Child Welfare and Safeguarding
The ‘Child Welfare and Safeguarding’ theme is concerned with the experiences and outcomes of children who may be engaged in welfare services due to concerns for their safety or their development.

This includes: families requiring ‘early help’; children classified as ‘in need’ or subject to a child protection plan; children ‘looked after’ by the local authority; those at risk of sexual and/or criminal exploitation; and children with disabilities.
We recognise that children’s health and welfare are closely linked and seek to connect professionals and researchers working across these areas. Suggested areas of interest include but are not limited to:
- Families in need of early help;
- Children and young people engaged with welfare services;
- Children who face adversity in their family circumstances;
- Young people who are at risk of involvement in sexual and/or criminal exploitation;
- Health inequalities facing children known to social services;
- Mental health in contexts of trauma, abuse or neglect;
- The impact of childhood adversity on health-seeking behaviours;
- The interface between health services and the child protection system, including: trends in referrals from health services due to safeguarding concerns; engagement of health professionals with the 'corporate parent'.
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Theme Coordinators
Research spotlight
Pathways to University from Care
Pathways to University from Care is a research project led by Dr Katie Ellis and Claire Johnston exploring the journey through care, the barriers care leavers face in accessing university, and the support that helps them succeed.
234 care-experienced students shared their experiences of care and their perspectives on university life. The findings have been used to produce recommendations and resources aimed at Government and Policy Makers, Local Authorities, and Higher Education providers.