Who we are
The centre comprises a diverse team of researchers with a broad range of expertise drawn from the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Health.

The centre comprises a diverse team of researchers with a broad range of expertise drawn from the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Health. We have a broad representation across different career stages, and place a strong emphasis on including Early Career Researchers in our decision-making processes.
Centre leads
Research theme leads
Nucleic acids in gene regulation and maintenance
Nucleic acids in health and disease
Nucleic acid biophysics, chemistry and structure
Vaccines, therapeutics and translational nucleic acids
Head of Training
Management team
The Nucleic Acids Institute was founded as SInFoNiA in 2016, to support networking and collaboration across the University. Our founders are still actively involved in supporting the Nucleic Acids Institute.
ECR representatives
Emma Welbourne (Zoltan Kis lab, Engineering)
Manoj Valluru
Nicola Carruthers
Charlotte Vandermeulen
Katy Boswell
Grace Gilbert