How to plan a dissertation or final year project

Information on how to plan and manage your dissertation project.


What is research?

Research sometimes just means finding out information about a topic. However, research in an academic context refers to a more rigorous process that, when undertaken effectively, will lead to new insights or perspectives. 

The classic definition of academic research is that it leads to an original 'contribution to knowledge' in a particular field of inquiry by identifying an important question or problem and then answering or solving it in a systematic way.

ºù«Ӱҵ prides itself on being a research-led university. Crucially, this means that teaching is informed by cutting-edge research in the academic field.

It also means that you are learning in an environment where you develop and use research skills as you progress. Your dissertation or final-year project is a chance to put all of this experience together and apply it to make your own contribution to knowledge in your own narrow and specific area of interest. 

It also presents a number of new challenges relating to the scale, scope and structure of a piece of work that is likely to be more substantial than any you have undertaken before. These resources will help you to break the process down and explore ways to plan and structure your research and organise your written work.

Defining your project

A good research project will be as narrowly defined and specific as possible to allow you to explore the area as fully as possible within the time and space constraints that you are facing. But how do you go from a general area of interest to a fully-formed research project?

This Project Design Template will help you to work through this process. Access the template and read more about how to use it below.

Your dissertation or final-year research topic

You may have lots of ideas of things you would like to explore in your project; you may not be sure where to start. Either way, writing down some relevant key words is a good first step to help you to identify the area(s) of interest. 

Once you have some key words in place, can you break them down further to identify any sub-topics of interest. For example if you are interested in sustainable building design, what is it about that topic that you would like to find out more about? The use of green walls? Natural light? Air circulation? Are you interested in civic buildings, schools or homes? Do you have a geographical area of focus in mind? 

Once you have your key words and sub topics in place, you can have a go at formulating them into a mission statement for your project setting out exactly what it is you want to achieve. For example, ‘This project will compare the use of natural air circulation design features in Chinese and British school buildings.’ 

Don’t forget, your mission statement is something that you can keep coming back to and tweaking as your project takes shape.

Relevant literature

How much do you need to read to develop your literature review? There is no simple answer to this question and the answer will depend on your project and its scope. However, you can help to answer that question yourself by identifying the key themes from the literature that you will need to include in your review. Aim for somewhere between 3-5 themes to help create a structured and focused literature review. 

Once you have your themes in place, you will need to identify the key texts that have informed your thinking. Try to aim for 3-5 sources per theme and make sure you have included the most influential and the most recent research within that list.

Book workshops on Dissertation Writing: Effective Paraphrasing, Summarising and Referencing, Writing Persuasive Introductions, Conclusions and Discussions, and Writing Effective Thesis Statements and Topic Sentences.

Book a writing advisory service appointment for feedback on your work and advice on dissertation writing

Your research

What is it that you want to find out, explore or test in your research? Most research projects will involve several research objectives that will allow you to fulfil your mission statement. Aim to begin with the broadest, most significant objective and try to keep the number of objectives manageable to maintain focus. 

What data or information will you need to collect in order to meet each objective? Remember that the data that you use for your research will need to be valid, sufficient, reliable and feasible within the timeframe. You can find out more about how to develop your research methodology in order to collect this information on our How to identify your research methods page.

How to identify your research methods

Project planning

The key to completing a research project successfully is to invest time in planning and organising your project.

A student research project, whether a dissertation or a research placement, will usually involve tight timescales and deadlines. Given the wealth of tasks involved in a typical dissertation project, this can seriously limit the time available for actual data collection or research. 

As an early stage of the planning process, have a go at breaking your project down into its constituent parts: i.e. all of the tasks that you will need to complete between now and the deadline. How long will each of them take? For example:




Background reading

3 weeks

2 May

Literature review

2 weeks

16 May

Design and write methodology

1 week

23 May

Ethics review

3 weeks

14 June

Data collection

2 weeks

28 June

Data analysis

2 weeks

11 july

Produce figures

1 week

18 July

Write discussion

1 week

25 July

Draft to supervisor

1 week

1 August

Act on feedback

3 days

20 August

Formatting and bibliography

2 days

28 August

Editing and proofreading

2 days

1 September

Using Generative AI for planning

You may want to consider using a Generative AI tool to help with the planning process. The key things to consider in your approach to planning with GenAI are the following:

  • Provide as much detail as possible about your schedule and requirements when you are designing your initial prompt.
  • Be sure to build some contingency time into the plan to allow for unforeseen eventualities.
  • You may need to use multiple prompts to refine and tweak the output to generate a plan that works for you.
  • You will need to sense check the output to ensure that it is realistic and meets your needs.

Generative AI can help you to plan an overall schedule for your project and/or break down individual tasks. The following prompts may give you some inspiration for how to use GenAI to plan your dissertation project:

[PROMPT] I am a [final year undergraduate] student planning a dissertation project. I have an intermediate deadline for my literature review on [15th April 2025]. The word count for the literature review is [3000 words]. I will be on holiday from [1 April-11 April 2025]. I would like to spend [7] hours per week on this. Create a plan to help me meet this deadline. 

[PROMPT] I am a [masters] student planning a dissertation project. My research will involve [a survey] with a goal of receiving [100 responses]. I need to have this data by [20 May]. What key stages do I need to include in my planning process?

Visit How to use Generative AI for productivity for further information.

Project management

Once you have an idea of the tasks involved in your project and the rough timescales that you intend to work towards, you will need to make sure that you have a strategy in place to monitor your progress and stay on track. 

You might want to consider using one or more of the following strategies to manage your time on your dissertation project.


A simple timeline can be a clear visual way to keep track of tasks and organise them chronologically. 

Try using a large sheet of paper with a timeline drawn across the middle horizontally. Add tasks and deadlines to post-it notes and arrange them along the timeline, overlapping where the tasks allow it. 

Stick your timeline on the wall behind your desk and cross off tasks as you complete them, or move them around and add to them if your plans change or new tasks arise along the way. 

Gantt charts

A Gantt chart provides a more structured visual representation of your project and its milestones. 

Identify tasks in order down the left-hand side of the chart, identify deadlines and colour in the corresponding number of days or weeks that you anticipate the task will take. 

A Gantt chart will allow you to identify high priority ‘blocker’ tasks that need to be completed before subsequent tasks can be ‘unlocked’. For example, your ethics review will need to be complete before you are able to move onto data collection. 

You can access a free Gantt chart template via Google sheets.

Google Calendar

Google Calendar is a powerful tool to help manage your time on an independent research project. The following steps will help you to make the most of your calendar to organise the individual tasks relating to your project:

  1. Add the milestones that you have identified to the top bar of your calendar. 
  2. Block out any existing or planned other commitments in your calendar to help you to keep track of how much time you have available to devote to your project.
  3. Plan ahead and identify blocks of time that you can spend working on your dissertation, aiming to keep this as protected project time.
  4. Using your task list and your milestones, identify what specifically you intend to use each block of time to work on and add it to the event in your calendar. 

Planning ahead and committing this time to your dissertation will help you to sense check the time you have available and stick to your plan.


Trello is a simple and accessible online tool that allows you to identify and colour code tasks, set yourself deadlines and share your project plan with collaborators

You can use Trello to create a project ‘workflow’ with tasks allocated to the following sections:

  • Low priority: the tasks that are coming up in the future but which you don’t need to worry about right now.
  • High priority: the tasks that you will need to start working on soon or as a matter of urgency.
  • In progress: the tasks that you are actively working on now. Try to keep the number of in-progress tasks to a minimum to maintain your focus.
  • Under review: you may need to share progress with your supervisor or want to review things yourself. Keep tasks here until you feel they are complete.
  • Complete: tasks that are now finished and will need no further attention.

Over the course of a project like a dissertation, you will hopefully see all of your tasks move from low priority through the workflow to the point of completion. You can see an example Dissertation Planning Trello board here and some guidance for students on using Trello (Linked In Learning).

Working with your supervisor

Your supervisor will be your first point of contact for advice on your project and to help you to resolve issues arising. 

Remember, your supervisor will have a busy schedule and may be supervising several students at once. Although they will do their best to support you, they may not be able to get back to you right away and may be limited in their availability to meet you. 

There are a number of things that you can do to make the most out of the relationship. Some strategies to consider include:

  • Share plans/ideas/work-in-progress with your supervisor early 
  • Plan for meetings, sketch out an informal agenda 
  • Write down your main questions before the meeting. Don’t leave without answers!
  • Be receptive to feedback and criticism
  • Take notes/record the meeting on a smartphone (with your supervisor’s permission!)

To find out more about how to get the most out of working with your supervisor, explore our interactive digital workshop.

Top Tips

  • Read other dissertations from students in your department/discipline to get an idea of how similar projects are organised and presented. 
  • Break your project down into its constituent parts and treat each chapter as an essay in its own right.
  • Choose a topic that interests you and will sustain your interest, not just for a few days, but for a few months!
  • Write up as you go along - writing can and should be part of all stages of the dissertation planning and developing process. 
  • Keep good records – don’t throw anything out!
  • If in doubt, talk to your supervisor.

Next steps

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