G, McAteer RTJ & Keenan FP (2008) Discovery of Spatial Periodicities in a Coronal Loop using Automated Edge-Tracking Algorithms, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Shelyag S, Erdelyi R & Thompson MJ (2007) Forward modelling of sub-photospheric flows for time-distance helioseismology, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Petrovay K, Erdelyi R & Thompson MJ (2007) The Effect of Abnormal Granulation on Acoustic Wave Travel Times and Mode Frequencies, arXiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zheng R, Wang B, Zhang L, Chen Y & Erdelyi R () , Research Square Platform LLC. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wang L, He J & Erdélyi R () , Authorea, Inc.. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gyenge N & Erdélyi R () Global Oscillation Pattern in Succeeding Solar Flares. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ye Y, Korsos MB & Erdelyi R () Detailed analysis of dynamic evolution of three Active Regions before flare and CME occurrence at the photospheric level. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Singh KAP, Erdelyi R & Dwivedi BN () Effect of the steady flow on spatial damping of small-amplitude prominence oscillations. RIS download Bibtex download
Research group


Current grants, as Principal Investigator

European Solar Telescope PRE-EST EC

Past grants, as Principal Investigator

Royal Society International Exchange Scheme RS
ATST UK Consortium-PPRP bid STFC
ATST UK Consortium-PPRP bid STFC
Consolidated Grant Support for SP2RC STFC
Royal Society exchange RS
Consolidated Grant Support for the Solar Physics and Space Plasma Research Centre (SP2RC) STFC
Royal Society Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship 2011 Leverhulme
India-UK Scientific Seminar RS
UKMHD Consortium HPC Bid  
Topical Advanced Summer School joint with UK-Ukraine Workshop on MHD Waves, Oscillations and Instabilities in Solar and Space Environment STFC
Heating and Magneto-Seismology of the Solar Atmosphere STFC
Five Summer Studentships, each to fund an UG student for a period of 6 weeks to carry out research over the summer period 2010, SURE-CILASS  
PPARC Rolling Grant for Solar Physics and Upper-Atmosphere Research Group at 葫芦影业 University PPARC
STFC PATT Grant, 2010 STFC
Observations and MHD Theories in Solar-Terrestrial Research, RCUK-China, 2009  
Travel Grant. The Royal Society, 2009  
Travel support to carry out STFC PATT awarded observations at Sac Peak, USA. 2009. STFC
Particle Physics and Astronomy International Summer School (IUSS 2009), STFC (After awarded, PIship passed on to colleagues) STFC
Theory and Observations of the Solar-Terrestrial System, STFC Introductory Course in Solar and Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISS 2008) STFC
Roberts Skills Development Fund, matching the Leverhulme Trust ECF for Dr Taroyan, 2006-2008.  
Leverhulme Trust ECF for Dr Taroyan, 2006-2008. Leverhulme
PPARC SPARG PG Studentships for 2006/07-07/08 PPARC
Ozzy-Land RS
Magneto-acoustic waves in the solar atmosphere: a new challenge BC
Particle Physics and Astronomy International Summer School (IUSS 2007), PPARC, 2007 PPARC
Royal Society Conference Grant Award 2007 RS
PPARC Studentship, Solar Atmospheric Seismology, for 2004/05- 06/07 PPARC
EPSRC DTA Studentship, Inverse Scattering in MHD Waveguides for 2004/05-06/07 EPSRC
Novelties in Theory and Observations of the Sun, PPARC Advanced Course in Solar Physics (ASSSP 2006) PPARC
WUN Staff Global Exchange award, WUN  
Nuffield Foundation, Undergraduate Research Bursaries 2006 Nuffield
Particle Physics and Astronomy International Summer School (IUSS 2006), PPARC, 2006 PPARC
WUN Student Global Exchange award, WUN  
PPARC Rolling Grant Bridging Support for 2002-2005 PPARC
PPARC Quota Studentships for SPARG, 2004-2005 PPARC
Investigating the relevance of micro-scale heating blocks to solar coronal heating, The Royal Society,2003-2005  
Undergrad. Research Bursaries 2004  
Tornado phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere, PPARC PhD Fellowship, 10/2000 - 09/2003 PPARC
Waves oscillations and small scale transient events in the solar atmosphere: A joint view of SOHO and TRACE, ESA, 2003 ESA
Novelties in Theory and Observations of the Solar-Terrestrial System,2003 PPARC
Nuffield Foundation, Undergraduate Research Bursaries 2002 Nuffield
A Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Energisation of Space Weather by Kelvin-Helmholtz Shear-Flow Instabilities, White Rose PhD Studentship  
Nonlinear Dynamics Events - Applications to Coronal Heating of the Sun, British Council - Acciones Integradas Program (Ministry of Education, Spain), 04/1998 - 03/00 BC
Wave Dynamics and Micro-Scale Heating in the Solar Atmosphere, Nuffield Foundation, January 2000 Nuffield
Hold eight PhD studentships since 2000 (2?—PPARC, White Rose, European, 4?— SU)  
Royal Society Travel Grant 1998 RS

Past grants, as Coinvestigator

Application to STFC for Consolidated Grant Support for the Solar Physics and Space Plasma Research Centre (SP2RC) STFC
Parallel Computing Resources for the UKMHD consortium STFC
Transverse Oscillations of Coronal Loops STFC
Low Cost Printed Plastic Luminescent Solar Concentrator, CLCF Foresighting Proposal, 2010-2011  
PV Futures Promoting households to generate low-carbon energy from photovoltaics sited at northerly latitudes, 3 University Networked Studentships, 2010  
The 葫芦影业 Solar Farm, HEIF 4 Faculty Priority KT Grant, 2010  
PG Studentships for 2008/09 - 2009/10 STFC
British Council, RXP 2006 BC
PPARC Visiting Fellowship for 2002-2006 PPARC
PPARC Rolling Grant for 2002-2006 PPARC
PPARC Standard Research Grant for 2003-2006 PPARC
Mathematical modelling of regulatory mechanisms in MAPK signalling, SU Res. Studentship 2003-2006  
Mechanisms of large-amplitude MHD wave generation in space plasmas, European Visiting Exchange Program, Royal Society, 2003-2005  
PPARC Rolling Grant for 2000-2004 PPARC
PPARC Quota Studentships for SPARG, 2002-2003 PPARC
White Rose Consortium Supercomputing Grid Project SRIF 2001 Bid  
European Visiting Exchange Program, Royal Society RS
EPSRC Standard Research Grant, March 2000 EPSRC
Teaching activities
MAS315 Waves

All the teaching materials below are accessible for current students.

Professional activities and memberships

Professional standing

Studies of linear and nonlinear resonant MHD wave heating under solar atmospheric conditions.
My major new results are:

  • derivation of the generalised governing equation for resonant slow MHD waves in isotropic and anisotropic steady plasmas;
  • obtaining jump conditions to connect solutions across a resonant layer. These universal connection formulae play a crucial role, similar to the Rankine-Hugoniot relations of nonlinear gas dynamics;
  • proof of the validity of the universal character of the jump conditions in dissipative MHD and in dilute plasmas;
  • making successful applications of resonant MHD wave theory (e.g. sunspots, magnetic canopy, fibrils, coronal loops and magnetosphere);
  • developing the tools of global coronal seismology.

Acknowledged standing

  • Member of Executive Committee and UK representative of World Institute for Space Environment Research (WISER) from 2005.
  • Invited Member of the International Advisory Committee of International Workshops and Summer Schools on Plasma Physics (IWSSPP) from 2004.
  • UK representative on Management Committee of COST Action P17 EPM.
  • Member of PPARC Project Peer Review Panel 2004 - 2007.
  • Panel Member of PPARC Solar Orbiter Committee from 2004.
  • Chair of the UK Solar Physics Community from 2002.
  • Secretary of the UK Solar Physics Community till 2001.
  • For membership of societies click .


  • Editor (joint with Dr H. Mason, Cambridge U. till 2002; Dr L. Fletcher, U. of Galsgow afterwards) of the Solar Physics Newsletters (UK).

National and international conferences/schools

  • Principal Organiser of the PPARC Advanced Solar Physics Summer School, September 2006, 葫芦影业
  • Principal Organiser of The Royal Society's DM on 'MHD waves and oscillations in the solar plasma', March 2005, London
  • Co-Organiser and Chairman of the joint Annual UK Solar Physics/National Astronomy Meeting, April 2005, Birmingham
  • Co-Organiser and Chairman of the joint Annual UK Solar Physics - MIST meeting, April 2004, Edinburgh
  • Principal Organiser (UK Director) of 'British - Hungarian N+N Workshop for Young Researchers on Computer Processing and Use of Satellite Data in Astronomy and Astrophysics', 5-7 February 2004, Budapest, Hungary
  • Chair of Session on Solar Physics, '3rd Meeting of Young Researchers in Astronomy and Astrophysics', 3-4 February 2004, Budapest, Hungary
  • Principal Organiser and Chair of Scientific Organising Committee of ESA-NASA's joint SOHO 13 conference, September 2003, Mallorca
  • Principal Organiser of the PPARC Introductory Summer School, September 2003, 葫芦影业
  • Principal Organiser and Chairman of the conference 'Heating of the solar atmosphere: waves vs. reconnection', 9th May 2003, RAS Burlington House, London
  • Convener of ST 7 at EGS-AGU, Nice, April 2003
  • Co-Organiser of Annual UK Solar Physics/National Astronomy Meeting, Dublin, April 2003
  • Co-Organiser and Chairman of the joint UK Solar Physics - MIST meeting, 9-12 April 2002, 葫芦影业
  • Principal Organiser and Chairman of the UK MHD 2001 conference 'MHD at the Dawn of the New Millennium', 26-27 April 2001, 葫芦影业
  • Co-Organiser and Chairman of the Joint NAM-Solar Physics 2001 Meeting, 2-6 April 2001, Cambridge
  • Principal Organiser and Chairman of the conference 'Magnetic waves and oscillations in the Sun', January 2000, RAS Burlington House, London
  • Principal Organiser and Chairman of the UKY2K Solar Physics Meeting, 16-18 April 2000, 葫芦影业
  • Co-Organiser of the ESGI2000 conference, 10-14 April 2000, 葫芦影业
  • Co-Organiser and Secretary to the '3rd International Conference on Mixing in Geophysical & Astrophysical Flows', 10-12 April 2000, 葫芦影业

Invited seminars/colloquia


  • 'MHD Seismology of the Solar Atmosphere', IAU Colloquium on 'The Solar Corona from Space and at Eclipse', Sofia, Bulgaria, 28-31 January 2006 (Invited Review)


  • 'MHD Waves and Oscillations in Solar Structures', International Workshop and Summer School on Plasma Physics, Kiten, Bulgaria, 9-13 June 2005 (Invited Lecture)
  • 'Coronal Seismology and the Origin of Spicules', Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), Budapest, Hungary, 10 May 2005 (Invited Review)
  • 'Solar Atmospheric Seismology', World Space Environment Forum, Graz, Austria, 2-6 May 2005 (Invited Review)
  • 'Solar Atmospheric Magneto-Seismology', WISER Workshop on HPC2005; Computing in Space and Astrophysical Plasmas, K.U. Leuven, Belgium, April 2005 (Invited Review)
  • 'Seismology and Dynamics of the Lower Solar Atmosphere', MPI-Lindau (Germany), April 2005 (Invited Lecture)
  • 'Magnetic coupling of waves in the solar atmosphere', Royal Society DM on 'MHD waves and oscillations in the solar plasma', London, 14-15 March 2005 (Review)
  • 'Heating of the Solar Corona', N? Workshop for Young Researchers in Plasma- and Astrophysics: From Laboratory to Outer Space, Cluj Napoca, Romania, 17-19 January 2004 (Invited Review)
  • 'MHD Waves and Seismology of Solar Lower Atmosphere', Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) Special Discussion Meeting on 'Seismology from Core to Corona', London, 14 January 2005 (Invited Review)


  • 'MHD in Space Plasmas', Technological Plasmas Workshop 2004, 葫芦影业, 20-21 December 2004 (Invited Review)
  • Two Invited Reviews ('MHD Waves I: Observations'; 'MHD Waves II: Theory'), PPARC Introductory Summer School in Solar-Terrestrial Physics, U. of Glasgow, September, 2004
  • Invited Lecture Series 'The Physics of the Solar Plasma (The solar zoo; MHD of space plasmas; MHD waves)', Universidad de los Andes, Merida, Venezuela, June 2004
  • 'Latest Developments in Solar Atmospheric Seismology', Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UCL, on 28 May 2004
  • 'Seismology of the Atmosphere of the Sun', Univ. of Aberystwyth, on 14 May 2004
  • 'Solar Atmospheric Seismology: New ways to look at the the atmosphere from photosphere to solar wind', EGU 1st General Assembly, Nice, 25-30 April, 2004 (Invited Review)
  • 'Oscillations and Dynamics of the Lower Solar Atmosphere', Joint MIST-UKSP, Edinburgh, 29 March - 1 April 2004 (Invited Review)
  • 'The SOHO and TRACE missions: An Overview', N+N Workshop, Budapest, Hungary, 5-7 February, 2004 (Review)
  • 'MHD Waves in Closed Solar Plasma Structures', Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) Special Discussion Meeting on 'Waves in Solar and Magnetospheric Plasmas', London, 9 January 2004 (Invited Review)


  • 'Heating mechanisms in the atmosphere of cools stars and the Sun', Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting (JEMAM), Budapest, 25-30 August 2003 (Invited Review)
  • 'Living with the dynamic Sun', Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) Annual General Meeting, London, 9 May 2003 (Invited Review)
  • 'The Coronal Heating Enigma: What did we learn from the new space missions?', Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, U. of Glasgow, on 20th March 2003
  • 'Coupling of Helioseismic Oscillations to the Solar Atmosphere: Does the Tail Wag the Dog?', DAMTP, U. of Cambridge, on 21st January 2003
  • 'Global solar mode coupling to the solar atmosphere', ICSTM, on 14 January 2003


  • 'Signatures of Nano-Scale Heating in Solar Plasmas', U. of Warwick, 9th December 2002
  • 'Coupling of the Solar Atmosphere to Helioseismic Oscillations', U. of Newcastle, 29 November 2002
  • 'Impulsive Random Energy Heating in Coronal Loops and the Importance of Non-Equilibrium Ionisation', Coronal Loops Workshop, Paris, November 2002
  • 'Living with a Star: The Dynamic Sun', 葫芦影业 Astronomy Society, on 8th November 2002
  • 'Should We Care 葫芦影业 the Solar Atmosphere When Probing the Interior?', U. of St. Andrews, on 1st November 2002
  • 'Solar MHD heating', NATO ARW, September, 2002 (Invited Key Speaker)
  • 'Effects of the Atmosphere and of Sub-surface Flows on Solar Oscillation Modes', 10th European Solar Physics Meeting, September, 2002 (Invited Key Speaker)
  • Two Invited Reviews ('Coronal Structures through the Solar Cycle (Theory)'; 'MHD Waves'), PPARC Advanced Summer School in Solar Astrophysics, U. of Central Lancashire, September, 2002
  • 'MHD Simulations of Nano-scale Reconnection with Applications to Solar Physics', WISER Workshop on HPC In Space Environmental Research, U. of Adelaide, Australia, July 2002 (Invited Review), Cancelled due to illness.
  • 'Resonant Flow Instabilities in Solar Plasmas', Wold Space Environment Forum (WSEF 2002), U. of Adelaide, Australia, July 2002 (Invited Speaker), Cancelled due to illness.
  • 'Resonant MHD Waves and Resonant Flow Instabilities in the Solar Atmosphere and Solar Wind', EGS XXVII, April, 2002 (Invited Review)


  • 'Resonant MHD Waves in Steady Plasmas', U. of Balears, May, 2001 (Invited Review)
  • 'Small-scale Heating in the Solar Atmosphere' at U. of Central Lancashire on 25 April 2001
  • 'Nano-scale eruptive events', at 'Living with an Active Star: Solar cycle changes, eruptive events and terrestrial consequences', RAS, London, on 9 March 2001
  • 'Linear and Nonlinear Resonant MHD Wave Heating in the Solar Atmosphere', RAS, London, on 12 January 2001
  • 'Coronal Heating: Theory versus Observations' at NAM-UKSP 2001, Cambridge in April 2001 (Invited Review)


  • 'Is there a Unified Theory for Atmospheric Heating and Helioseismic Damping?' at U. of Brimingham on 15 December 2000
  • 'Strongly Nonlinear Resonant MHD Waves' at K.U. Leuven in May 2000
  • 'MHD Modelling of Micro-scale Heating' at UK MHD Y2K, Nottingham in May 2000
  • 'Linear and Nonlinear Resonant Waves in the Solar Atmosphere' at UK SPY2K, 葫芦影业 in April 2000
  • 'Explosive Events on the Sun' at U. of Lancaster on 21 January 2000


  • 'Nonlinear Resonant MHD waves in the Atmosphere of the Sun' at Lockheed Space & Astrophys. Lab., Palo Alto, USA in August 1999


  • 'Linear Resonant MHD Waves in the Sun' at U. of Pisa in May 1998
  • 'Micro-Scale Event on the Solar Atmosphere' at LAEFF, Madrid, Spain in March 1998
  • 'Explosive Event on the Sun: SOHO Observations & Theory' at K.U. Leuven, Belgium in November 1998


  • 'Heating of the Solar Corona by Resonant Absorption' at U. of Bochum, Germany in November 1997
  • 'How this more Can Be Applied to Solar Physics' at U. of St. Andrews in November 1997
  • 'Introduction to Resonant Absorption: What I Know more 葫芦影业 Linear Theory' at U. of St. Andrews in November 1997
  • 'Heating of the Solar Corona by Resonant MHD Waves' at Kiepenheuer Ins., Freiburg, Germany in April 1997
  • 'Introduction to Resonant Absorption: What I Know 葫芦影业 Linear Theory' at U. of St. Andrews in February 1997

[Till 1995]

  • 'Effects of Flow on Resonant Absorption' at E?tv&eouml;s U. Budapest in April 1995
  • 'Effects of Flow on Resonant Absorption' at K.U. Leuven, Belgium in April 1994
  • 'Heating of the Solar Corona' at E?tv&eouml;s U. Budapest in April 1994
  • 'Visco-resistive computations of resonant absorption of MHD waves in cylindric flux tubes' at E?tv&eouml;s U. Budapest in April 1993
  • 'Solar Activity in the Miocene Period' at U. of Utrecht in May 1991
  • 'MHD Shock Waves on the Sun' at Sternberg Institute, Moscow, Russia in May 1990
  • 'MHD Shock Waves in Ionised Plasmas' at Kyoto State University, Kyoto, Japan in August 1998
  • 'Strong MHD Shock Waves in Solar Plasmas' at Schiller U., Jena, Germany in November 1987
  • 'MHD Shock Waves Heating in the Sun' at Einstein Observatory in October 1987


  • I serve as a regular referee for many international journals, including, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Journal of Geophysical Research, Journal of Plasma Physics, Physics of Plasmas, Solar Physics, The Astrophysical Journal, Wave Motion, Proc. of Royal Soc., etc.
  • I have refereed research grant applications for British Council, NASA, PPARC, NSF (USA) and serve(d) on PPARC's Visiting Grant Panels.
Publications and references (complete list), and links


  • Publications in refereed journals or books: 125, another 4 submitted
  • Major discovery paper on Alfvén waves, Science, 323, 1582, 2009
  • Are There Alfvén Waves in the Solar Atmosphere? (Invited paper), Science, 315, 1572, 2007
  • Major discovery paper on spicules, Nature, 430, 546, 2004
  • Publications in conference proceedings: 64
  • Non-refereed abstracts, reports: numerous
  • Numerous TV, radio and journal interviews (NBC, Science, Der Spiegel, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, New Scientist, Astronomy, Scientific American, Universe Today, NRC Handelsblad, Standard Nat. TV of Merida State in Venezuela, Yorkshire Physics News, Yahoo Press Release, etc.) about my research published (i) on 29 July 2004, front cover page in Nature; and (ii) in February 2007 in Astrophys. Journal Letts.
  • 30 mins BBC Radio interview (25 April 2007) on Solar Waves
  • Radio interview (Pet?fi Radio - This is widely regarded as the second largest Hungarian radio station, 26 March 2004) on Coronal Seismology
  • Radio interview (Pet?fi Radio, Hungary, February 2004) on the 'N+N British and Hungarian workshop on astronomy and astophysics'
  • BBC Radio interview (28 October 2003) on Solar Flares
  • TV interview (Einstein Channel, January 2001) on Solar Tornadoes
  • Radio interview (Kossuth Radio - This is widely regarded as the most prestigious Hungarian News Radio, Hungary, September 1999) on the 1999 Total Eclipse
  • Popular research reviews (e.g., Nature [Hungarian translation], Hungarian Astronomical Almanach, The Third Eye)


  1. Erdélyi, R., Petrovay, K., Roberts, B. & Aschwanden, M. (eds.), Turbulence, Waves and Instabilities in the Solar Plasma, NATO Science Series, II. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 124, Kluwer, pp1-388 (2003) [ISBN: 1-4020-1658-1]
  2. Erdélyi, R. 'Chapter 5. Waves and Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere' in B.N. Dwivedi & U. Narain, 'Recent Advances in Solar Physics', World Scientific, Singapore, pp.61-108 (2008) [ISBN: 978-981-283-271-9]

Editor of Refereed Journals

  1. Erdélyi, R., Roberts, B., Thompson, M. J. & Ruderman, M. S. (eds.), MHD Waves and Oscillations in the Solar Plasma, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A., 364, pp.287-550 (2006) [ISSN 1364-503X]
  2. Erdélyi, R. & Leibacher, J. (eds.), Topical Issue on MHD Waves and Oscillations, Solar Physics, 246, pp1-294 (2007) [ISSN: 0038-0938]
  3. J Nakariakov, V. M. & Erdélyi, R. Topical Issue on Solar Coronal Seismology, Space Sci. Reviews, 149, pp1-388 (2009) [ISSN: 0038-6308]
  4. Erdélyi, R., & Goossens, M. Magnetohydrodynamic Waves and Seismology of the Solar Atmosphere, Space Sci. Reviews, 158, pp167504-(2011) [DOI 10.1007/s11214011-9800-1]

Editor of (Non)Refereed Proceedings

  1. Forgács-Dajka, E., Petrovay, K. & Erdélyi, R. (eds.), Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop Turbulence, Waves and Instabilities in the Solar Plasma, E?tv?s University Press, Budapest, Vol. 13, pp.1-176 (2003) [ISBN: 963-463-557]
  2. Erdélyi, R., Ballester, J.L. & Fleck, B. (sci. eds.), Proceedings of SOHO 13: Waves, Oscillations and Small-Scale Transient Events in the Solar Atmosphere: A Joint View from SOHO and TRACE, ESA-SP, 547, pp.1-577 (2004) [ISBN: 92-9092-858-1]
  3. Forgács-Dajka, E., Petrovay, K. & Erdélyi, R. (eds.), British-Hungarian N+N Workshop for Young Researchers on Computer Processing and Use of Satellite Data in Astronomy and Astrophysics, E?tv?s University Press, Budapest, Vol. 14, pp.1-300 (2004) [ISBN: 963 463 557]
  4. Erdélyi, R. & Mendoza-Brice?o, C. A. (eds.), Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 'Waves & Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere: Heating and Magneto-Seismology', Vol.
  5. Cally, P., Erdélyi, R. & Norton, A. (eds.) ‘Eclipse on the Coral Sea: Cycle 24 Ascending (GONG 2012 / LWS/SDO-5 / SOHO 27)’, 12-16 November, 2012, Palm Cove, Queensland, Vol. 440, pp.1-, 2013 [doi:10.1088/1742-6596/440/1/011001]

Invited Review Papers (see also Refereed Journal Papers)

  1. Erdélyi, R. 'Resonant MHD Waves in Steady Flux Tubes', in: J. L. Ballester & B. Roberts (eds.), MHD Waves in Astrophysical Plasmas, UIB Press, pp. 69-78 (2001)
  2. Erdélyi, R. 'Effects of the Atmosphere and of Sub-surface Flows on Solar Oscillation Modes', in: A. Wilson (ed.), Solar Variability: From Core to Outer FrontiersESA SP506, pp.869-878 (2002)
  3. Erdélyi, R. 'Heating in the Solar Corona: Review',in I. Ballai at al. (eds.), From Laboratory to Outer Space PADEU 15 pp.1-13 (2005)
  4. Erdélyi, R. 'Magnetic Seismology of the Lower Solar Atmosphere', in K. Fletcher (ed.) Beyond the Spherical Sun: A New era for Helio- and AsteroseismologyESA SP624 pp.15.1-15.14 (2006)
  5. Erdélyi, R. 'Magnetohydrodynamic Waves', in S.S. Hasan and D. Banerjee (eds.) Kodai School on Solar PhysicsAIP-CP919, pp.122-137 (2007)

Refereed Journal Papers


  1. Erdélyi, R. & Goossens, M., 'Viscous Computations of Resonant Absorption of MHD Waves in Flux Tubes', Astrophys. Space Sci.213, pp.273-298 (1994)


  1. Erdélyi, R. & Goossens, M., 'Resonant Absorption of Alfvén Waves in Coronal Loops in Visco-resistive MHD', Astron. & Astrophys294, pp.575-586 (1995)
  2. Erdélyi, R., Goossens, M. & Ruderman, M. S. 'Analytic Solutions for Resonant Alfvén Waves in 1D Stationary Magnetic Flux Tubes in Dissipative MHD', Solar Phys.161, pp.123-138 (1995)
  3. Stenuit, H., Erdélyi, R. & Goossens, M., 'A Simple Numerical Scheme for the Computation of Resonant Alfvén Waves in Magnetic Flux Tubes', Solar Phys.161, pp.139-157 (1995)


  1. Erdélyi, R. & Goossens, M. 'Effects of Flow on Resonant Absorption of MHD Waves in Viscous MHD', Astron. & Astrophys313, pp.664-673 (1996)
  2. Pintér, B., Erdélyi, R. & Goossens, M., 'The Linear Spectrum of Twisted Magnetic Flux Tubes in Viscous MHD', Astrophys. Lett. Comm.34, pp.169-174 (1996)
  3. Ruderman, M. S., Verwichte, E., Erdélyi, R. & Goossens, M. 'Dissipative Instability of the MHD Tangential Discontinuity in Magnetic Plasma with Anisotropic Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity', J. Plasma Phys.56, pp.285-306 (1996)


  1. Cadez, V. M., Csík, ?., Erdélyi, R. & Goossens, M. 'Absorption of Magnetosonic Waves in the Presence of Resonant Absorption in the Solar Atmosphere' Astron. & Astrophys326, pp.1241-1251 (1997)
  2. Csík, ?., Erdélyi, R. & Cadez, V. M. 'Effect of Flow on Resonant Absorption of Slow MHD Waves in Coronal Arcades', Solar Phys.172, pp.61-68 (1997)
  3. Doyle, J. G., O'Shea, E., Erdélyi, R., Dere, K. P., Socker, D. G. & Keenan, F. P. 'Non-thermal Velocities in the Solar Transition Zone and Corona', Solar Phys. 173, pp.243-258 (1997)
  4. Erdélyi, R. 'Flow-effect on Resonant Absorption of p-modes in Sunspots', ASP CS118, pp.34-38 (1997)
  5. Erdélyi, R. 'Analytical Solutions for Cusp Resonance in Dissipative MHD', Solar Phys.171, pp.49-59 (1997)


  1. Ballai, I. & Erdélyi, R. 'Resonant Absorption of Nonlinear MHD Waves in Isotropic Steady Plasmas I. Theory', Solar Phys.180, pp.65-79, (1998)
  2. Ballai, I., Erdélyi, R. & Ruderman, M. S. 'Interaction of Sound Waves with Slow Dissipative Layers in Anisotropic Plasmas in the Approximation of Weak Nonlinearity', Phys. Plasmas5, pp.2264-2272 (1998)
  3. Ballai, I., Ruderman, M. S. & Erdélyi, R. 'Nonlinear Theory of Slow Dissipative Layers in Anisotropic Plasmas', Phys. Plasmas 5, pp.252-260 (1998)
  4. Erdélyi, R. 'Resonant Absorption of Alfvén Waves in Steady Coronal Loops', Solar Phys.118, pp.213-229 (1998)
  5. Erdélyi, R., Doyle, J. G., Perez, E. P. & Wilhelm, K. 'Center-to-limb Measurements of Solar Chromospheric, Transition Region, and Coronal Lines', Astron. & Astrophys337, pp.287-293 (1998)
  6. Tirry, W. J., Cadez, V. M., Erdélyi, R., & Goossens, M. 'Resonant Flow Instability in Magnetic Structures', Astron. & Astrophys332, pp.786-794 (1998)


  1. Erdélyi, R. & Ballai, I. 'Resonant Absorption of Nonlinear Slow MHD Waves in Isotropic Steady Plasmas II. Application: Resonant Acoustic Waves', Solar Phys.186, pp.67-97, (1999)
  2. Perez, M. E., Doyle, J. G., Erdélyi, R. & Sarro, L. M. 'Explosive Events in the Solar Atmosphere', Astron. & Astrophys342, pp.279-284 (1999)
  3. Sarro, L. M., Erdélyi, R., Doyle, J. G., & Perez, E. P. 'Modelling of the Solar Atmospheric Response to Explosive Events', Astron. & Astrophys 351, pp.721-732 (1999)
  4. Teriaca, L., Doyle, J.G., Erdélyi, R. & Sarro, L.M. 'New Insight into Transition Region Dynamics via SUMER Observations and Numerical Modelling' Astron. & Astrophys352, pp.L99-L102 (1999)


  1. Ballai, I., Erdélyi, R., Goossens, M. 'Linear and Nonlinear Resonant Interaction of Sound Waves in Dissipative Layers', J. Plasma Phys.64, pp.235-247 (2000)
  2. Ballai, I., Erdélyi, R., Goossens, M. 'Nonlinear theory of non-axisymmetric resonant slow waves in straight magnetic flux tubes', J. Plasma Phys.64, pp.579-599 (2000)
  3. Ruderman, M. S., Oliver, R., Erdélyi, R., Ballester, J. L. & Goossens, M. 'Slow Surface Wave Damping in Plasmas with Anisotropic Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity', Astron. & Astrophys.354, pp.261-276 (2000)


  1. Díaz, A. J., Oliver, R., Erdélyi, R. & Ballester, J. L. 'Fast MHD Oscillations in Prominence Fine Structures', Astron. & Astrophys.379, pp.1083-1097 (2001)
  2. Erdélyi, R., Ballai, I. & Goossens, M. 'Nonlinear Resonant Absorption of Fast Magnetoacoustic Waves due to Coupling into Slow Continua in the Solar Atmosphere', Astron. & Astrophys.368, pp.662-675 (2001)
  3. Pintér, B., Erdélyi, R. & New, R. 'Damping of Heliosesimic Eigenmodes in Steady State', Astron. & Astrophys.372, pp.L17-L20 (2001)
  4. Pintér, B., New, R. & Erdélyi, R. 'Rotational Splitting of Helioseismic Modes Influenced by a Magnetic Atmosphere', Astron. & Astrophys.378, pp.L1-L4 (2001)
  5. Roussev, I., Galsgaard, K., Erdélyi, R. & Doyle, J. G. 'Modelling of Explosive Events in the Solar Transition Region in a 2D Environment: Part I. General Reconnection Jet Dynamics', Astron. & Astrophys.370, pp.298-310 (2001)
  6. Roussev, I., Galsgaard, K., Erdélyi, R. & Doyle, J. G.'Modelling of Explosive Events in the Solar Transition Region in a 2D Environment: Part II. Various MHD Experiments', Astron. & Astrophys.375, pp.228-242 (2001)
  7. Roussev, I., Doyle, J. G., Galsgaard, K. & Erdélyi, R. 'Modelling of Explosive Events in the Solar Transition Region in a 2D environment: Part III. Line Synthesis', Astron. & Astrophys.380, pp.719-726 (2001)


  1. Ballai, I. & Erdélyi, R. 'Nonlinear Theory of Resonant Slow MHD Waves in Twisted Magnetic Flux Tubes', J. Plasma Phys. , 67, pp.79-97 (2002)
  2. Ballai, I., Erdélyi, R. & Roberts, B. 'Ducted Compressional Waves in the Magnetosphere in the Double-Polytropic Approximation', Annales Geophys., (20), pp.1553-1558 (2002)
  3. Ballai, I., Erdélyi, R. ', Voitenko, Y. & Goossens, M. 'Linear and Nonlinear Wave Propagation in Dilute Plasma', Phys. Plasmas9, pp.2593-2603 (2002)
  4. Erdélyi, R. & Ballai, I. 'Nonlinear Resonant Slow MHD Waves in Twisted Magnetic Flux Tubes', Nonlin. Processes in Geophys.9, pp.79-86 (2002)
  5. James, S.P.& Erdélyi, R. 'Spicule Formation by Ion-Neutral Damping', Astron. & Astrophys.393, pp.11-14 (2002)
  6. Marik, D. & Erdélyi, R. 'What is the Real Nature of Blinkers?', Astron. & Astrophys.393, pp.73-76 (2002)
  7. Mendoza-Brice?o, C. A., Erdélyi, R. & Sigalotti,D. 'Coronal Loop Heating by Random Energy Releases', Astrophys. J.579, pp.49-52 (2002)
  8. Taroyan, Y. A. & Erdélyi, R. 'Resonant and Kelvin-Helmholtz Instabilities on the Magnetopause', Phys. Plasmas9, pp.3121-3129 (2002)


  1. De Pontieu, B., Tarbell, T. & Erdélyi, R. 'Correlations on Arcsecond Scales Between Chromospheric and Transition Region Structures in Active Regions', Astrophys. J.590, pp.502-518, DOI:10.1086/374928 (2003)
  2. De Pontieu, B., Erdélyi, R. & De Wijn, A. G. 'Intensity Oscillation in the Upper Transition Region Above Active Region Plage', Astrophys. J.595, pp.L63-L66 (2003)
  3. Erdélyi, R. & Taroyan, Y. A. 'On Resonantly Excited MHD Waves in the Magnetotail', J. Geophys. Res.108, SMP 23-1 -- 23-15, DOI:10.1029/2002JA009586, (2003)
  4. Erdélyi, R. & Taroyan, Y. A. 'MHD Resonant Flow Instability in the Magnetotail', AIP-CP679, pp.355-358 (2003)
  5. James, S. P., Erdélyi, R. & De Pontieu, B. 'Can ion-neutral damping help to form spicules?', Astron. & Astrophys.406, pp.715-724 (2003)
  6. Mendoza-Brice?o, C. A., Sigalotti, D. & Erdélyi, R. 'Impulsive heating in coronal loops', Adv. in Space Res.32, pp.995-1000 (2003)
  7. Miteva, R., Zhelyazkov, I. & Erdélyi, R. 'Surface Wave Propagation in Steady Ideal Hall-Magnetohyrodynamic Magnetic Slabs', Phys. Plasmas10, pp.4463-4471 (2003)
  8. Taroyan, Y. A. & Erdélyi, R. 'Resonant Surface Waves and Instabilities in Finite-β Plasmas', Phys. Plasmas10, pp.266-276 (2003)
  9. Taroyan, Y. A. & Erdélyi, R. 'Steady State Excitation of Field Line Resonances by Global Waveguide Modes in the Magnetosphere', J. Geophys. Res.108, SMP 19-1 -- 19-15, DOI:10.1029/2003JA009935 (2003)
  10. Terra-Homem, M. & Erdélyi, R. 'Absolute and Convective Instabilities in Open Shear Layers I. Hydrodynamic Equilibrium', Astron. & Astrophys.403, pp.425-432 (2003)
  11. Terra-Homem, M. , Erdélyi, R. & Ballai, I. 'Linear and Nonlinear MHD Wave Propagation in Steady State Magnetic Cylinders, Solar Phys.217, pp.199-223 (2003)


  1. De Pontieu, B., Erdélyi, R. & James, S.P. 'Solar Spicules Driven by Leakage into the Chromosphere of Photospheric Oscillations and Flows', Nature430, pp.536-539 (2004)
  2. Erdélyi, R. 'Heating in the Solar Atmosphere', Astron. & Geophys.45, pp.4.34-4.37 (2004)
  3. Erdélyi, R. & James, S.P., 'Can ion-neutral damping help to form spicules? II. Random Driver', Astron. & Astrophys.427, pp.1055-1064 (2004)
  4. Mendoza-Brice?o, C. A., Erdélyi, R. & Sigalotti, D. 'The Effects of Stratification on Oscillating Coronal Loops', Astrophys. J.605, pp.493-502, DOI:10.1086/382182 (2004)
  5. Miteva, R., Zhelyazkov, I. & Erdélyi, R. 'Hall-magnetohydrodynamic surface waves in solar wind flow-structures', New J. Phys.6, pp.1-18
  6. Pelinovsky, E., Talipova, T., Ruderman, M. S. & Erdélyi, R. 'Freak Waves Described by the Korteweg - de Vries Equation', Applied Mathematics and Mechanics6, pp.3-16 (2004)
  7. Ruderman, M. S., Brevdo, L. & Erdélyi, R. 'Kelvin-Helmholtz Instabilities of, and Signalling in, an Inviscid Fluid - Viscous Fluid Configuration', Proc. Royal Soc.460, pp.847-874, DOI:10.1098/rspa.2003.1191 (2004)
  8. Terra-Homem, M. & Erdélyi, R. 'Absolute and Convective Instabilities in Open Shear Layers II. Magnetohydrodynamic Equilibrium, Astron. & Astrophys.413, pp.7-15 (2004)


  1. Ballai, I., Erdélyi, R.. & Pintér, B. 'On the Nature of Coronal EIT Waves', Astrophys. J.633, pp.L145-L148 (2005)
  2. De Pontieu, B., Erdélyi, R. & De Moortel, I. 'How to Channel Photospheric Oscillations into the Corona', Astrophys. J.624, pp.L61-L64 (2005)
  3. Erdélyi, R., Kerekes, A. & Mole, N. 'Influence of Random Magnetic Field on Solar Global Oscillations: The Incompressible ?-mode', Astron. & Astrophys.431, pp.1083-1088 (2005)
  4. Grimshaw, R., Pelinovsky, J., Talipova, T., Ruderman, M. S. & Erdélyi, R. 'Short-Lived Large-Amplitude Pulses in the Nonlinear Long-wave Model Described by the Modified Korteweg - de Vries Equation',Studies in Applied Mathematics114, pp.189-210 (2005)
  5. Mendoza-Brice?o, C. A., Sigalotti, L. Di & Erdélyi, R. 'Catastrophic Cooling of Impulsively Heated Coronal Loops', Astrophys. J.624, pp.1080-1092 (2005)
  6. Taroyan, Y., Erdélyi, R., Doyle, J.G. & Bradshaw, S.J. 'Footpoit Excitation of Standing Acoustic Waves in Coronal Loops', Astron. & Astrophys. 438, pp.713-720 (2005)


  1. Ballai, Istvan; Erdélyi, R.; Hargreaves, James 'Slow magnetohydrodynamic waves in stratified and viscous plasmas' Physics of Plasmas 13, pp.042108-042108-8 (2006)
  2. De Pontieu, B., & Erdélyi, R. 'The Nature of Moss and Lower Atmospheric Seismology', Phil. Trans. of The Royal Society A364, pp.383-394 (2006) (Invited Review)
  3. Erdélyi, R. 'MHD Waves and Oscillations in the Solar Plasma: Introduction' Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A364, pp.289-296 (2006)
  4. Erdélyi, R. 'Magnetic coupling of waves and oscillations in the lower solar atmosphere: Can the tail wag the dog?' Royal Society of London Transactions Series A 364, p.351-381 (2006) (Invited Review)
  5. Erdélyi, R.; Carter, B. K. 'Wave propagation in incompressible MHD wave guides: the twisted magnetic Annulus' Astronomy and Astrophysics 455, pp.361-370 (2006)
  6. Erdélyi, R.; Fedun, Viktor 'Solitary wave propagation in solar flux tubes' Physics of Plasmas 13, pp.032902/1-9 (2006)
  7. Erdélyi, R.; Fedun, Viktor 'Sausage MHD Waves in Incompressible Flux Tubes with Twisted Magnetic Fields' Solar Physics 238, pp.41-59 (2006)
  8. Mendoza-Brice?o, C. A.; Erdélyi, R. 'Intermittent Coronal Loop Oscillations by Random Energy Releases' The Astrophysical Journal 648, pp.722-731
  9. Shelyag, S.; Erdélyi, R.; Thompson, M. J. 'Forward Modeling of Acoustic Wave Propagation in the Quiet Solar Subphotosphere' The Astrophysical Journal 651, pp.576-583 (2006)
  10. Simpson, D.; Ruderman, M. S.; Erdélyi, R. 'Absolute and convective instabilities of parallel propagating circularly polarized Alfvén waves: numerical results' Astronomy and Astrophysics 452, pp.641-646 (2006)


  1. Banerjee, D., Erdélyi, R., R., Oliver, R. & O'Shea, E. 'Evidences of Waves and Oscillations in the Solar Corona: Observational Review', Solar Phys.246, pp3-29. (2007) (Invited Review)
  2. Carter, B. K.; Erdélyi, R. 'Sausage and kink oscillations in incompressible annular magnetic cylinders' Astronomy and Astrophysics475, pp.323-331 (2007)
  3. Erdélyi, R.; Ballai, I. 'Heating of the solar and stellar coronae: a review' Astronomische Nachrichten328, p.726-733 (2007)(Invited Review)
  4. Erdélyi, R.; Fedun, V. 'Linear MHD Sausage Waves in Compressible Magnetically Twisted Flux Tubes' Solar Physics246, pp.101-118 (2007)
  5. Erdélyi, R.; Fedun, V. 'Are There Alfvén Waves in the Solar Atmosphere?' Science318, pp.1572- (2007)
  6. Erdélyi, R.; Malins, C.; Tóth, G.; de Pontieu, B. 'Leakage of photospheric acoustic waves into non-magnetic solar atmosphere' Astronomy and Astrophysics467, pp.1299-1311 (2007)
  7. Erdélyi, R.; Pintér, B. Malins, C. 'Leakage of photospheric motions into the magnetic solar atmosphere: new prospects of magneto-seismology' Astronomische Nachrichten328, p.305 (2007)
  8. Erdélyi, R.; Verth, G. 'The effect of density stratification on the amplitude profile of transversal coronal loop oscillations' Astronomy and Astrophysics462, pp.743-751 (2007)
  9. Malins, C.; Erdélyi, R. 'Direct Propagation of Photospheric Acoustic p-modes into Non-Magnetic Solar Atmosphere', Solar Phys.246, pp.41-52 (2007)
  10. Petrovay, K.; Erdélyi, R.; Thompson, M. J. 'The Effect of Abnormal Granulation on Acoustic Wave Travel Times and Mode Frequencies' Solar Physics240, pp.197-209 (2007)
  11. Pintér, B.; Erdélyi, R.; Goossens, M. 'Global oscillations in a magnetic solar model. II. Oblique propagation' Astronomy and Astrophysics466, pp.377-388 (2007)
  12. Shelyag, S.; Erdélyi, R.; Thompson, M. J. 'Forward modelling of sub-photospheric flows for time-distance helioseismology' Astronomy and Astrophysics469, pp.1101-1107 (2007)
  13. Taroyan, Y.; Erdélyi, R.; Doyle, J. G.; Bradshaw, S. J. 'Analysis of power spectra of Doppler shift time series as a diagnostic tool for quiescent coronal loops' Astronomy and Astrophysics462, pp.331-340 (2007)
  14. Taroyan, Y.; Erdélyi, R.; Wang, T. J.; Bradshaw, S. J. 'Forward Modeling of Hot Loop Oscillations Observed by SUMER and SXT' The Astrophysical Journal659, pp.L173-L176 (2007)
  15. Verth, G., Van Doorsselaere, T., Erdélyi, R.; Goossens, M. 'Spatial Magneto-Seismology: Effect of Density Stratification on First Harmonic Amplitude Profile of Transversal Coronal Loop Oscillations', Astron. & Astrophys475, pp.341-348 (2007)


  1. Bradshaw, S. J.; Erdélyi, R. 'Radiative damping of standing acoustic waves in solar coronal loops' Astronomy and Astrophysics 483, pp.301-309 (2008)
  2. Carter, B. K.; Erdélyi, R. 'Kink oscillations in magnetic tubes with twisted annulus' Astronomy and Astrophysics 481, pp.239-246 (2008)
  3. Erdélyi, R.; Hargreaves, J. 'Wave propagation in steady stratified one-dimensional cylindrical waveguides' Astronomy and Astrophysics 483, pp.285-295 (2008)
  4. Erdélyi, R..; Luna-Cardozo, M.; Mendoza-Brice?o, C. A. 'Dissipation of Longitudinal Oscillations in Stratified Nonisothermal Hot Coronal Loops' Solar Physics 252, pp.305-319 (2008)
  5. Erdélyi, R.; Taroyan, Y. 'Hinode EUV spectroscopic observations of coronal oscillations' Astronomy and Astrophysics 489, pp.L49-L52 (2008)
  6. Fedun, V.; Ruderman, M. S.; Erdélyi, R. 'Generation of short-lived large-amplitude magnetohydrodynamic pulses by dispersive focusing' Physics Letters A 372, pp.6107-6110 (2008)
  7. Kerekes, A.; Erdélyi, R.; Mole, N. 'A Novel Approach to the Solar Interior-Atmosphere Eigenvalue Problem' The Astrophysical Journal683, pp.527-535 (2008)
  8. Kerekes, Andrea; Erdélyi, R.; Mole, Nils 'Effects of Random Flows on the Solar f Mode: II. Horizontal and Vertical Flow' Solar Physics 251, pp.469-489 (2008)
  9. Jess, D. B.; Mathioudakis, M.; Erdélyi, R.; Verth, G.; McAteer, R. T. J.; Keenan, F. P. 'Discovery of Spatial Periodicities in a Coronal Loop Using Automated Edge-Tracking Algorithms' The Astrophysical Journal 680, pp.1523-1531 (2008)
  10. Mole, Nils; Kerekes, Andrea; Erdélyi, Robert 'Effects of Random Flows on the Solar f Mode: I. Horizontal Flow' Solar Physics 251, pp.453-468 (2008)
  11. Ruderman, M. S.; Verth, G.; Erdélyi, R. 'Transverse Oscillations of Longitudinally Stratified Coronal Loops with Variable Cross Section' The Astrophysical Journal 686, pp.694-700 (2008)
  12. Shelyag, S.; Fedun, V.; Erdélyi, R. 'Magnetohydrodynamic code for gravitationally-stratified media' Astronomy and Astrophysics 486, pp.655-662 (2008)
  13. Taroyan, Y.; Erdélyi, R. 'Global Acoustic Resonance in a Stratified Solar Atmosphere' Solar Physics 251, pp.523-531 (2008)
  14. Verth, G.; Erdélyi, R. 'Effect of longitudinal magnetic and density inhomogeneity on transversal coronal loop oscillations' Astronomy and Astrophysics486, pp.1015-1022 (2008)
  15. Verth, G.; Erdélyi, R..; Jess, D. B. 'Refined Magnetoseismological Technique for the Solar Corona' The Astrophysical Journal 687, pp.L45-L48 (2008)


  1. Andries, J., Van Doorsselaere, T., Roberts, B., Verth, G., Verwichte, E. & Erdélyi, R. ‘Coronal Seismology by Means of Kink Oscillation Overtones’, Space Sci. Rev.149, pp.3-29 (2009) (Invited Review)
  2. Erdélyi, R. ‘Why is the Solar Atmosphere Hot?’, College Nat. Sci., 1, pp.30-35 (2009) (Invited Review)
  3. Erdélyi, R.; Morton, R.J. 'Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in a Compressible Magnetic Flux Tubes with Elliptical Cross-Section', Astron. & Astrophys494, pp.295-309 (2009)
    [in ]
  4. Fedun, V., Erdélyi, R.; Shelyag, S.'Oscillatory Response of the 3D Solar Atmosphere to the Leakage of Photospheric Motion', Solar Phys.258, pp.219-241 (2009)
    [in ], [movies: , , , , , ]
  5. Jess, D.B., Mathioudakis, M., Erdélyi, R.; Crockett, P.J., Keenan, F.P.; Christian, D.J. 'Alfvén Waves in the Lower Solar Atmosphere', Science323, pp.1582-1585 (2009)
    [in ]
  6. Morton, R.J. & Erdélyi, R. ‘The Effect of Elliptic Shape on the Period Ratio P1/P2 of Emerging Coronal Loops’, Astron. & Astrophys502, pp.315-323 (2009)
  7. Morton, R.J. & Erdélyi, R. ‘Transverse Oscillations of a Cooling Coronal Loop’, Astrophys. J.707, pp.750-760 (2009)
  8. Nakariakov, V. M. & Erdélyi, R.&苍产蝉辫;‘贵辞谤别飞辞谤诲’,&苍产蝉辫;Space Sci. Rev.149, p.1 (2009)
  9. Ruderman, M.S.; Erdélyi, R. 'Transverse Oscillations of Coronal Loops', Space Sci. Rev.149 pp.1-36 (2009)(Invited Review)
  10. Scullion, E., Popescu, M.D., Banerjee, D. Doyle, J.G. & Erdélyi, R. ‘Jets in Polar Coronal Holes’, Astrophys. J.704, pp.1385-1395 (2009)
  11. Shelyag, S., Zharkov, S., Fedun, V., Erdélyi, R.; Thompson, M.J., 'Acoustic Wave Propagation in the Solar Sub-Photosphere with Localised Magnetic Field Concentration: Effect of Magnetic Tension', Astron. & Astrophysin press, 10 pages (2009)
    [in ], [movies: , , , ]
  12. Taroyan, Y.; Erdélyi, R. 'Heating Diagnostics with MHD Waves', Space Sci. Rev.149, pp.229-254 (2009) (Invited Review)
  13. Zaqarashvili, T.V.; Erdélyi, R.'Oscillations and Waves in Solar Spicules', Space Sci. Rev.149, pp.355-388 (2009) (Invited Review)
    [in ]


  1. Erdélyi, R. & Fedun, V. ‘Magneto-acoustic Waves in Compressible Magnetically Twisted Flux Tubes’, Solar Phys., 263 pp.63-85 (2010)
  2. Kumar, P., Srivastava, A.K., Somov, B.V., Manoharan, P.K., Erdélyi, R. & Uddin, W. ‘Evidence of Solar Flare Triggering Due to Loop-Loop Interaction Caused by Footpoint Shear Motion’, Astrophys. J.723, pp.1651-1664 (2010)
  3. Morton, R.J. & Erdélyi, R. ‘Application of the Theory of Damping of Kink Oscillations by Radiative Cooling of Coronal Loop Plasma’, Astron. & Astrophys519 pp.43-47 (2010)
  4. Morton, R.J., Hood, A.W. & Erdélyi, R. ‘Propagating Magneto-Hydrodynamic Waves in a Cooling Homogeneous Coronal Plasma’, Astron. & Astrophys512, pp.23-32 (2010)
  5. Petrovay, K., Kerekes, A., & Erdélyi, R. ‘An Analytic Interface Dynamo Over a Shear Layer of Finite Depth’, GAFD, 104, pp.619-630 (2010)
  6. Verth, G., Erdélyi, R. & Goossens, M., ‘Magnetoseismology: Eigenmodes of Torsional Alfv?en Waves in Stratified Solar Waveguides’, Astrophys. J.714, pp.1637-1648 (2010)


  1. D?iaz-Sandoval, R., Erdélyi, R. & Maheswaran, R., ‘Could Periodic Patterns in Human Mortality be Sensitive to Solar Activity?’, Annales Geophys., 29, pp.1113-1120, 2011
  2. Erdélyi, R., Al-Ghafri, K.S. & Morton, R.J ‘Damping of Longitudinal Magneto- Acoustic Oscillations in Slowly Varying Coronal Plasma’, Solar Phys., 272, pp.73-89 (2011)
  3. Goossens, M., Erdélyi, R. & Ruderman, M.S. ‘Resonant MHD Waves in the Solar Atmosphere’, Space Sci. Rev., 158, pp.289-338 (2011) (Invited Review)
  4. Fedun, V., Shelyag, S & Erdélyi, R. ‘Numerical Modelling of Footpoint-Driven Magneto-Acoustic Wave Propagation in a Localized Solar Flux Tube’, Astrophys. J., 727, pp.17-31 (2011)
  5. Fedun, V., Shelyag, S., Verth, G., Mathioudakis, M. & Erdélyi, R. ‘MHD Waves Generated by High-Frequency Photospheric Vortex Motions’, Annales Geophys., 29, pp.1029-1035 (2011)
  6. Fedun, V., Verth, G., Jess, D.B, & Erdélyi, R. ‘Frequency Filtering of Torsional Alfv?en Waves by Chromospheric Magnetic Field’, Astrophys. J., 740, pp.L46-L51 (2011)
  7. Kumar, P., Srivastava, A.K., Filippov, B., Erdélyi, R. & Uddin, W. ‘Multi-wavelength Observations of a Failed Flux Rope in the Eruption and Associated M-class Flare from NOAA AR 11045’, Solar Phys., 272, pp.301-317 (2011)
  8. Kumar, P., Srivastava, A.K., Somov, B.V., Manoharan, P.K., Erdélyi, R. & Uddin, W. ‘On the Triggering of M-Class Solar Flare Due to Loop-Loop Interaction in AR NOAA 10875’, Bull. Astr. Soc. India, in press, 6 pages (2011)
  9. Morton, R., Erdélyi, R., Jess, D.B. & Mathioudakis, M. ‘Observation of Sausage Modes in Magnetic Pores’, Astrophys. J., 729, pp.L18-21 (2011)
  10. Morton, R., Ruderman, M.S. & Erdélyi, R., ‘Torsional Alfv?en Waves: Magneto- seismology in Static and Dynamic Coronal Plasmas’, Astron. & Astrophys, 534., A27pp.1-9 (2011)
  11. Pint?er, B. & Erdélyi, R. ‘Effects of Magnetic Fields in the Solar Atmosphere on Global Oscillations’, Space Sci. Rev., 158 pp.471-504 (2011) (Invited Review)
  12. Scullion, E., Erdélyi, R., Fedun, V. & Doyle, J.G. ‘The Response of a Three- Dimensional Solar Atmosphere to Wave-Driven Jets’, Astrophys. J., 743, pp14-32 (2011)
  13. Shelyag, S., Fedun, V., Keenan, F.P., Erdélyi, R. & Mathioudakis, M. ‘Photospheric Magnetic Vortex Structures’, Annales Geophys., 29, pp.883-887 (2011)
  14. Taroyan, Y., Erdélyi, R. & Bradshaw, S.J. ‘Observational Signatures of Impulsively Heated Coronal Loops: Power-Law Distribution of Energies, Solar Phys., 269, pp.295307 (2011)


  1. Danilko, D., Murawski, K. & Erdélyi, R. ‘Numerical Simulations of Magneto-Acoustic Waves in the Gravitationally Stratified Solar Atmosphere’, Act. Astron. Pol., 43 pp.1001-1017 (2012)
  2. Kuridze, D., Morton, R.J., Erdélyi, R., Dorrian, G.D., Mathioudakis, M., Jess, D.B. & Keenan, F.P. ‘Transverse Oscillations in Chromospheric Mottles’, Astrophys. J., 750:51 (5 pages), 10.1088/0004-637X/750/1/51 (2012)
  3. Luna-Cardozo, M., Verth, G. & Erdélyi, R., ‘Longitudinal Oscillations in Density Stratified and Expanding Solar Waveguides’, Astrophys. J., 748, pp.110-119, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/748/2/110 (2012)
  4. McLaughlin, J.A., Verth, G., Fedun, V. & Erdélyi, R. ‘Generation of Quasi-Periodic Waves and Flows in the Solar Atmosphere by Oscillatory Reconnection, Astrophys. J., 749:30 pp.30-39, 10.1088/0004-637X/749/1/30 (2012) RvFS 53
  5. Morton, R.J., Srivastava, A.K. & Erdélyi, R. ‘Observations of Quasi-Periodic Phenomena Associated with a Large Blowout Solar Jet’, Astron. & Astrophys, 542:A70, (10 pages) 10.1051/0004-6361/201117218 (2012)
  6. Morton, R.J., Verth, G., Jess, D.B., Kuridze, D. , Ruderman, M.S., Mathioudakis, M. & Erdélyi, R. ‘Observations of Ubiquitous Concurrent Wave Modes in the Sun’s Chromosphere’, Nature (Comm.), 3:1315 (8 pages), doi: 10.1038/ncomms2324, (2012)
  7. Morton, R.J., Verth, G. , McLaughlin, J.A., Erdélyi, R. ‘Determination of Sub- Resolution Structure of a Jet by Solar Magnetoseismology, Astrophys. J., 744:5, (11pp), doi:10.1088/0004-637X/744/1/5 (2012)
  8. Srivastava, A.K., Erdélyi, R., Murawski, K. & Kumar, P. ‘Multiwavelength Observations of a Supersonic Plasma Blob Triggered by Reconnection-Generated Velocity Pulse in AR10808’, Solar Phys., 281, pp.729-747 (2012)
  9. Vigeesh, G., Fedun, V., Hasan, S.S. & Erdélyi, R. ‘3D Simulations of Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Waves in Magnetized Solar Atmosphere’, Astrophys. J., 755:18, (11 pages), doi:10.1088/0004-637X/755/1/18 (2012)
  10. Wedemeyer-Bh¨om, S., Scullion, E., Steiner, O., Rouppe van der Voort, L., de la Cruz Rodriguez, J., Fedun, V. & Erdélyi, R. ‘Small-scale Magnetic Tornadoes as Energy Channels into the Solar Corona’, Nature, 486 pp.505-508 (2012)


  1. Al-Ghafri, K., & Erdélyi, R. ‘The Effect of Variable Background on Oscillating Hot Coronal Loop’, Solar Phys., 283, pp.413-428 DOI 10.1007/s11207-013-0225-8 (2013)
  2. Colantuono, G., Buckley, A. & Erdélyi, R. ‘Ray-optics Modelling of Rectangular and Cylindrical Two-layer Solar Concentrators’, J. Lightwave Tech., 31., 51 pp.1033-1044 (2013)
  3. Colantuono, G., Erdélyi, R. & Ruderman, M.S. ‘Effect of Stratification on the Frequency of Bounded Rossby Modes Over a Non-Flat Bottom’, GAFD, 107, pp.541-664 DOI: 10.1080/03091929.2012.748905 (2013)
  4. Gent, F.A., Fedun, V., Mumford, S.J. & Erdélyi, R. ‘Magnetohydrostatic equilibrium -I. Three-dimensional open magnetic flux tube in the stratified solar atmosphere’, MNRAS, 435, pp.689-697 (2013)
  5. Hillier, A., Morton, R.J. & Erdélyi, R., ‘A Statistical Study of Transverse Waves in a Quiescent Prominence’, Astrophys. J. Lett., 779, ID:L16, 6 pages (2013)
  6. Kuridze, D., Verth, G., Mathioudakis, M. , Erdélyi, R., Jess, D.B. , Morton, R.J., Christian, D.J. & Keenan, F.P. ‘Characteristics of Transverse Waves in Chromospheric Mottles’, Astrophys. J., 779, ID:82, 8 pages (2013)
  7. Mathioudakis, M., Jess. D.B. & Erdélyi, R., ‘Alfv?en Waves in the Solar Atmosphere’, Space Sci. Rev., 175, pp.1-27(Invited Review)
  8. Nelson, C.J., Doyle, J.G., Erdélyi, R., Huang, Z., Madjarska, M.S., Mathioudakis, M., Mumford, S.J. & Reardon, K. ‘Statistical Analysis of Small Ellerman Bombs Events’, Solar Phys., 283, pp.307-323, doi:10.1007/s11207-012-0222-3 (2013)
  9. Nelson, Shelyag, S., Mathioudakis, M., C.J., Doyle, J.G., Madjarska, M., Uitenbrook, H. & Erdélyi, R. ‘Ellerman Bombs -Evidence for Magnetic Reconnection in the Lower Solar Atmosphhere’, Astrophys. J., 779., ID:125, 10 pages (2013)
  10. Morton, R.J. , Verth, G., Fedun, V., Shelyag, S. & Erdélyi, R. ‘Evidence for the Photospheric Excitation of Incompressible Waves in the Chromosphere’, Astrophys. J., 768:17 (11 pages) doi:10.1088/0004-637X/768/17 (2013)
  11. Srivastava, A.K., Erdélyi, R., Tripathi, D., Fedun, V., Joshi, N.C. & Kayshap, P.K. ‘Obsevational Evidence of Sausage-Pinch Instability in Solar Corona by SDO/AIA’, Astrophys. J., 765, L42-L47 (2013) RvFS 54
  12. Zharkov, S., Shelyag, S., Fedun, V., Erdélyi, R. & Thompson, M.J., ‘Photospheric High-Frequency Acoustic Power Excess in Sunspot Umbra: Signature of Magneto-Acoustic Modes’, Annales Geophys., 31, pp.1357-1362 (1013)


  1. J Dorotovic, I., Erdélyi, R., Freij, N., Karlovsk?y, V. & M?arquez, I. ‘On Standing Sausage Waves in Photospheric Magnetic Waveguides’, Astron. & Astrophys, in press, (10 pages)
  2. Erdélyi, R., Hague, A. & Nelson, C.J. ‘Effects of Stratification and Flows on P1/P2 Ratios and Anti-Node Shifts within Closed Loop Structures’, Solar Phys., 289, pp.167182 (18 pages), doi:10.1007/s11207-013-0344-2 (2014)
  3. Erdélyi, R., Wang, Y., Guo, W., Hanna, E. & Colantuono, G. ‘Three-Dimensional SOlar RAdiation Model (SORAM) and its Application to 3-D Urban Planning’, J Sol. Energy, 101, pp.63-73 (2014)
  4. He, J.S., Xu, S.W., Ruderman, M.S. & Erdélyi, R., ‘State Transition Induced by Self-Steepening and Self Phase-Modulation’, Chin Phys. Lett., 31, ID:010502, (4 pages), (2014)
  5. Morton, R., Verth, G., Hillier, A. & Erdélyi, R., ‘The Generation and Energy Transport of Propagating MHD Kink Waves in the Solar Atmosphere’, Astrophys. J., in press (18 pages)
  6. Williamson, A. & Erdélyi, R. ‘Linear MHD Wave Propagation in Time-Dependent Flux Tube: I. Zero Plasma-Beta’, Solar Phys., 289, pp.899-909 (2014), doi:10.1007/s11207-013-0366-9
  7. Williamson, A. & Erdélyi, R. ‘Linear MHD Wave Propagation in Time-Dependent Flux Tube: II Finite Plasma-Beta’, Solar Phys.289, pp.1193-1202 (2014)

Refereed Proceedings


  1. Erdélyi, R. & Marik, M. 'Heating of the Solar Chromosphere by Waves', in: P. Ulmschneider, E. R. Priest, and R. Rosner (eds.), Mechanism of Chromospheric and Coronal Heating, Springer-Verlag, p.420 (1991)


  1. Erdélyi, R. 'Mass-flow Effects on Resonant Alfvén Waves'; in: Y. Uchida, T. Kosugi, and H. S. Hudson (eds.) Magnetohydrodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere, Kluwer, pp.47-48 (1996)


  1. Erdélyi, R. & Taroyan, Y. A. 'Effect of a Steady Flow and an Atmospheric Magnetic Field on the Solar p- and ?-Modes', in Recent Insights into the Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and other Space Missions, (eds.) Brekke, P., Fleck, B. & Gurman, J.B., IAU Symposium203, pp.208-210 (2001)


  1. Ballai, I. & Erdélyi, R. 'Challenges in Coronal Moreton Waves', PADEU13, pp.121-126 (2003)
  2. James, S.P. & Erdélyi, R. 'Spicule Formation by Ion-Neutral Damping', PADEU13, pp.133-138 (2003)
  3. Mendoza-Brice?o, C. A., & Erdélyi, R. 'Impulsive Heating in the Solar Atmosphere', PADEU13, pp.171-176 (2003)
  4. Terra-Homem, M. & Erdélyi, R. 'Absolute and Convective Instabilities in Open Shear Flow Layers', PADEU13, pp.77-80 (2003)


  1. Erdélyi, R.; Fedun, V. 'MHD waves in Magnetically Twisted Solar Atmospheric Flux Tubes', in Solar Activity and its Magnetic Origin, (eds.) V. Bothmer & A.A. Hady, IAUS233, pp.134-135 (2006)
  2. Taroyan, Y.; Erdélyi, R. 'Seismology of Quiescent Coronal Loops', in Solar Activity and its Magnetic Origin, (eds.) V. Bothmer & A.A. Hady, IAUS, 233, pp.191-192 (2006)


  1. Mole, N., Erdélyi, R.; Kerekes, A. 'Turbulence and Surface Gravity Waves on the Sun', in (eds.) A. Luo, L. Dai & H. Hamidzadeh Nonlinear Science and Complexity, World Scientific, pp.13-23 (2007)


  1. Dorotovic, I., Erdélyi, R.; Karlosvsky, V. 'Identification of Linear Slow Sausage Waves in Magnetic Pores', in Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 'Waves & Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere: Heating and Magneto-Seismology, (eds.) Erdélyi, R. & Mendoza-Brice?o, C. A., IAU Symposium247, pp.353-356 (2008)
  2. Dess, D.B., Mathioudakis, M., Erdélyi, R., Verth, G., McAteer, R.T.J.; Keenan, F.P. 'Solar Feature Tracking in Both Spatial and Temporal Domains', in Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 'Waves & Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere: Heating and Magneto-Seismology, (eds.) Erdélyi, R. & Mendoza-Brice?o, C. A., IAU Symposium247, pp.290-297 (2008)
  3. Luna-Cardozo, M., Erdélyi, R.; Mendoza-Brice?o, C. A.'Damping of Non-Isothermal Hot Coronal Loop Oscillations', in Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 'Waves & Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere: Heating and Magneto-Seismology, (eds.) Erdélyi, R. & Mendoza-Brice?o, C. A., IAU Symposium247, pp.318-321 (2008)
  4. Taroyan, Y. A.; Erdélyi, R. 'Resonant Acoustic Waves in a Stratified Atmsophere', in Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 'Waves & Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere: Heating and Magneto-Seismology, (eds.) Erdélyi, R. & Mendoza-Brice?o, C. A., IAU Symposium247, pp.89-92 (2008)


  1. Luna-Cardozo, M., Verth, G & Erdélyi, R. ‘Magneto-seismology of solar atmospheric loops by means of longitudinal oscillations’, in Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union ‘Comparative Magnetic Minima: Characterising Quiet Time in the Sun and Stars, (eds.) C.H. Mandrini et al., IAU Symposium286, pp 437-440 (2012), DOI:
  2. Shelyag, S., Fedun, V., Erdélyi, R., Keenan, F.P. & Mathioudakis, M. ‘Vortices in the solar photosphere’, in Proceedings of the 2nd ATST -EAST Workshop in Solar Physics ‘Magnetic Fields from the Photosphere to the Corona, ASP-CP, in press,8 pages (2012)

Other Refereed Journal Publications


  1. Arnold, N., Bailey, G.J. & Erdélyi, R. 'Meeting report: Steel MIST and UKSP together at 葫芦影业', Astron. & Geophys.43, pp.3.27-3.31 (2002)


  1. Erdélyi, R., Fletcher, L. & Doyle, G.J. 'Solar Physics in Dublin', Astron. & Geophys.44, pp.3.13-3.15 (2003)


  1. Fletcher, L. & Erdélyi, R. 'Core to Corona: UKSP 2004', Astron. & Geophys.44, pp.3.33-3.35 (2004)


  1. Chaplin, W.J. & Erdélyi, R. 'Towards the Future - Birmingham UKSP 2005', Astron. & press, (9 pages)(2005)


  1. Ballester, J. L.; Erdélyi, R.; Hood, A. W.; Leibacher, J. W.; Nakariakov, V. M. 'Preface: A Topical Issue in Honor of Professor Bernard Roberts' Solar Physics246, Issue 1, pp.1-2 (2007)


  1. Nakariakov, V.M. & Erdélyi, R. ‘Foreword: Current Trends in Solar Coronal Seismology’, Space Sci. Rev., 149, pp.1-2 (2009)


  1. Erdélyi, R. & Goossens, M. ‘Magnetohydrodynamic Waves and Seismology of the Solar Atmosphere’, Space Sci. Rev., 158, pp.167-168 (2011)


  1. Cally, P., Erdélyi, R. & Norton, A. ‘Preface: Eclipse on the Coral Sea: Cycle 24 Ascending’, J. Phys. CS, 440, pp1-2, DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/440/1/011001 (2013)

Submitted to Refereed Journals

  1. Al-Ghafri, K, Ruderman, M.S. & Erdélyi, R. ‘Longitudinal MHD Waves in Dissipative Time-Dependent Plasma’, Astrophys. J., subm., (11 pages)
  3. Colantuono, G., Wang, Y., Hanna, E., Erd?elyi & Buckley, A. ‘Signature of the North Atlantic Oscillation on British Solar Radiation Availability: The Winter Zonal Seesaw’, Met. Applic., subm., (15 pages)
  4. Freij, N., Scullion, E.M., Nelson, C.J., Mumford, S. & Erdélyi, R. ‘Upwardly Propagating Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in a Pore: Channelling Energy from the Photosphere to Low Corona’, Nature Comm.s, subm., (15 pages)
  5. Griffiths, M. K., Fedun, V. & Erdélyi, R. ‘A Fast MHD Code for Gravitationally Stratified Media Using Graphical Processing Units: SMAUG’, Comp. Phys. Comm., subm., (28 pages)
  6. Hall, R., Erdélyi, R. , Hannah, E. & Scaife, A. A., ‘Drivers of Northern Hemisphere Polar Jet Stream Variability and Impacts on Regional Climate -Review’, Int. J. of Climatology, subm., (68 pages)
  7. Hague, A. & Erdélyi, R. ‘Buoyancy Driven Magnetohydrodynamic Oscillations in a Two-Layer Sun’, Solar Phys., subm. (28 pages)
  8. Jaimes-Granados, C., Fedun, V. & Erdélyi, R., ‘Flute Modes in a Magnetic Flux Tube. Kink and Fluting Mode Interaction.’, Astron. & Astrophys, subm. (12 pages)
  9. Li, L., Porsezian, K., Erdélyi, R. & He, J. ‘Few-Cycle Optical Rouge Waves: Complex Modified Korteweg-De Vries Equation’, Proc. Roy. Soc., (subm.) (22 pages)
  10. Mumford, S, Fedun, V. & Erdélyi, R. ‘3D Simulations of Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in Lower Solar Atmospheric Flux Tubes Driven by Photospheric Motion’, Astron. & Astrophys, subm. (18 pages)
  11. Pint?er, B. & Erdélyi, R., ‘Fundamental (f) Oscillation Modes in a Solar Model with Magnetic Atmosphere -An Analytical Study’, Solar Phys., (28 pages)
  12. Varga, E. & Erdélyi, R. ‘Effects of a Steady State on Magnetoacoustic-Gravity Surface Waves: I. Constant Alfv?en speed’, Solar Phys., subm., (12 pages)
  13. Wang, Y., Hannah, E. & Erdélyi, R. ‘An Evaluation of Five Commonly Used Models of Solar (Global and Diffuse) Radiation’, Met. Applic., subm., (44 pages)
  14. Wang, Y., Hannah, E., Colantuono, G. & Erdélyi, R. ‘Development of Solar Radiation Models for Smart Phones’, J. Renewable Energy, subm., (13 pages)
  15. Williamson, A. & Erdélyi, R. ‘Resonant Damping of Propagating Kink Oscillations in a Time-Dependent Magnetic Flux Tube: I Zero Plasma-Beta’, Solar Phys., subm., (10 pages)

Conference Proceedings


  1. Erdélyi, R. 'On the Strength of the Shock Waves in the Sun', Publications of the Debrecen Heliophysical Observatory7, p.304 (1990)
  2. Erdélyi, R. & Marik, M. 'Heating of the Chromosphere', Publications of the Debrecen Heliophysical Observatory7, p.292 (1990)


  1. Erdélyi, R. 'On the Pre-Historical Solar Activity', in: Historical Data for Variability of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, Vienna (1991)
  2. Erdélyi, R. 'Astronomy of the Harappa-Culture in the Ancient', in: Current Problems and Future of Archeoastronomy, Budapest (1991)
  3. Erdélyi, R. & Kiss, P. 'The Mythra Myth of the Pannon Province', in: Current Problems and Future of Archeoastronomy, Budapest, (1991)
  4. Erdélyi, R. & Cséfalvay, K. 'Vedic Astronomy', in: Current Problems and Future of Archeoastronomy, Budapest (1991)


  1. Erdélyi, R., Goossens, M. & Poedts, S. 'Linear Visco-Resistive Computations of MHD Waves, I. The code and test cases'; in: V. Rusin, P. Heinzel, and J.-C. Vial (eds.), Solar Coronal Structures, VEDA Pub. Co., Bratislava, pp.503-505 (1994)
  2. Erdélyi, R. & Goossens, M. 'Linear Visco-Resistive Computations of MHD Waves, II. Viscous effects'; in: V. Rusin, P. Heinzel, and J.-C. Vial (eds.), Solar Coronal Structures, VEDA Pub. Co., Bratislava, pp.506-508 (1994)
  3. Erdélyi, R. & Goossens, M. 'Visco-resistive Effects on Resonant absorption of MHD Waves', in: M. F. Heyn, W. Kernbichler, and H. K. Biernat (eds), Current Topics in Astrophysical and Fusion Plasma Research, dbv-Verlag, Graz, p.161 (1994)
  4. Erdélyi, R. & Goossens, M. 'Flow Effects on Viscous MHD of Resonant Absorption in Flux Tubes', in: M. F. Heyn, W. Kernbichler, and H. K. Biernat (eds), Current Topics in Astrophysical and Fusion Plasma Research, dbv-Verlag, Graz, p.219 (1994)
  5. Pintér, B., Erdélyi, R. & Goossens, M. 'The Viscous MHD Spectrum of Flux Tubes', in: M. F. Heyn, W. Kernbichler, and H. K. Biernat (eds), Current Topics in Astrophysical and Fusion Plasma Research, dbv-Verlag, Graz, p.138 (1994)


  1. Erdélyi, R. 'Resonant Absorption in the Solar Corona', ESA SP404, pp.347-352 (1997)
  2. Erdélyi, R., Doyle, J. G. & Perez, E. P. 'Explosive Events Observed by SoHO', ESA SP404, pp.353-356 (1997)
  3. Erdélyi, R., Perez, E. P. & Doyle, J. G. 'MHD Waves(?) Observed by SoHO', ESA SP404, pp.357-361 (1997)
  4. Sarro, L. M., De Sterck, H., Erdélyi, R., Montesinos, B. & Doyle, J. G. 'Modelling of Explosive Events in the Solar Atmosphere', ESA SP404, pp.657-661 (1997)


  1. Doyle, J. G., Sarro, L. M., Montesinos, B., Erdélyi, R. & De Sterck, H. 'Modelling of Explosive Events in the Solar Atmosphere', ASP CS154, pp.693-701 (1998)
  2. Erdélyi, R. , Sarro, L. M. & Doyle, J. G. 'Explosive Events Modelled in the View of SoHO Observations', ESA SP421, pp.207-211 (1998)
  3. Perez, E. P, Doyle, J. G. & Erdélyi, R. 'Observations of Explosive Events in the Solar Atmosphere', ASP CS154, pp.666-672 (1998)


  1. Ballai, I. & Erdélyi, R. 'Nonlinear Resonant MHD Waves in the Atmosphere of the Sun', ESA SP446, pp.155-160 (1999)
  2. Erdélyi, R. , Ballai, I. & Ruderman, M. S. 'Strongly Nonlinear Resonant MHD Waves in the Steady Magnetic Canopy', ESA SP448, pp.263-267 (1999)
  3. Erdélyi, R., De Pontieu, B, & Sarro, L.M. 'Multiwavelenght Observations (SOHO, TRACE, La Palma) and Modelling of Explosive Events', ESA SP448, pp.1345-1350 (1999)
  4. Erdélyi, R. & Sarro, L. M. 'Observations and Modelling of Small-Scale Energetic Transients in the Solar Atmosphere', ESA SP446, pp.299-304 (1999)
  5. Erdélyi, R. & Taroyan, Y. A. 'The Influence of a Steady State on p - and ?-modes', ESA SP448, pp.81-86 (1999)
  6. Erdélyi, R. , Varga, E. & Zétényi, M. 'Magnetoacoustic-Gravity Surface Waves in Steady plasma', ESA SP448, pp.269-274 (1999)
  7. Roussev, I., Erdélyi, R., Doyle, J. G. & Galsgaard, K. 'Modelling of Explosive Events in the Solar Transition: Importance of Radiative Losses and Thermal Conduction', ESA SP448, pp.641-646 (1999)
  8. Roussev, I., Erdélyi, R., Doyle, J. G. & Galsgaard, K. 'Modelling of Explosive Events in the Solar Transition:', RoAJS9, pp.57-67 (1999)
  9. Teriaca, L., Banerjee, D., Doyle, J.G. & Erdélyi, R. 'SUMER Observations of Line Shifts in the Quiet Sun and in an Active Region', ESA SP446, pp.645-650 (1999)
  10. Teriaca, L., Doyle, J.G., Erdélyi, R., Sarro, L.M. & Banerjee, D. 'New Insight into Transition Region Dynamics as Derived from SUMER Observations and Modelling', ESA SP448, pp.379-384 (1999)


  1. Ballai, I., Erdélyi, R. & Goossens, M. 'Absorption of Fast Magnetosonic Waves in the Solar Atmosphere in the Limit of Weak Nonlinearity', AIP-CP537, pp.144-151 (2000)
  2. Ballai, I., Erdélyi, R. & Goossens, M. 'Linear and Nonlinear Waves in Dilute Plasmas', AIP-CP537, pp.152-159 (2000)
  3. Ruderman, M. S. & Erdélyi, R. 'Interaction of Sound Waves with Inhomogeneous Magnetised Plasma in Strongly Nonlinear Resonant Slow Wave Layer', AIP-CP537, pp.279-286 (2000)


  1. Díaz, A. J., Oliver, R., Erdélyi, R. & Ballester, J. L. 'Fast MHD Oscillations in Prominence Fine Structures', in MHD Waves in Astrophysical Plasmas, (eds.) Ballester, J.L. & Roberts, B., pp.147-150 (2001)
  2. Erdélyi, R. & Ballai, I. 'Nonlinear Resonant MHD Waves in the Atmosphere of the Sun', ASP CS223, pp.613-618 (2001)
  3. Erdélyi, R., De Pontieu, B, & Roussev, I. 'Micro-scale Heating Blocks: SUMER-TRACE-La Palma Observations and their Modelling', ASP CS223, pp.619-625 (2001)
  4. Erdélyi, R. & Taroyan, Y. A. 'Helioseismic Frequency Shifts due to Steady States', ESA SP464, pp.203-206 (2001)
  5. Pintér, B., Erdélyi, R. , New, R. & Goossens, M. 'Influence of Equilibrium Flows and the Atmospheric Magnetic Field on Solar Oscillation Modes', ESA SP464, pp.227-230 (2001)
  6. Taroyan, Y. A. & Erdélyi, R. 'Meridional Flows: Their Effect on Solar Oscillations', in MHD Waves in Astrophysical Plasmas, (eds.) Ballester, J.L. & Roberts, B., pp.175-178 (2001)
  7. Varga, E. & Erdélyi, R. 'Effects of Flow on Magnetoacoustic-Gravity Surface Waves', ESA SP464, pp.255-258 (2001)
  8. Varga, E. & Erdélyi, R. 'Effects of Steady Flow on Magnetoacoustic-gravity Surface Waves', PADEU11, pp.83-88 (2001)


  1. Erdélyi, R. 'Resonant MHD Wave Instabilities in the Solar Atmosphere', ESA SP505, pp.145-148 (2002)
  2. James, S. P. & Erdélyi, R. 'Spicule Formation by Ion-Neutral Damping', ESA SP506, pp.649-652 (2002)
  3. Marik, D. & Erdélyi, R. 'What Blinkers Really Are', ESA SP508, pp.315-318 (2002)
  4. Mendoza-Brice?o, C. A., Erdélyi, R. & Sigalotti, D. 'Heating of Coronal Loops by Random Micro-Scale Energy Releases', ESA SP505, pp.257-260 (2002)
  5. Mendoza-Brice?o, C. A., Erdélyi, R. & Sigalotti, D. 'Episodic Footpoint Heating of Coronal Loops: Does It Work?', ESA SP506, pp.697-700 (2002)


  1. Miteva, R., Zhelyazkov, I. & Erdélyi, R. 'Propagation of surface waves in flowing solar wind structures in the framework of Hall-magnetohydrodynamics', in S. Panchev (ed.) Contemporary Problems of Solar--Terrestrial Influences, pp.102-105 (2003) [ISBN: 954-91424-1-8]


  1. Ballai, I. & Erdélyi, R. 'Damping of Coronal EIT Waves as a Tool for Plasma Diagnostics', ESA SP547, pp.433-440 (2004)
  2. Erdélyi, R. & Fedun, V. 'Solitary Wave Propagation from the Photosphere into the Solar Corona', ESA SP547, pp.63-68 (2004)
  3. Erdélyi, R. & Mendoza-Brice?o, C. A., 'Damping of Loop Oscillations in the Stratified Corona', ESA SP547, pp.441-446 (2004)
  4. Erdélyi, R. & Kerekes, A., 'Influence of Random Magnetic Field on Solar Global Oscillations', PADEU14, pp.141-152 (2004)
  5. Erdélyi, R. , Kerekes, A. & Mole, N. 'Random Flow Effects on Surface Waves', ESA SP547, pp.75-80 (2004)
  6. Erdélyi, R. , Kerekes, A., Mole, N. & Ruderman, M. S. 'Influence of Random Magnetic Field on Photospheric Surface Waves', ESA SP547, pp.69-74 (2004)
  7. James, S. P. & Erdélyi, R. 'MHD Wave Propagation in Open Flux Tubes in the Low Solar Atmosphere', ESA SP547, pp.131-136 (2004)
  8. Mendoza-Brice?o, C. A., & Erdélyi, R. 'Episodic Coronal Loop Heating', ESA SP547, pp.261-266 (2004)
  9. Ruderman, M. S. & Erdélyi, R. 'Oscillations of Coronal Loops with Elliptic Cross-section', ESA SP547, pp.507-512 (2004)
  10. Taroyan, Y. A., Erdélyi, R. & Doyle, J. G. 'Time-distance Helioseismology and the Magnetic Atmosphere of the Sun', ESA SP547, pp.33-38 (2004)


  1. Carter, B.K. & Erdélyi, R. 'Wave Propagation in Twisted Magnetic Annulus', ESA SP575, pp.378-382 (2005)
  2. Erdélyi, R. & Mendoza-Brice?o, C. A. 'Coronal Loop Heating and Catastrophic Cooling', ESA SP575, (6 pages) (2005)
  3. Taroyan, Y.A., Erdélyi, R. & Doyle, J.G. 'Impulse Excitation and Damping of Slow Standing Mode Oscillations in Hot Coronal Loops', ESA SP575, (5 pages) (2005)


  1. Pintér, B.; Erdélyi, R. 'Helioseismic Modes in a Magnetic Atmospheric Solar Model', in K. Fletcher (ed.) Beyond the Spherical Sun: A New are for Helio- and Asteroseismology, ESA-SP624 pp.71.1-72.9 (2006)
  2. Shelyag, S., Erdélyi, R.; Thompson, M.J. 'Helioseismology of Sub-Photospheric Flows', in K. Fletcher (ed.) Beyond the Spherical Sun: A New are for Helio- and Asteroseismology', ESA-SP624 p.123.1-123.5 (2006)
  3. Taroyan, Y., Erdélyi, R.; Malins, C. 'Propagation of p-modes into the Solar Atmosphere', in K. Fletcher (ed.) Beyond the Spherical Sun: A New are for Helio- and Asteroseismology', ESA-SP624 pp.135.1-135.4 (2006)


  1. Erdélyi, R.; Fedun, V., Malins, C.; Pintér, B. 'Trapped Eigenoscillations in the Lower Solar Atmosphere: Is there a Resonant Coupling?', ASP-CS368, pp.187-192
  2. Verth, G.; Erdélyi, R. 'Solar coronal magneto-seismology with Solar Orbiter', in Solar Orbiter Workshop II, (ed.) Conroy, L., ESA-SP641, (6 pages) (2007)
  3. Young, P.R. & EUS Science Working Group, 'Science with the Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrometer for Solar Orbiter', in L. Conroy (ed.) Second Solar Orbiter Workshop, ESA-SP641, (5 pages) (2007)


  1. Shelyag, S., Zharkov, S., Fedun, V., Erdélyi, R. & Thompson, M.J., ‘Numerical Simulation of Acoustic Wave Propagation in the Solar Sub-Photosphere with Localized Magnetic Field Concentration’, in Proceedings of ‘Solar-Stellar Dynamos as Revealed by Helio-and Asteroseismology: GONG 2008/SOHO 21, (eds.) M. Dikpati, T. Arentoft, I. Gonzlez Hernndez, Ch. Lindsey & Frank Hill, ASP-CS, 416, pp.167-170 (2009)


  1. Scullion, E., Doyle, J.G. & Erdélyi, R., ‘A Spectroscopic Analysis of Macrospicules’, Mem. S. A. It., 81, pp.737-743 (2010)
  2. Scullion, E., Erdélyi, R. & Doyle, J.G. ‘Waves in the Transition Region’, in (eds.) S.S. Hasan & R.J. Rutten, Magnetic Coupling between the Interior and Atmosphere of the Sun, Astrophys. Space Sci. Proc., DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-02859-5-47, Springer, Berlin, pp.426-428 (2010)
  3. Taroyan, Y. & Erdélyi, R. ‘MHD Wave Haeting Diagnostic’, in (eds.) S.S. Hasan & R.J. Rutten, Magnetic Coupling between the Interior and Atmosphere of the Sun, Astrophys. Space Sci. Proc., DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-02859-5-23, Springer, Berlin, pp.287-288 (2010)


  1. Nelson, C.J., Doyle, J.G., Erdélyi, R., Madjarska, M. & Mumford, S.J. ‘Ellerman Bombs: Small-Scale Brightenings in the Photosphere, Mem. S. A. It, 4 pages, (2012)

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