NMR Spectroscopy Service

The NMR facility in the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences is equipped with five instruments at 400MHz (4) and 500MHz (1), capable of performing a range of measurements, including:
- standard 1H and 13C measurements
- multinuclear NMR (e.g. 2H, 11B, 19F, 29Si, 31P etc.)
- variable temperature (above and below ambient)
- 2D NMR (e.g. HSQC, HMBC, DOSY, etc.)
- routine solid state NMR
We provide expert NMR services to both internal (School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences and other Schools) users, as well as external clients (other Universities, commercial customers).
- Bruker AVIIIHD 500MHz - "Millicent"
- 5mm solution state BBFO SmartProbe - 1H / 19F-15N dual resonance, z-gradient
- 4mm solid state 1H(19F) / 31P-15N dual resonance
- Bookable instrument for trained users
- Bruker AVIIIHD 400MHz - "Magnus"
- 5mm solution state BBFO SmartProbe - 1H / 19F-15N dual resonance, z-gradient
- Open-access instrument for trained users
- Bruker AVIII 400MHz - "Marmaduke"
- 5mm solution state BBFO - 1H / 19F-15N dual resonance, z-gradient
- Bookable instrument for trained users
- Bruker AV 400 MHz - "Monty"
- 5 mm solution state BBFO SmartProbe - 1H / 19F-15N dual resonance, z-gradient
- Open-access instrument for trained users
- Spinsolve 60 Benchtop NMR spectrometer
- 5 mm solution state probe 1H, 19F, 31P
- Flow cell for continuous reaction monitoring
- 20 position sample changer
- Open access instrument for undergraduate use in teaching labs
All instruments are equipped with 60-position sample changer for solution state samples.
To discuss your requirements please get in touch with our NMR specialist Dr Khalid Doudin.
Email: k.doudin@sheffield.ac.uk
Phone: +44 (0)114 222 9312