Dr Bethany Taylor
School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery
Research Fellow

+44 114 222 2625
Full contact details
School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery
Room 206A
362 Mushroom Lane
S10 2TS
- Profile
I completed my PhD in the School of Nursing and Midwifery (2013-2017) under the supervision of Dr. Tony Ryan and Dr. Jill Thompson. This explored the experiences of adults with learning disabilities and their families at a time of transition from co-residing with family to living independently in the community.
Since 2016, I have worked as a Research Associate in the School of Nursing and Midwifery. I am currently involved in researching issues related to nursing workforce, education and evaluation, as part of the strategic research alliance between the Royal College of Nursing and the School of Nursing and Midwifery. Alongside this, I work on several research projects centred on patient experience and have a particular interest in living with mesothelioma.
- Research interests
My interests lie in conducting research with patients, family carers and health care professionals to learn from their experiences in order to improve service provision and care delivery. I am interested in a relationship centred approach to care provision. Methodologically, my experience lies in qualitative research, in stand alone and mixed method studies. I endeavour to employ creative and participatory approaches to research.
Current research projects
• A consensus development project exploring safe and effective nursing care in the UK.
• MIMES: Military Mesothelioma Experience Study.
• Being Warm, Being Happy: understanding fuel poverty for people living with a learning disability.
• Mapping the financial support for patients and/ or caregivers of those with a life limiting illness across six countries.
• Zoledronic acid in the management of mesothelioma: qualitative nested study.
- Publications
Journal articles
Conference proceedings papers
- Grants
1/12/17 - 31/05/20. Understanding the impact of mesothelioma for military personnel and veterans. Funded by Mesothelioma UK. (Co-applicant).
1/04/17 - 31/03/20. MesoTRAP feasibility study. NIHR RfPB (Co-applicant).
1/11/17 - 31/4/19. Being Warm: Being Happy. Understanding fuel poverty for people with learning difficulties. Funded by EAGA Charitable Trust. (Co-applicant and lead for the qualitative arm of the study).
1/9/16 - 31/1/18. Receiving a Diagnosis Of Mesothelioma (RADIO MESO): improving the patient experience. Funded by Mesothelioma UK. (Co-applicant).
- Teaching interests
My teaching interests are research methods, relationship centred approaches to support and care provision and sociological approaches to understanding health and illness.
I have been awarded Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).
Doctoral student supervision: I currently supervise Virginia Sherbourne.
I am interested in supervising students in my research areas and would welcome students contacting me.