Ophthalmology and Orthoptics
Below are the names and contact details of academic staff in the Division of Ophthalmology and Orthoptics. If you aren’t sure who to contact then get in touch using our general contact details.
Professional Lead
Staff A-Z
Name | Role | Department | Email address | Telephone | Surname |
A |
Alrehaily, Hani | Postgraduate Research Student | School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery | hadalrehaily1@sheffield.ac.uk | A | |
Arblaster, Dr Gemma | Lecturer | School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery | g.arblaster@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 215 9055 | A |
B |
Bjerre, Ms Anne | Senior Lecturer in Orthoptics | School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery | a.bjerre@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 215 9038 | B |
C |
Codina, Professor Charlotte | Professional Lead for Orthoptics and Ophthalmology | School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery | c.codina@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 215 9042 | C |
D |
Davis, Professor Helen | Professional Lead for Ophthalmology and Orthoptics | School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery | h.davis@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 215 9005 | D |
F |
Francis, Jessica | University Teacher | School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery | jessica.e.francis@sheffield.ac.uk | F | |
G |
Geraghty, Holly | Postgraduate Research Student | School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery | hgeraghty@sheffield.ac.uk | G | |
H |
Haslam, Laura | Orthoptics University Teacher | School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery | laura.haslam@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 2030 | H |
Hughes, Karzan | University Teacher in Orthoptics | School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery | karzan.hughes@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 2030 | H |
J |
Jayamanne, Don Gerard Rohan | Postgraduate Research Student | School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery | DGRJayamanne1@sheffield.ac.uk | J | |
Jukes, Catherine | Postgraduate Research Student | School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery | CAJukes1@sheffield.ac.uk | J | |
K |
Keating, Patrick | Lecturer in Optics | School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery | p.d.keating@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 215 9053 | K |
M |
Maconachie, Dr Gail | University Lecturer | School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery | g.d.maconachie@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 225 9034 | M |
S |
Sheth, Viral | University Teacher | School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery | v.sheth@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 222 2030 | S |
T |
Toor, Dr Sonia | Lecturer in Orthoptics | School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery | sonia.toor@sheffield.ac.uk | +44 114 215 9064 | T |