Wellbeing of individuals and society
The cluster focuses on understanding the psychological influences on behaviour.

The cluster focuses on understanding the psychological influences on behaviour. We conduct fundamental research to develop models of behaviour change and to understand how behaviour change can be measured and influenced. We consider how societal and environmental factors influence behaviour, including the impacts of health on wellbeing.
Research carried out by this cluster tackles key challenges facing society including promoting health behaviours, tackling addiction, obesity and weight management, and engaging in behaviours that support sustainability.
This cluster carries out work which addresses the social determinants of mental health difficulties, particularly psychosis, and research aimed at understanding and improving the effectiveness of routinely delivered psychological therapies.
Members of the cluster are particularly interested in developing precision mental health care which is capable of stratifying people who need psychological intervention into groups based on their response to different treatment approaches.
We have broad ranging methodological expertise from conducting qualitative studies with clinical populations to computational modelling of large-scale national data, for example, in identifying risks for poor outcomes in therapies for anxiety and depression. We are driving the development of data-driven approaches to therapy modifications.
We value team science and producing high-quality research that is reproducible, robust and transparent.
Research Cluster Lead: Prof Ian Kellar
Deputy Research Cluster Leads: Dr Emma Broglia; Prof Jaime Delgadillo
Meet the team
- Dr Harriet Baird
- Prof Michael Barkham
- Prof Richard Bentall
- Dr Nicola Buckland
- Dr Elizabeth Corker
- Prof Jaime Delgadillo
- Prof Matt Field
- Prof Gillian Hardy
- Dr Vyv Huddy
- Dr Ben Lorimer
- Prof Paul Norman
- Dr Arianna Prudenzi
- Dr Gregg Rawlings
- Prof Richard Rowe
- Prof Sue Sherman
- Dr Melanie Simmonds-Buckley
- Dr Chris Taylor
- Prof Glenn Waller
- Prof Thomas Webb
- Dr Rebecca Webster
- Dr Chantelle Wood
Related lab groups
- Psychosis Lab Group
- Eating and Environmental Behaviours
- Plastics and Circular Economy Research Network
- Addictions and Compulsions Lab Group