Working with industry
With the aim of bridging the gap between fundamental research and real world applications the Centre for GaN Materials and Devices offers the full project life cycle for industry collaboration – from design, advanced epitaxy growth, device fabrication and characterisation to testing.
There are opportunities for collaboration available to any size of business. These include:
- consultancy
- future trends analysis
- training
- PhD sponsorship
- student placements
- help with applying for third party funding
- access to full-scale test facilities and specialist equipment
- membership options
- knowledge exchange relationships
We continue to strive for industry-ready applications for our III-nitride research and we are very keen to work with industry partners and support the UK semiconductor industry. There are many ways to get involved with the centre, from long term membership to one-off projects. If you have specific ideas you’d like to discuss please get in touch.
Professor Tao Wang
Director of the Centre for GaN Materials and Devices
The Centre for GaN Materials and Devices is also part of the EPSRC funded – working with other universities and industrial partners to boost the uptake and application of CS technology.
We host regular open days for industry – keep up to date by signing up to our mailing list and .