Recent publications

Hawkins N & Slade A (2023) Intellectual Property Quarterly(1), 1-32.
Keren-Paz T (2023) . Bristol University Press.
Ezechukwu N (2023) Mobile Payments, Consumer Policy and the Law A Comparative Analysis. Routledge.
Zhu S (2023) Bailment in the Peer to Peer Sharing Economy. European Journal of Law and Technology (14) no. 2
Akintola K & Samanta N (2023) Directors' Duties towards Shareholders and Creditors in a Corporate Insolvency - Legal and Practical Implications of the UK Supreme Court鈥檚 decision in BTI 2014 LLV v Sequana SA. International Company and Commercial Law Review, 34(5).
Benbow DI (2023) . International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Services.
Collinson J, Sloth-Nielsen J & Spalding A (2023) . International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 37(1).
Hawkins N (Ed.) (2022) Edward Elgar.
Ventouratou A (2022) . The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 21(3), 593-640.
Akintola K (2022) Bank Insolvency Law in Developing Economies
Chen D, Deakin S, Johnston A & Wang B (2022) . Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium.
Kotzamani P (2022) . Leiden Journal of International Law, 35(3), 679-697.
Chen J (2021) . Edward Elgar Publishing.
Tushnet MV & Bugari膷 B (2021) Power to the People Constitutionalism in the Age of Populism.
Blindell L (2021) Mandatory CSR Disclosure: An Empirical Analysis of UK Modern Slavery Statements. European Business Law Review, 32(2), 317-354.
Craven R (2020) . Journal of Law and Society, 47(1), 29-59.