Professor James Marshall
School of Computer Science
Professor of Theoretical and Computational Biology
Director of the Centre for Machine Intelligence
Member of the Complex Systems Modelling research group
+44 114 222 1832
Full contact details
School of Computer Science
Sir Frederick Mappin Building
Mappin Street
S1 3JD
- Profile
I am an interdisciplinary researcher interested in behaviour, its mechanistic bases, and its evolution. With various colleagues I apply a variety of mathematical and computational approaches to understanding how and why behaviours evolve.
I am also interested in what engineering disciplines may learn from this study. Particular research interests include collective social insect behaviour, the evolution of social behaviour, and the application of decision theory to animal behaviour. Some of my research makes use of robotics to test these ideas.
- Research interests
My research interests cover modelling of collective behaviour, particularly in social insects, evolutionary theory, decision theory, robotics, and theoretical neuroscience
- Publications
Journal articles
- . Animal Behaviour, 210, 189-197.
- . Royal Society Open Science, 10(3).
- . Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 16.
- . PLoS Computational Biology, 18(10).
- . Science Robotics, 7(67).
- . PLoS Computational Biology, 18(5).
- . Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
- . PLoS Computational Biology, 17(10).
- . Science Robotics, 6(56).
- . Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288(1945).
- . New Scientist, 249(3322), 23-23.
- . Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 287(1934).
- . Swarm Intelligence, 14, 25-56.
- . Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 94.
- . PLOS ONE, 14(9).
- . Computational Brain & Behavior, 1-20.
- . Neural Computation, 31(5), 870-896.
- . eLife, 8.
- . PLoS Computational Biology, 14(9).
- . Journal of Theoretical Biology, 445, 120-127.
- . Scientific Reports, 8(1).
- . Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285(1872), 20172726-20172726.
- . Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 32(9), 636-645.
- . J Theor Biol, 426, 57-66.
- . Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 16, 30-34.
- . Journal of Numerical Cognition, 3(1), 77-96.
- . Ecology and Evolution.
- . Physical Review E, 95(5).
- . IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2(3), 1755-1761.
- . J Theor Biol.
- . PLoS ONE, 12(2).
- . Decision.
- . Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 12, 103-108.
- . Interface, 13(119).
- . PLoS Computational Biology, 12(5).
- . BioScience, 66(3), 185-185.
- . Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 9.
- . BioScience, 65(3), 328-329.
- . Current Zoology, 61(2), 221-225.
- . Current Zoology, 61(2), 382-396.
- . Current Zoology, 61(2), 242-250.
- . The American Naturalist, 184(4), 531-540.
- . Front Neurosci, 8, 73.
- . PLOS ONE, 8(11).
- . PLOS ONE, 8(9).
- . Trends in Ecology and Evolution.
- . Trends in Ecology and Evolution.
- . Animal Behaviour.
- . Ubiquity, 2013, 1:1-1:16.
- . ENTROPY, 14(11), 2173-2191.
- . PLoS ONE, 7(9).
- . Evolution and Human Behavior.
- . Journal of Theoretical Biology, 302, 39-52.
- . Behavioural Processes, 89(2), 172-178.
- . SCIENCE, 335(6064), 108-111.
- . ANIM COGN, 14(4), 465-476.
- . TRENDS ECOL EVOL, 26(7), 325-332.
- . PLOS ONE, 6(5).
- . BEHAV ECOL, 22(3), 535-542.
- . Nature, 471(7339), E1-E4.
- . BEHAV ECOL SOCIOBIOL, 65(3), 503-512.
- . BEHAV ECOL SOCIOBIOL, 65(3), 417-420.
- . Swarm Intelligence, 5(1), 3-18.
- . Journal of Theoretical Biology, 270(1), 185-188.
- . Ecology Letters, 14(1), 58-62.
- . J R SOC INTERFACE, 6(40), 1065-1074.
- . J THEOR BIOL, 260(3), 386-391.
- Colony-level cognition. CURR BIOL, 19(10), R395-R396.
- . P R SOC B, 275(1649), 2353-2361.
- . NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN, 94(11), 911-918.
- . BEHAV ECOL SOCIOBIOL, 61(3), 347-356.
- . Swarm Intelligence, 1(2), 81-94.
- . J R SOC INTERFACE, 3(7), 243-254.
- . Maritime Policy & Management, 32(1), 15-30.
- . Artificial Life, 10(1), 113-115.
- . J THEOR BIOL, 222(3), 331-335.
- The execution kernel of RC++: RETE*, a faster RETE with TREAT as a special case. International Journal of Intelligent Games and Simulation, 2, 36-38.
- Conflicting agents: Conflict management in multi-agent systems. JASSS, 6(1).
- Viscous populations and their support for reciprocal cooperation. ARTIF LIFE, 9(3), 327-334.
- . eLife, 12.
- .
- . PLOS ONE, 10(2), e0116307-e0116307.
- . Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2.
- . Nature Precedings.
- Robots as Actors in a Film: No War, A Robot Story.
- . PLOS ONE, 16(11), e0259736-e0259736.
- .
- , Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems (pp. 76-87). Springer International Publishing
- Foundations of Search: A Perspective from Computer Science In Todd PM, Hill TT & Robbins TW (Ed.), Cognitive Search: Evolution, Algorithms and the Brain MIT Press
- Search environments, representation, and encoding In Todd PM, Hills TT & Robbins TW (Ed.), Cognitive Search: Evolution, Algorithms and the Brain MIT Press
- , Organization of Insect Societies (pp. 437-459). Harvard University Press
- The Dawn of a Golden Age in Mathematical Insect Sociobiology In Gadau J, Fewell J & Wilson EO (Ed.), Organization of insect societies: from genome to sociocomplexity (pp. 437-458). Harvard Univ Pr
- Computer modelling in behavioral and evolutionary ecology: whys and wherefores. In Laubichler MD & Müller GB (Ed.), Modeling biology: Structures, Behaviors, Evolution (pp. 335-354). The MIT Press
- , Modelling Natural Action Selection (pp. 500-522). Cambridge University Press
Conference proceedings papers
- Multi-alternative magnitude-sensitive perceptual decision making: evidence and implications. PERCEPTION, Vol. 50(1_SUPPL) (pp 224-224)
- . 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Montreal, Canada, 20 May 2019 - 24 May 2019.
- . Swarm Intelligence (ANTS 2018), Vol. 11172 (LNCS) (pp 176-187), 29 October 2018 - 31 October 2018.
- . Swarm Intelligence (ANTS 2018), Vol. 11172 (LNCS) (pp 135-149), 29 October 2018 - 31 October 2018.
- . Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics, Vol. 6 (pp 461-473). Cham
- . 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (pp 4171-4178), 15 May 2017 - 19 May 2017.
- . AIAA Infotech @ Aerospace
- . BMC Neuroscience, Vol. 16(S1)
- . BMC Neuroscience, Vol. 15(S1)
- . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol. 8064 LNAI (pp 362-363)
- Optimal voting in groups with convergent interests. AAAI Spring Symposium - Technical Report, Vol. SS-11-08 (pp 12-16)
- Beyond No Free Lunch: Realistic Algorithms for Arbitrary Problem Classes. 2010 IEEE CONGRESS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION (CEC)
- . Proceedings of the 11th Annual Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO-2009 (pp 1187-1194)
- . Proceedings of GECCO 2007: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Companion Material (pp 2831-2834)
- . Proceedings of GECCO 2007: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (pp 1774-1781)
- A representational ecology for learning classifier systems. GECCO 2006: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Vol 1 and 2 (pp 1529-1536)
- What have gene libraries done for AIS?. ARTIFICIAL IMMUNE SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 3627 (pp 86-99)
- See how she runs: Towards visualising artificial Red Queen evolution. Artificial Life IX (pp 334-339)
- Simulating the evolution of ant behaviour in evaluating nest sites. ADVANCES IN ARTIFICIAL LIFE, PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 2801 (pp 643-650)
- Investigating the mechanisms underlying cooperation in viscous population multi-agent systems. MIT Press (pp 348-352)
- RC++: A rule-based language for game AI. First International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation
- Egocentric AI Processing for Computer Entertainment: A Real-Time Process Manager for Games. First International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation
Software / Code
Theses / Dissertations
- An Investigation into Kin Selection and Reciprocal Cooperation in a Viscous Population. De Montfort University.
- .
- , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- A memory and communication efficient algorithm for decentralized counting of nodes in networks, arXiv.
- Model of the best-of-N nest-site selection process in honeybees, arXiv.
- Approximations of Algorithmic and Structural Complexity Validate Cognitive-behavioural Experimental Results, arXiv.
- Some Computational Aspects of Essential Properties of Evolution and Life, arXiv.
- Beyond No Free Lunch: Realistic Algorithms for Arbitrary Problem Classes, arXiv.
- , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- .
- , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Grants
Research grants
- ActiveAI: , EPSRC, 11/2019 - 10/2024, £953,584, as Co-PI
- Swarm Awareness, Government, 08/2018 - 08/2021, £226,567, as PI
- , EPSRC, 12/2016 - 06/2022, £2,128,934, as PI
- , EC - H2020, 08/2015 - 11/2020, £1,168,351, as PI
- Comparative neuroscience and computational neuroscience, Leverhulme Trust, 04/2018 - 07/2020, £72,016, as PI
- Analysing and modelling decision making in the honey bee brain, Royal Society, 03/2015 - 03/2017, £12,000, as PI
- , EPSRC, 03/2013 - 08/2016, £660,561, as PI
- , BBSRC, 10/2010 - 10/2012, £145,732, as PI
- , EPSRC, 08/2008 - 07/2012, £306,386, as Co PI
- AIBACS - Social Insects, Simulated Evolution and Biologically Inspired Algorithms, EPSRC, 01/2004 - 07/2006, £127,271, as Co-PI
- Professional activities and memberships
- Editorial Board, Swarm Intelligence (2017-present)
- Associate Editor: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (2013-2017)
- EPSRC Peer Review College Member (2010-present)
- Member of the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship Panel College (2019-present)
- Associate Editor - PLoS one - 2009-2020
- Associate Editor - PLoS Computational Biology - 2020-present
- Founder Science Officer at Opteran Technologies