Dr Demetris Bates

School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Research Associate


Full contact details

Dr Demetris Bates
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Dainton Building
13 Brook Hill
S3 7HF

Journal articles

  • Rider MS, Johnson EC, Bates D, Wardley WP, Gordon RH, Oliver RDJ, Armes SP, Leggett GJ & Barnes WL (2024) . Nanophotonics, 13(14), 2453-2467. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wu C, Bates D, Sangtarash S, Ferri N, Thomas A, Higgins SJ, Robertson CM, Nichols RJ, Sadeghi H & Vezzoli A (2020) . Nano Letters, 20(11), 7980-7986. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Yutronkie NJ, Bates D, Dube PA, Winter SM, Robertson CM, Brusso JL & Oakley RT (2019) . Inorganic Chemistry, 58(1), 419-427. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Bates D, Robertson CM, Leitch AA, Dube PA & Oakley RT (2018) . Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140(11), 3846-3849. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Morris JMF, Potter J, Bates D, Wu C, Robertson CM, Higgins SJ, Nichols RJ, Low PJ & Vezzoli A () . The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. RIS download Bibtex download


  • Morris J, Potter J, Bates D, Wu C, Robertson C, Higgins S, Nichols R, Low P & Vezzoli A (2024) , American Chemical Society (ACS). RIS download Bibtex download