Prof. Lilia Ahrné
External partner

- Profile
Prof. Lilia Ahrné is a Professor in Dairy Process Technology at the University of Copenhagen and leads the Dairy and Food Processing Research Group at the Department of Food Science. She holds BSc, MSc and PhD in food engineering. She started her career at Tetra Pak, followed by 18 years at SIK- The Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology, now part of RISE – Research Institutes of Sweden where, in the last 10 years she was director of the Process and Technology Development department and adjunct Professor in Food Technology at Chalmers University of Technology.
She has been president of EFFoST (European Federation of Food Science and Technology) and the led Food Science Sweden, a collaborative platform financed by the major Swedish food research actors. She has been a member of the National Committee of Food Sciences of The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA) and member of the Expert Group on FOOD 2030 for the European Commission R&I Directorate F. Nowadays, she is part of the scientific committee of IUFoST (International Union of Food Science and Technology).
Her research interests focus on understanding the effect of processing on the physical, chemical, and structural characteristics of foods, and use this knowledge to develop new processes and products. Processes under study include both traditional and novel technologies. The research activities are focused on two main platforms: (i) Structuring technologies and (ii) separation technologies to deliver gentle processes for the production of sustainable foods.